Friday, November 10, 2023

Trump, Evangelicals, and Wealth

One thing you cannot escape is Trump in the news daily. The former president finds himself swamped in criminal charges. Even with all of his legal problems, people love and support him, especially Evangelicals. How can this be? Christianity teaches against sin which includes lying, corruption, mistreatment of your fellowman, adultry, and many more actions Trump has been accused of doing. Yet, the religious community continue to support him and seemingly even encourage his antics. Trump's potential to be elected president once again has many people on edge and scratching their head wondering who would want a "criminal" (illegedly) for a president?

While I was attending Seminary, we quickly glossed over a parable which seemed to imply it is okay to use your wealth in a way to gain favor from people even if its unethically done. WHAT? I couldn't believe what I was reading and all the professor could say was, "This is seen as a controversial passage scholars have been unable to agree on its true meaning." But what was clear was this one sentence, "I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings” (Luke 16:1b-9).

Scholars cannot agree exactly what was taking place in the parable. Was the manager decreasing the amounts the master's debtors owed their master gaining favor from the debtors so they would welcome him when he no longer had a job? Does the parable teach to use your position in life to gain personal favor from people even though the way you do it is wrong? Time to look at the parable in the Bible.

In Luke’s Gospel, many of Jesus’s parables are grouped together. In chapter 15, we find the “lost” parables, where Jesus talks about misplaced coins, lost sheep, and wayward sons. In chapter 16, Luke puts two parables together: the Parable of the Shrewd Manager and the Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man.

The parable of the shrewd manager reads like this:

“There was a rich man whose manager was accused of wasting his possessions. So he called him in and asked him, ‘What is this I hear about you? Give an account of your management, because you cannot be manager any longer.’

“The manager said to himself, ‘What shall I do now? My master is taking away my job. I’m not strong enough to dig, and I’m ashamed to beg- I know what I’ll do so that, when I lose my job here, people will welcome me into their houses.’

“So he called in each one of his master’s debtors. He asked the first, ‘How much do you owe my master?’

“‘Nine hundred gallons of olive oil,’ he replied.

“The manager told him, ‘Take your bill, sit down quickly, and make it four hundred and fifty.’

“Then he asked the second, ‘And how much do you owe?’

“‘A thousand bushels of wheat,’ he replied.

“He told him, ‘Take your bill and make it eight hundred.’

“The master (Jesus) commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. I tell you, use worldly wealth to gain friends for yourselves, so that when it is gone, you will be welcomed into eternal dwellings” (Luke 16:1b-9).

There it is. The manager was cheating his boss out of money to gain favor from people he soon would be on the same level with as far as economics were concerned. The parable is specifically talking about using position, authority, and MONEY, to gain favor from people.

Many are confused how and why Evangelicals support and encourage Trump. There is no doubt Donald Trump uses his position, authority, and money to gain favor from people. He has been likened to a mob boss in doing a favor to get a favor. While campaigning for president, he makes favorable, sometime obsurd, promises to his base of supporters. Donald Trump not only uses his worldly wealth to gain friends, he uses threats too.

Some Christians choose to interpret this parable as meaning it is fine to use shrewd tactics to gain godly outcomes as evidenced by the verse in the parable, "For the people of this world are more shrewd in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light.," They see Donald Trump, a sinner, doing bad to bring about good. He is backed by Evangelicals with a clear heart because of his overturning of Roe v Wade, and favoring other causes dear to them and their Christian faith. He doesn't have to be good or use ethics to bring about desired Christian outcomes in their minds. He is crooked for Christ.
The above parable seems to show that OUTCOMES are more important than means one uses to achieve the desired outcome. This is a parable many are not familiar with and you can see why. When I first read it I could not believe cheating was being sanctioned, making friends held as important in such a way, and self gain at any cost being encouraged. Even if the passage is trying to say it is more important to have friends than to worry about money, it wasn't the manager's money to use to gain friends. The Bible is clear, greed is a sin and the love of money can impede your entrance into heaven, but this is a parable about dishonesty.

