Saturday, September 21, 2024

Why Are Republicans Cheaters In Politics?

From Georgia to Arizona, Nevada to Michigan, Republicans are mounting an all-out assault on the election process that journalist Ari Berman refers to as a “five-alarm fire for democracy.”

Why are Republicans turning to CHEATING in an effort to ensure their presidential nominee, Donald Trump, wins the presidential election? Come on. Let's not play dumb. Haven't you cheated at something at least once in your life? If you answered yes, then you know why the Republicans have gone to tactics which are definitely in the category of cheating. But, in case you don't know why people cheat, continue reading.

When we think of cheating, we first think of infidelity in relationships. We think about men and women cheating on each other because it is done so much it has become the NORM, expected, and really no big deal in society. Married men: 20–25% of married men cheat, according to Professor Nicholas Wolfinger. A 2024 study found that 20% of men admitted to having sex with someone outside their marriage. Married women: 10–15% of married women cheat, according to Professor Nicholas Wolfinger. A 2024 study found that 13% of married women admitted to having sex with someone outside their marriage.

We are not talking about relationships though. We are talking about one political party trying to CHEAT the American people out of their VOTE and their desired choice for PRESIDENT. This has not been occurring forever, it is not the norm. But Republicans have been cheating so much and for so long that it has become EXPECTED of them by society, hopefully not ACCEPTED by society. So, what are our Republican friends up to now? 

Georgia Republicans altered how counties count and certify votes. The Georgia state election board passed a new rule that empowers board members—whose traditional role has been to ministerially certify the number of votes cast for each candidate—to condition certification on a “reasonable inquiry that the tabulation and canvassing of the election are complete and accurate and that the results are a true and accurate accounting of all votes cast in that election.” Broken down, the election board can question ballots and delay state certification of votes if their man doesn't win. 

In Texas, the Republican-controlled state government has for years tried to restrict voting in districts where Democratic candidates do well. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced this week that he has purged over 1 million voters from Texas voter rolls. This increasingly common tactic inevitably removes legally registered voters, often through faulty data screens that target likely Democratic voters. As the old church singers sung, 'Your name is removed from up yonder when the roll is called,' or something like that.

Also in Texas, last week, under Paxton’s orders, the homes of a dozen members of LULAC, the League of United Latin American Citizens, were raided and searched by Texas authorities, including SWAT teams. LULAC said in a statement, “Attorney General Paxton’s actions clearly aim to suppress the Latino vote through intimidation and any means necessary to tilt the electoral process in favor of his political allies.” These are fear and intimidation tactics long employed by cheaters.

Lindsey Graham, in an effort to ensure Trump wins all of Nebraska's electoral votes, went to Nebraska to try and get them to change their electoral count rules within 50 days of an election so that they just happen to disenfranchise a bunch of voters. Nebraska splits its five votes, granting two of them to the winner of the state’s popular vote, while the other three are given to the winner of the three congressional districts. 

The South Carolina Republican, Graham, met with Governor Jim Pillen and more than a dozen Republican lawmakers Wednesday with the hopes of shoring up support for a bill that would make all five of Nebraska’s electoral votes go to whoever wins the state, Nebraska’s Republican congressional delegation wrote a letter to Pillen Wednesday urging the state to return to a model where all the votes would be granted to the winner of the whole state. Such a bill would transform Nebraska’s presidential election into a winner-take-all system—at the very last minute. They wanted ALL of Nebraska's votes to go to who they believed would win the state, Donald Trump ensuring Kamala Harris could not receive ANY votes from the state.

Republicans are doing some BOLD in your face CHEATING and do not care who knows it. But why do they continue to cheat even when they know people HATE CHEATERS? Because the reward for them is worth it. 

Cheating can be a shortcut to money, fame, and success. It promises all the reward without the work. It's the path of least resistance—as long as you can avoid being caught. Republicans are so desperate to win, they don't care if they get caught cheating. Their NEED to win has left the realm of what a healthy mature person will and will not do. There are no deterrents such as shame, guilt, and/or ostracization by society that can rein in their need to win. Many would say they have crossed over to sociopathic, psychotic behavior. Everyone agree and know they are prone to CRIMINAL behavior. Their top man Donald Trump is a convicted FELON. Isn't that a criminal?

