It brings bad luck to cut the nails on Thursday.

If you cut your toenails on Friday, you will never have toothache..............Western Kentucky

If you cut your nails on Sunday, you will have a plague.

It brings good luck to have the nails pared on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. It brings, bad luck to have the nails pared on other days, especially Sunday.


If you trim your nails on Sunday, someone will catch you with your clothes down before the end of the week.........................Mountains

You will have good luck if you are born on Sunday.

A person born on Sunday can talk to animals at midnight of old Christmas...........Mountains

It brings good luck to wear a new dress on Sunday...........................Western Kentucky

It brings bad luck to fish on Sunday.


One will have to pick each stitch out with his nose that he sews on Sunday.

If you sew on Sunday, on Judgment Day or in hell you will have to take the stitches out with your nose.

It brings bad luck to use scissors or to sew on Sunday, unless you do not wear a thimble or unless you carry your work to a friend's house. Mountains

If you sew on Sunday, you will die on Monday.

It brings bad luck to iron on Sunday.

It is harmful to darn on Sunday, unless you cross your feet..........................Blue Grass


It brings good luck to start on a journey on Sunday.

As goes Monday, so goes the week.

If you have company on Monday, you will have company every day in the week.

If you go visiting on Monday, you will go every day in the week.

Your whole week will be unlucky if you eat in a strange house on Monday.

If a man comes to your house the first thing on Monday morning, there will be good luck all that week.

If on Monday morning a woman comes to your house before a man, you will have bad luck all that week.

You will not have good luck that week if you start to work on Tuesday.................Mountains

It is unlucky to meet a left-handed person on Tuesday ..............................Mountains

Of course, there are several superstitions from other regions of the world not included because the list would be too extensive. We look to superstitions because we want good luck not bad luck. But we also know we cannot avoid every bad thing life is capable of throwing at us. 

If you have a favorite superstition your family or friends have told you to do or avoid, please share it with me, especially if it will help me on my weight loss journey which I began on a MONDAY.