It is evident Trump's wealth is his value in his eyes. He lies about his monetary value all the time and is currently standing trial for inflating at times and deflating his monetary value at other times. Every chance he gets he asks his followers to contribute to his defese or campaign even when they have no idea how the millioaire is going to use the money sent to him. Maybe they believe they are giving their money to a kingdom cause and when it is gone, they will be welcomed into eternal dwellings. But Evangelicals support Trump. Go figure.

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Sowing Your Seed not Wild Oats

All human beings are blessed with a special gift from their creator, the ability to reproduce. While thinking about humans reproducing, I began to wonder why the male sperm is called a "seed" but a woman's egg is not called a seed and the significance of that distinction. I also wondered why men had a longer window to sire children than women. Sperm is the male reproductive cell and is derived from the Greek word sperma (meaning “seed”). A sperm cell is the male sex cell. The word sperm is derived from the Greek word σπέρμαsperma, meaning "seed". This sperm is a very minute cell present in all men. 
In animals, female gametes are called ova or egg cells and male gametes are called sperm.  When an egg cell and a sperm cell unite, the two combine to form an embryo or an unborn, developing organism. Approximately 200 million to 500 million spermatoza (also called sperm or spermatozoans), produced in the testes, are released per ejaculation.

It may come as a shock but sperm can survive within the female reproductive system for a week! There is a strong desire of the seed to produce life. Sperm are tenacious. The female's egg is viewed as passive. Just hanging out for a while waiting for a sperm to come along. In early reproductive thought, the female's contribution to the formation of life was seen as minimum and downright dismissed.

Four centuries before Christ, Aeschylus wrote: “The woman you call the mother of the child/ is not the parent, just a nurse to the seed. …The man is the source of life — the one who mounts.” The general idea was that the womb provided merely a soft field in which the male seed was sowed. Then in 1672, a Dutch physician named Regnier de Graaf found ovaries full of eggs in a number of mammals, and although he couldn’t find any eggs in humans, he was convinced they must be there somewhere. It would take 150 years and a microscope before anyone would confirm the notion. 

It is unimaginable now to believe people thought only a man could create life. People in past history believed the man alone with his ejaculation at the end of the sex act put a baby inside the woman. The newly formed child was 100% his own creation because he mounted the woman, entered her, and made a deposit. In all honesty I can see it being a plausable assumption before the advancement of science. MEN CREATE LIFE ALONE. Not arrogant at all.

It wasn’t until Antony van Leeuwenhoek sprang up from his marital bed to spread his semen on a microscope in 1677 that anyone saw them. Sperm were first observed in 1677 by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek using a microscope. He described them as being animalcules (little animals), The first person to discover where babies come from, strictly speaking, was a German biologist named Oscar Hertwig. In 1875, working at his microscope in a Naples, Italy laboratory, Hertwig dabbed a drop of sea urchin semen against the gelatinous surface of a sea urchin egg. “Moments later,” according to science journalist Edward Dolnick, “the nucleus of the sperm cell came into view, inside the egg…and then—before Hertwig’s eyes—the two nuclei fused into one. No one in history had ever seen the process of fertilization play out.” 

It was not until 1875 that a German scientist finally put the sperm and the egg together conceptually.

So why then is sperm seen as a "seed?" In farming the land is prepared for the seed to be planted and eventually grow. The seed has to be placed into a forvorable medium and environment to sprout and grow. Even though a woman has an egg, half and the same cell containing DNA to create a totally new human, her "egg" isn't placed into anything by her to sprout and grow. The sperm penetrates the egg. This is one thing (seed) going into another thing (egg) like a plant "seed" must go into the "soil." 

You may say the egg is planted within the uterus which can also represent fertile soil. But the egg just being IN the uterus does not generate or grow. The female egg is more so the representation of fertle soil and the uterus is the enviromental condition condusive for the seed to sprout and grow. Women do not plant seeds. The female egg is singular like a large field would be singular while the male's sperm is numerous just like a farmer would plant several seeds in the hope at least one (or several) will germinate. The man has millions of seeds and a long time to sow the seeds. His potential to reproduce on a large scale is assured by his daily sperm count. Thus the saying a man is sowing his seed and a child is his seed, meaning from his seed (sperm). Women do not refer to their children as their seed.