Research across different fields, from academics to sports, suggests that people with lower self-esteem are more likely to cheat. They might cheat to achieve goals, boost their image, or avoid failure because they don't believe in their abilities. People may also cheat to obtain money or prestige, a desire to prove they're smart, or because they are impulsive. Winning elections such as the presidency, allows for all of the aforementioned REWARDS.

In sports, success often involves comparing oneself to others, which can lead to a sense of entitlement and the belief that one is better than others. Politics is the highest of competitions. It is seen by an audience of millions of voters. The voters are rooting and cheering for their TEAM to win. Just like in sports, the candidates vying for political offices will cheat to win to avoid embarrassment or awkwardness, to attain a certain rank or status, to see if they can get away with it and/or to prove they're smart.

Okay. We know people cheat. You may be one of the cheaters, past or present. But WHAT type of person cheats? WHAT are the different types of personalities that are most likely to cheat? There are several types of personalities that have been found to be more prone to cheating, including narcissists, psychopaths, and those with an avoidant attachment style.

There you have it! A narcissist and/or psychopath are known to be cheaters. Narcissism can present as a mental health disorder along with psychopathic behavior. A narcissist is a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves. Narcissists think the world revolves around them. President elect Donald Trump checks that box. A psychopath typically is a person who is callous, manifests antisocial behaviors, does not see other people as human beings, manipulates them, betrays them, uses them and has total disregard for the law. We have a winner! Donald Trump gets a check for this box also. He uses people, gives them marching orders and then publicly deny he has ever seen or known them. Enter Laura Loomer.

When people succeed in competition against others, it seems to compromise their ethics. It makes them more likely to cheat afterwards. On the flip side, when someone fails too many times, they look for other ways to win such as cheating. Donald Trump has won a presidential election (2015) and lost a presidential election (2020). This makes his chances of cheating even greater because he is operating from both sides of the coin. 

When trying to find an answer or strategy to stop people, Republicans, from cheating, the solution becomes problematic because they are not operating as 'normal' people. Remember, many of the actions of some of the Republican party have crossed over the line of acceptable behavior for a rational person. If they are not affected by symptoms of mental illness than they are operating under peer pressure or even coercion. Lindsey Graham went to Nebraska after public suggestions by a close Trump supporter, Laura Loomer he was 'gay' which he denied. Research suggests that patients with mental illness may be more prone to VIOLENCE if they do not receive adequate treatment. Violence is not always just physical. Everyone knows Trump is not afraid of stirring the pot (or to get others to do the stirring for him) of violence to get people to do his bidding or in retaliation.

Lindsey Graham was one of many Republicans asking Donald Trump to distance himself from the baseless conspiracy theory spreader (Laura Loomer), who also makes racist and degrading posts on her social media platform with a large number of followers. Her response to Graham's request, “Lindsey Graham has never been loyal to President Trump,” Loomer wrote on X (formerly Twitter), adding, “When is Lindsey coming out of the closet? We all know you’re gay, Lindsey… and that’s ok.” If she was used as a WEAPON, she hit EVERY TARGET.

Over the course of the past seven years, Loomer has posted an unending stream of racist and Islamophobic content online, while pushing conspiracy theories about school shootings, election fraud, and the January 6 attack on the Capitol.

Loomer posted a racist attack against Vice President Kamala Harris. “The White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center,” Loomer wrote in a post on X.

Even Marjorie Taylor Greene, a Georgia congresswoman who has pushedschool shooting conspiracies, boosted QAnon, and even questioned if Nancy Pelosi should be tried for treason and executed, called Loomer’s recent social media posts “extremely racist.”

The only way to combat evil is to continue to do good. Edmund Burke said it best, "All that is necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing," Voting for people who put the welfare of country and citizens first, without seeking glory, status, or power is how we combat Republicans who have crossed over the SANITY line, either by mental illness, coercion, threat and/or intimidation. Voting, running for political offices, and continuing to resist is what will show there is no room for cheaters in politics just like in sports and relationships.

Even if you, yourself have cheated in life, let us not allow cheating to become the 'norm' in our lives and society when it comes to our political process. Republicans, as I said earlier are BOLD and in your face cheating. With our focused engagement in politics and wise voting, eventually, the GOOD will conquer the BAD


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