Friday, September 14, 2012

Courtney Moore"s Interview. Michigan Keeping it Real

I am so pleased to have this interview. It is filled with honesty and how this generation of technology view their hair and all that it entails. With that said, I have had the privilege of getting a wide range of opinions about locs, and the great thing about the interviews is, there is no right or wrong opinion. It is self philosophy and self awareness being shared with others.
I hope you enjoy this interview as much as I have
Hey! This is Blackbeatnik (Courtney Moore) from tumblr and this is my answer to your interview questions as well as a pic of my locs. 
1.      What was the initial reaction/response of family/friends/ co-workers to your hair style choice?
Most of my family didn't react at all, they were more stunned by my fro than by my decision to get locs. I didn't really announce I was getting locs, I just went ahead and did it. They're cool with it I guess. They haven't said otherwise and a lot of my friends as well as my mom want them now.       
 2.      Are you in a career that is friendly to your hair style choice?
  I work at a Pizzeria so yeah they don't care
 3.      Did you notice a boost in confidence or other personal changes once you decided to wear dreadlocks?
I do feel a lot cooler ha ha! And U get hit on more often now with men saying "Oh I really like your hair"! So yeah. I am also more careful about what I put on my scalp and what I am eating.
 4.      What do you like or dislike about dreadlocks?
I love that I don't have to comb my hair! I've always hated that. What I hate about them is people always touching them without my permission and the stupid questions I get asked sometimes.
 5.      What state are you from and is there a large population of dread wearers there?
I live in Detroit Michigan and there is actually a fast growing natural hair community. I definitely notice more loc wearers than say, 5 years ago.
 6.      Do you believe dreadlocks add to the masculinity of the black male or does it box him in to more stereotypes?
I think it's a little bit of both. Because I notice sometimes when a brother walks in somewhere and he has dreads, especially if he's larger, people tense up ya know? I def am more attracted to black men who have dreads.
7.      When did you decided to go natural/dreadlock?
 I started transitioning in 2009, and loc'd Valentine’s Day this year 2012.
 8.      Do you view wearing dreadlocks as a larger tie to the African American culture?
 9.      Is there a generational gap of misunderstanding about the political component associated with the dread wearers of Jamaica?
Hmm. I mean, I guess. Everyone has their own reasons for wearing dreads and some people do see it as a political statement and may look at someone who is wearing them for fashion as undeserving or making a mockery of it.
 10.  Does it concern you how other ethnic groups view young black men wearing dreadlocks?
I'm on the fence about it because on the one hand we as black people do all kinds of stuff to our hair to make it look like a white person's. So if they wanna look like us then - you know, but on the other hand I feel like in a way it's cultural appropriation. They buy the fro wigs for Halloween and things like that and I see it as disrespectful so I am always a little suspicious but I take it case by case.
 11.  Are Dreadlocks just another hairstyle or is there a certain responsibility or honor that comes with wearing dreadlocks
They are definitely NOT just another hairstyle, and if you feel that way then I think locs are not for you. To me it's so much more.
I grew up wishing I had blond hair and [blue] eyes and I carried that with me for a very long time. Going natural and growing locs has helped me to accept myself and love myself as I was made; Instead of apologizing for it and trying to look like something else. It's like a healing process for me, and that goes back to what I was saying in the previous question.

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