With the sperm being half of the miraculous ingrdients needed to form life, it is important for men to have healthy viable seeds. Studies have found men who ejaculated 21 or more times per month had a  lower risk of prostate cancer compared to those who ejaculated 4–7 times a month. Researchers theorize that frequent ejaculation clears the prostate of irritants or toxins that cause inflammation and contribute to prostate cancer.

A healthy lifestyle and diet are important. Foods to increase sperm production are dark chocolate which is a powerful aphrodisiac. Dark chocolate contains L-Arginine, an amino-acid which works by increasing nitric oxide, which essentially dilates blood vessels and promotes blood flow to your sexual organs, enhancing sensation, satisfaction and desire. Oysters which contain zincan essential mineral that plays an important role in improving testosterone levels as well as sperm production. Also on the list of foods good for sperm health are eggs, bananas, spinach, asparagus, garlic, and carrots amongst others.

Monday, November 6, 2023



Have you heard the saying, Indecent Proposal? Well, author, Tim Cagle, had an "Indecent Rejection." Tim is the first of hopefully many writers I will be featuring on my blog in a segmaent tiltled, A WRITER'S LIFE, in which I interview writers and how they deal with the hills and valleys that come with a writer's life. 

Even though Tim is one in a million in his writing, he is also one of thousands of writers who have received the dreaded rejection letter from agents and publishers. But thankfully, he was not deterred from creating magic with words. What he did after reading the rejection letter is probably something some of us would love to do also (Or has done?).

I hope you will be inspired and encouraged in your writing journey after reading his interview. Make sure to check out his contact information at the end of the interview.

1.  I have been a writer since the 1990’s.  I was a medical malpractice, products liability and wrongful death attorney for decades and began to write as a way to share stories about clients I could not help because the law or the facts were against us. Unfortunately, at that time, I was working 100 plus hours a week and did not have the time to bring my books up to publishable standards until I retired.

2.  I have written two medical/legal thrillers, Unexpected Enemy and Class of Two, as well as one book about songwriting, Whispers from the Silence, based on the time I shut down my law practice after I passed the bar and went to Nashville to write songs. My big break never broke and I learned I would always be a songwriter trapped in a lawyer’s body.

3.  I have lost count of the number of rejections I have received. Most of the time, agents did not even provide the courtesy of a reply, and I consider that to be a form of rejection.

4.  The worst rejection I received was from an agent regarding my most successful novel to date, Class of Two. It is the story of two lawyers, one black and one white, ex-college roommates and football All-Americans, who reunite in Boston to go to trial against the country’s leading heart surgeon. They were the first black and white teammates to live together in Texas in 1964, during the height of the Civil Rights movement. It highlights what the turbulent 1960’s were like, and how the friendship of two men could overcome the evils of society.

I sent my manuscript to an alleged agent who wrote me back a scathing review. It was highlighted by the words, “I never knew one football player who was smart enough to go to law school, let alone two!” I was at my fiery, trial lawyer, take-no-prisoners, litigation self and wrote back to him the following, “Thank you for pointing how naïve I was to think that football players could have two separate IQ points to rub together. I am now on a quest to inform the following individuals that they are too stupid to survive, 1. Byron “Whizzer” White, J.D., University of Colorado and Pittsburgh Pirates (now Steelers) running back and US Supreme Court Justice, 2. Pat Haden, Rhodes Scholar, former USC and Los Angeles Rams quarterback, 3. Dr. Frank Ryan, PHD in Mathematics, former Cleveland Browns quarterback and considered a genius in geometric function theory, 4. Alan Page, JD. Former Minnesota Vikings defensive lineman and now Minnesota Supreme Court Justice, 5. Kris Kristofferson, Rhodes Scholar, Army Ranger, Pomona College end and prolific songwriter, and 6. Nick Buoniconti, J.D., corporate attorney and a graduate of Suffolk University Law School, my alma mater. I told the agent I would inform the foregoing individuals he considered them too vapid to exist and they should immediately withdraw from societal interactions.

5. The best way to bounce back is to keep writing!  This is the most subjective business I have ever seen. It is mostly based on guesswork and despite their frequent and multiple failures, even a bad agent occasionally guesses right.

6.  My best advice for writers is to be careful to whom you listen. Many writers consider agents to be god-like figures and all-knowing gurus, when in fact, they are often self-appointed pseudo experts. I once had an agent tell me a scene I wrote about a lawyer’s first meeting with a new client lacked form, originality, scope and substance. I told her that I was at a significant disadvantage because I only had twenty-five years of law practice and trial work upon which to base my descriptions, and would do my best to imagine how a Hollywood lightweight would write the scene.

Also, never forget that most agents have twenty-something year-old assistants whom they rely on to screen a writer’s work. I was also an Evidence professor for 25 years and have some insight into how the twenty-five-year-old mind works. Most consider someone of my maturity to be an irrelevant dinosaur and consider Taylor Swift to be a goddess songwriter. I have had conversations with them about GIFTED songwriters like Smoky Robinson, Jim Webb, Norman Whitfield, Jim Croce and John Fogerty and always ask how they would have handled Taylor’s insightful lyric about how “he didn’t like it when I wore high heels”, and wait for them to look at me with the same insipid glance as the agent who told me football players were too dense to do anything but run through a wall.

Finally, do not get discouraged. My success came after I abandoned the search for an agent as I can read and interpret my own contracts. Also, when it comes to agents, always consider the source. If the chance comes to become the next J.K. Rowling, Toni Morrison or John Grisham, make sure you have a top-notch advisor by your side. If success never comes, pull out every drop of fulfillment you can because you were able to so something few people can, finish writing a book.

Above all, keep writing and stay safe,

Tim Cagle, J.D.,  an ex-linebacker who made it through law school so I could deal with arguing with expert witnesses, after I finally stopped trying to run through walls.

PLEASE take the time to visit Tim's platforms, check out his work, and share with friends and family 

Twitter and Instagram:  @timcagleauthor

Facebook and LinkedIn:  Tim Cagle 

UNEXPECTED ENEMY woman has interracial child after clinic gives her STRANGER’S SPERM;

CLASS OF TWO 2 lawyers, 1 black, 1 white, ex-roommates and football All-Amercans vs ELITE HEART SURGEON!

WHISPERS FROM THE SILENCE two songwriters fall in love in Nashville & write songs by waiting for silence to whisper the lyrics....


It's simple. Contact me at:


Friday, November 3, 2023

Rejection Letters

Everyone is familiar with the "Dear John Letter." A letter sent by a woman to a man madly in love with her who has found someone else. Dumped via a letter. These letters were usually sent to soldiers off fighting in wars on foreign soil. Their love, who promised to wait for the man's return, found someone new and was ending their relationship. These letters were viewed as the cruelest letter to receive. Many will argue in this new age, "text" breakups, are just as painful.

Writers will tell you the "rejection" letters/e-mail from potential agents and publishers are excruciating also. After writing what they believe to be the best book ever, writers send out their query letter letting agents and publishers know they have a manuscript the world needs to read. With hopes high and fingers crossed, writers wait for a reply of acceptance. To their dismay, "rejection letters" roll in quickly.

Some refusals are polite, instructive, and encouraging. Some rejections are brutal, insensitive, and cold. But writers know this is part of the process to become a published author and they continue sending their work out into the world to be rejected once again. Don't become dismayed. You are in good company. Many famous authors survived being rejected multiple times and we are forever grateful they did not give up.

  • Margaret Mitchell was rejected 38 times before she published Gone With the Wind.
  • Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen were rejected 144 times before they published Chicken Soup for the Soul.
  • Robert Pirsig was reject 121 times before publishing Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.
  • James Joyce was rejected by 22 publishing houses before Dubliners was published.
  • Joseph Heller was also rejected 22 times before publishing Catch-22.
  • Frank Herbert was rejected 23 times before publishing Dune.
  • James Patterson was rejected 31 times before publishing The Thomas Berryman Number.
  • Alex Haley received 200 rejections before seeing Roots in print.
  • Jack London received 600 rejections before publishing his first story.
  • J. K. Rowling was rejected by 12 publishing houses in a row before Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone saw the light of the day.
  • Louis L’Amour, whose books have sold 330 million copies, was rejected 200 times before he could publish his first book.

I am currently sending out queries for my book, When Will Eve Be Forgiven?, and I'm hoping not to become discouraged from the many rejection letters I'm expecting to receive. For my mental health I decided to try to engage with my fellow writers/authors as I obsessively check my e-mails for the wonderful ACCEPTANCE lettere-mail.

I enjoy INTERVIEWING people from different walks of life on various topics. I would love to share with others on my blog the agony of rejection letters and how writers find the courage to continue putting their work out there. I would love for my readers to be able to read some of the more INTERESTING rejection letters you have received.

AUTHORS!!! Participation appreciated for interviews regarding manuscript rejections. Answer the below questions, e-mail answers to, include your photo, state/country you live in (optional), work, book, links, and please share your rejection letter story. 

I need encouragement and I know other writers new or old to the querying process needs support and encouragement as well.


1.    How long have you been a writer?
2.    Genre?
3.    Estimate your number of rejections so far in your career.
4.    Worse rejection letter received.
5.    How or what do you do to bounce back from rejection of your work?
6.    Best advice for writers regarding submitting their work to agents/publishers?

Help me spread the word about this offered insight and support for writers.

Thank you all so much for your participation and good luck in your journey.

Monday, July 31, 2023

STOP Eating With The Enemy (HATERS)


One of the catch phrases of the 21st Century is about the "HATER." People complain of having haters or about how others are haters. There is a duality to this 'HATER' business. On one hand people are COMPLAINING about having someone hating them because of their looks or their possession while on the other hand are PROUD to have haters because of their looks or possessions. It has given rise to Facebook pages with titles such as "If You Have Haters, You Must Be Doing Something Right." The phrase (Player Hater) first surfaced in the late 1990s, as hip-hop was becoming mainstream. It was popularized by Notorious B.I.G. "Player Hater was the term given to those who work against or criticize the make-it-by-any-means-necessary ethos of a successful rapper or any successful person."

The phrase was eventually shortened to Hater,  encompassing "anyone who criticized — even constructively — a person's SUCCESS or business practices." Today, it just means ANYONE talking about you.

    Whenever you have someone riding both sides of a fence, loving and hating haters, there is CHAOS and that is just what this HATER-ism of the 21st Century has introduced. You don't know whether it's a compliment or if you should feel sorry for those 'PROCLAIMING' to have haters or to be hated on. I do notice that those being hated on seem to be in a lot of DRAMA all of the time. 

    No one owns up to the fact that they ENJOY drama in their lives. Social media posts state they don't pay haters any attention, it doesn't matter who does or do not like them, they protect their energy from negative people, they are use to being treated badly by bad people, and Karma will handle haters because rotten fruit falls from a tree on its own. All of this is said, yet, endless posts about people mistreating the poster are posted. My answer to those HATED by many LOVED by few: stop eating with any and every body. DON'T BREAK BREAD WITH YOUR ENEMY. 

    This expression, to break bread with others, means more than just eating; it is sharing a sense of brotherhood with someone or some group of people. And it includes, coworkers, boyfriends who are not REALLY boyfriends, cousins, aunts, girlriends who aren't REAL girlfriends. You GET IT. People you know or even your gut KNOWS do not wish the best for you behind your back and for some of you who be keeping good COMPANY with yoor ENEMY, they don't wish you the best to your face.

     Breaking bread, EATING food, whether a snack or a feast is a significant event that fosters some meaningful connection and cooperation. Connections can be POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. You are agreeing to cooperate with people you eat with in a positive or negative way. EATING TOGETHER HAS SIGNIFICANCE AND MEANING ON MANY LEVELS.

    Perhaps you are enemies; breaking bread with someone indicates a sense of forgiveness and moving forward from the offense. It indicates treatment of those eating together is ACCEPTABLE. It indicates APPROVAL of how those you eat with treat you. It is even written in the Christian Bible WHO TO EAT WITH. 

    The importance of who Christians eat with is addressed in 1 Cor. 5:11-12 "But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat." People are looking for signs from the heavens to answer prayers for peace and less pain in life. Don't eat with people who don't make you feel good, special, or worthy, let alone who are envious, jealous, and/or abusive, towards you. WHY? Family or not. You bond over bread (eating) and become (mirror) each other in ways on a spriritual level. That's why the Bible has a passage dedicated to who not to eat with. This warning is for TWO people who claim to be Christians. It is expected for the SINNER to be sinful, but not someone professing to follow Christ. So, you would be dining with a liar. Or you many be the liar. Or both/all of you are liars

    Revelation 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” One of the seven deadly sins God hates is a lying tongue (Proverbs 6:16-17). Here is why God hates lying. A person who lies hates the individual they are lying to (Proverbs 26:28). And if you hate another human being, God views the hater as a murderer (1 John 3:15; 1 John 4:20). God hates the sin of lying because it is deceptive. Liars=Hate. Hate=Lies. 21st Century is filled with liars (haters). Don't break bread with them to avoid becoming like them, or consumed by them. Don't INGEST what they are putting out during FEEDING time. You will acquire a taste for the detastable before long. 

    In a mind-body connection, what we do with our physical body such as what we eat, what we take in through touch, taste, and/or hearing, can impact our mental state positively or negatively. This results in a complex interrelationship between our minds and bodies we have failed to give enough weight to in our daily lives. 

     The famous Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev says there is a transfer of energy from one person to the next from hugs and mere handshakes and that is why many people prefer the slight bow instead of physical touch with others. The Guru also warns to be cautious when accepting water, salt, food, and even soil from the hands of others. Instead, only pick up these items others have offered after they have been set down. Not from hand to hand. Here is a link to one such video. 100% DANGEROUS | NEVER HUG AND HANDSHAKE ANYONE | SADHGURU - YouTube

    Science has proven that families that eat together have children less likely to get into trouble and have stronger family bonds. The kitchen has been called the heart of a home. People say the best way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Paul considered breaking bread so important that he said do not eat with fellow Christians who are not living according to God's word. Here are 6 positives eating together can have in bold. I will show how the positive can become a negative following the bold sentence.

1. They encourage attachment. You attach to people with BAD character

2. They promote good behavior. Their back stabbing, gossiping, and two-facedness becomes your behavior

3. Family dinner encourages conversation. Sitting around laughing and talking about others and their situations for enjoyment or to make yourself seem/feel better.

4. They promote adjustment. Never break generational curses just continue to do what all around you continue to do. Complaining becomes normal.

5. Family dinners establish confidence. Only speak when there is something wrong or only to point out faults of others. Look at only problems, ugliness, stress, strife. Only having dysfunctional behavior as an example.

6. They help your child/person learn manners. Unable to dine OUT due to lack of skills in public places around unfamiliar faces. Not modeled by your circle.

    Food and its symbolic meanings play an enormous psychological role in our lives; the consumption of food both defines and nurtures the relationships that people form with others. 

    Studies show that  20% of meals are eaten in the car and 25% of people in America eat at least one fast-food meal each day. Below are some positives associated with eating together as a family Why Eating Together Improves Our Mental Health - Origins Family Counseling

 Community – As people share meals together they share customs of their culture and their heritage.  Oftentimes, stories are shared over a meal that connect people with each other’s worlds.  One study suggests that children are more apt to know about their family history as a result of sharing meals.  These same children were shown to have closer relationships with family members, increased self-esteem, and more sense of control over their own lives.

Sharing a meal together has also been shown to increase the secretion of oxytocin, more commonly referred to as “the love hormone” or the “cuddle hormone”.  This hormone, when secreted, increases feelings of love and closeness between humans.  So, eating together causes a physiological response that draws people  to one another.  The release of oxytocin is known to aid in the digestion of foods as well!

Emotional Intelligence – Neurobiological research has shown that the secretion of oxytocin affects the regulation of the limbic system, which is the part of our brain that controls emotion.  When two people interact with one another, something happens in the brain which Allan Schore refers to as co-regulation.  The hormones that are released affect the expression of genes contributing to the development of empathy and control of aggression.  The neurons that are activated when we interact with others are referred to as mirror neurons.  This explains why we feel the pain of others.

When we choose to bond together over a meal with another person, we are making key connections in our brain that help us regulate our emotion.

Decreased Risk of Substance Abuse in Teens – There is a widely cited study done by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Colombia University.  Their 2012 findings revealed that in families who ate five to seven meals together each week, teens were less likely to engage in use of marijuana, alcohol, and tobacco than families who ate fewer than three meals per week together.  The findings of the study can be seen on their 2012 Family Dinner Report.

    Those who eat socially more often feel happier and are more satisfied with life, are more trusting of others, are more engaged with their local communities, and have more friends they can depend on for support. This is if the PEOPLE you eat WITH are those who you trust with your mind, body, and spirit. What does eating with people who mean you harm on some level do for you? YOU GOT IT. Make you unhappy, less satisfied with life, less trusting, less engaged in your local community, and are LESS people you can depend on for support of any kind.

    Potential benefits can be identified at three different levels: communal, networking, and personal. These can be identified, respectively, with (a) building wider community and inter-community relationships, usually on a large scale but at infrequent intervals (‘feasting’ in the more conventional sense), (b) making and reinforcing (i.e. servicing) friendship and family relationships, usually on a modest scale and at more frequent (perhaps even daily) intervals and (c) at the personal level in terms of health benefits. If you eat with the enemy or HATERS you are building your community, network of friends, and your close INTIMATE circle out of people who don't mean you well. You don't HAVE to EAT with such people. You may have to be AROUND them, but don't eat with them. Only eat with those who love, support, and adore you. 

     There is now considerable evidence, for example, to suggest that the size and quality of one’s social network has very significant consequences for one’s health, susceptibility to illness (and even death), wellbeing and happiness. We also know that activities such as laughter, singing and dancing all lead to an enhanced sense of bonding towards those with whom one does these activities, mainly because they trigger the endorphin system in the brain that underpins primate social bonding. Since endorphins are involved in the control of feeding, the very fact of eating might itself trigger the endorphin system and promote bonding, and doing so socially may lead to the same kind of enhanced endorphin effects from behavioural synchrony that have been noted in physical exercise. Hence, people who eat often with others might be expected to have larger social networks and be happier and more satisfied with their lives, as well as being more engaged with their communitiesBreaking Bread: the Functions of Social Eating - PMC ( 

    If you want to be happy? EAT with happy people. Want to be successful? EAT with successful people. Want to be loving, kind, considerate? EAT with loving, kind, considerate people. Want to be miserable? EAT with miserable people. Want to be negative? EAT with negative people. YOU GOT IT.

There are so many things in life a person can not change and other people is the number one thing a person cannot change. But, a person can change SELF. The practice of INTAKE. What you take into you body through various access points can be LIFE CHANGING. Practice being mindful who you break bread with. 

Tuesday, July 25, 2023

Murder is American History


  What is LIFE like for Black people post slavery in America?

    It is a life in America, a country in which they are native born members, still having to check a box proclaiming they are AFRICAN AMERICAN. 

    It is a life in America, a country their ancestors made into a rich super power in the world by their FREE labor, where history erases their PROFOUND contributions of toil, torture, and death.

    It is a life in America, a country in which they have had to continually fight for the right to have rights, where no one gets the continual injustices perpetrated against a SKIN COLOR.

    It is a life in America, a country comprised of immigrants, where lynching remained an unpunishable crime until 2022. MURDER IS A PART OF AMERICA'S PAST HISTORY AND IT'S PRESENT HISTORY.

    If you Google Emmet Till, Wikipedia will be the first thing to pop up and the first paragraph will say:

"Emmett Louis Till (July 25, 1941 – August 28, 1955) was an African American boy who was abducted, tortured, and LYNCHED in Mississippi in 1955 at the age of 14, after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her family's grocery store. The brutality of his murder and the acquittal of his killers drew attention to the long history of violent persecution of African Americans in the United States. Till posthumously became an icon of the Civil Rights Movement."


    The story of Till has been told for years and recently captured in the film (2022) directed by Chinonye, Chukwu and written by Michael Reilly, Keith Beauchamp, and Chukwu, and produced by Beauchamp, Reilly, and Whoopi Goldberg. It has grossed $11 million against a production budget of $20 million. It was not a blockbuster movie, but that was not the intent. 

    If you went to the movie and sat until the end, you would have seen the death of Emmet Till inspired the Antilynching Bill. The Emmett Till Antilynching Act is a landmark United States federal law which makes lynching a federal hate crime. The Act was not law until 2022! 

    Lynchings were violent public acts that white people used to terrorize and control Black people in the 19th and 20th centuries, particularly in the South. Lynchings typically evoke images of Black men and women hanging from trees, but they involved other extreme brutality, such as torture, mutilation, decapitation, and desecration. Some victims were burned alive.

    A typical lynching involved a criminal accusation, an arrest, and the assembly of a mob, followed by seizure, physical torment, and murder of the victim. Lynchings were often public spectacles attended by the white community in celebration of white supremacy.

    The highest number of lynchings during that time period occurred in Mississippi, with 581 recorded. Georgia was second with 531, and Texas was third with 493.Black people were the primary victims of lynching: 3,446, or about 72 percent of the people lynched, were Black. But they weren't the only victims of lynching. Some white people were lynched for helping Black people or for being anti-lynching. 

    1619 is the year used as the date slavery began in America. 1619 is the date it was approved and sanctioned to torture, terrorize, and MURDER Black people in America. The history of MURDER is what govenors like Ron DeSantis are trying to erase from American History. He fails to realize these horrors have been woven in the DNA of the victims and will not go gently into the night. 

    The lynching of Michael Donald in Mobile, Alabama, on March 21, 1981, was one of the last reported lynchings in the United States. Several Ku Klux Klan (KKK) members beat and killed Michael Donald, a 19-year-old African-American, and hung his body from a tree. It has only been 42 years since the LAST LYNCHING in America!!

     In 2021, there were 18 Ku Klux Klan groups in the United States. The term 'hate groups' includes groups which have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people. Their activities can include criminal acts, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting, or publishing (In 2021, there were 733 active hate groups in the United States, down from 1,020 in 2018. The term 'hate groups' includes groups which have beliefs or practices that attack or malign an entire class of people. Their activities can include criminal acts, rallies, speeches, meetings, leafleting, or publishing. 

    The Emmett Till Antilynching Act amends the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act and prior hate crime laws to define lynching as any conspired bias-motivated offense which results in death or serious bodily injury. It was passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on February 28, 2022, and U.S. Senate on March 7, 2022, and signed into law on March 29, 2022, by President Joe Biden.

    Today, the subject and memory of Emmet Till will be recounted by the news media on a continual loop. The younger generation will largely ignore this pivotal piece of history. Many of the older generation will grumble people should leave old stuff alone and quit talking about it. There will be the group of people happily proclaiming how much America (people) have changed and we no longer live in a time where racism and it's cruelty were almost entertainment and a group activity. And there will be people enraged for too many reasons for me to account or understand. Many Americans will have even  MORE hatred for the Democratic president, Joe Biden, for his attention to the Black Community.

Today President Biden will designate a national monument at three sites in honor of Emmett Till and his mother, Mamie Till-Mobley — both of whom served as catalysts for the civil rights movement. Biden is expected to sign a proclamation on Tuesday, July 25, which will be the 82nd anniversary of Till's birth.

The new monument will be established across three locations in Illinois and Mississippi in an effort to protect places that tell Till's story, as well as reflect the activism of his mother, who was instrumental in keeping the story of Till's murder alive.

    For people on both sides of this history of MURDER, there are strong feelings. Some want to FORGET and some who want to REMEMBER. Today is another day where the heart, mind, and spirit of the people who make up America will bee seen. Today will show what life in America is like for a Black person post slavery in America.

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