Sunday, February 25, 2024

Lust/Love and Social Media

Tina Turner had a song which asked, "What's love gotta do with it?"

You must understand, though the touch of your handMakes my pulse reactThat it's only the thrill of boy meeting girlOpposites attract
It's physicalOnly logicalYou must try to ignore that it means more than that

Oh-oh, what's love got to do, got to do with it?What's love but a second-hand emotion?What's love got to do, got to do with it?Who needs a heart when a heart can be broken?
Seems like Tina was on to something. She tried to clue us in to the FACT that what a person is calling LOVE at first sight is no more than ATTRACTION and/or LUST. Dating people rarely make it to the true LOVE stage. Let's talk.

Even though many of us don’t want to admit it, good looks are the strongest factor influencing attraction. That’s according to Madeleine A. Fugère, Ph.D., a psychology professor at Eastern Connecticut State University and author of The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic RelationshipsCultural and family norms can have a big impact on the types of people we might choose to pursue or not pursue as potential romantic partners also.

Mating market preferences and decisions regarding attractiveness are arguably based on three core areas: appearances (aesthetics), personal characteristics and qualities (personality), and the ability to provide (resource) access and security to potential suitors.

Social media allows the modern man (and women) to be a hunter. Not a hunter of animals, but a hunter of women (men).

Hunting is viewed as status or competition among men and within their community. Hunting for men, more rarely for women, is fascinating and emotionally arousing with the parallel release of testosterone, serotonin, and endorphins, which can produce feelings of euphoria and alleviate pain. Dopamine is also a chemical released by the brain and is usually described as a “reward chemical”, whose evolutionary function is to give us an emotional hit when engaged in activities that are likely to improve our reproductive success such as hunting. For centuries, a man being a successful hunter elevated his status among the other men and increased his potential for mating with the females. 

According to a team of scientists led by Dr. Helen Fisher at Rutgers, romantic love can be broken down into three catagories: lust, attraction, and attachment. Each category is characterized by its own set of hormones stemming from the brain. Lust is driven by the desire for sexual gratification. The hypothalamus of the brain plays a big role in this, stimulating the production of the sex hormones, testosterone and estrogen, from the testes and ovaries. Testosterone increases libido in just about everyone. 

Attraction involves the brain pathways that control “reward” behavior, which partly explains why the first few weeks or months of a relationship can be so exhilarating and even all-consuming. This is that on cloud nine stage of dating.

Dopamine, produced by the hypothalamus, is a particularly well-publicized player in the brain’s reward pathway – it’s released when we do things that feel good to us. In this case, these things include spending time with loved ones and having sex. High levels of dopamine and a related hormone, norepinephrine, are released during attraction. These chemicals make us giddy, energetic, and euphoric, feelings even leading to decreased appetite and insomnia – which means you actually can be so “in love” that you can’t eat and can’t sleep. 

Many people in the dating scene ONLY want the lust and attraction stage of relationships. When the 'feel good' chemicals no longer give them their cloud nine feeling, they believe the love is gone when the relationship never entered the love stage. The lust and attraction hormones are the most powerful 'street' drugs making short-term relationship addicts out of the everyday person.

Brain scans of people 'in love' have actually shown that the primary “reward” centers of the brain, including the ventral tegmental area and the caudate nucleus, fire like crazy when people are shown a photo of someone they are intensely attracted to, compared to when they are shown someone they feel neutral towards (like an old high school acquaintance). The same brain regions light up when we become addicted to material goods as when we become emotionally dependent on our partners. And addicts going into withdrawal are not unlike love-struck people craving the company of someone they cannot see.

When looking at attachment oxytocin is often nicknamed the “cuddle hormone” for this reason. Like dopamine, oxytocin is produced by the hypothalamus and released in large quantities during sex. Cuddling can lead to attachment. Attatchment can lead to long-term relationships. [1] Men figured out a long time ago that cuddling after sex means you are in a relationship. Think back to people you were with sexually and whether or not they enjoyed cuddling with you. 

Social media is over stimulating attraction, lust, and the hunter-conqueror aspect of men with quick, easy access to beautiful women around the world of different ethnicities and cultures. I emphasize beautiful women because its scientific fact men are more sexually aroused by visual stimuli (photos), but women are more sexually aroused by concrete, auditory, olfactory, touch and emotionally relevant sexual stimulation. The internet is a crack dealer offering a wide selection of men and women to get HIGH on daily.

The mating game has always been a game about dipping into a healthy gene pool. Science continues to tell us men and women want to have a mate who is healthy.

Physical characteristics (e.g., narrow waist, long legs, and medium–large breasts) play an important role in determining attractiveness and selecting a potential mate for men. According to research, men prefer women with long, thick, and shiny hair. Turns out, they subconsciously consider this an indicator of good health, vital energy, and even a sign of fertility.

Studies have shown that pheromones reveal a variety of information about a person, including the one that relates to the health of their immune system. Therefore, men are able to determine women with the best immune system with the help of their smell. Wonder if that is why we wear so much perfume and cologne?

When we first look at a person, we are taking in more information than we realize. The symmetry of the face has a high importance in determining the attractiveness of women. It can even be calculated with the help of several tricks. Men pay attention to these criteria subconsciously because these facial features are a sign of good genes. Asymmetry, on the contrary, is associated with poor health, bad genes, and even abnormalities in the reproductive organs. The condition of women’s teeth plays a significant role for the representatives of the male gender. All because it gives an idea of its “residual reproductive value” regardless of age. I knew that you could check a horse's teeth to determine their age, but I never thought about humans doing it.

Studies have shown that men prefer thin female voices because they are perceived as younger and more womanish and show a high level of estrogen. Moreover, a high-pitched voice also assumes a smaller body size, while a low voice is usually more associated with masculinity, which means that women like men who have a deep voice. When hearing it, they subconsciously imagine a big and strong man.

Though women might be known for spending more time in front of the mirror, it’s actually men who are more judgemental when it comes to looks. According to a 2007 study performed in Germany, men placed far greater importance on the attractiveness of their mates than females. Remember, men are hunters and love to bag a trophy. He goes for the big game. 

And while women were still drawn to attractive men, they were more likely to consider dating less attractive individuals if they possessed other qualities they prized. Women choose handsome, tall men for short-term relationships but choose men with status for long-term relationships.

Women with higher BMIs (body mass index) or lower facial attractiveness were less selective in mate selection than their thinner, more attractive counterparts. Furthermore, these women became even less selective when there were more attractive females in the room.[2]  In this case, it was her attractiveness (not his) that influenced her selection. While looks are indeed important to women, they typically base their mate selection on more contextual factors. Surprising examples include the availability of competition and their estimates of their own attractiveness. You are right guys. You can never really know what a woman wants.

Women are not attracted directly to wealth and status, but to the behaviours indicating a man genuinely has wealth and status. 

Women are attracted to men with status and wealth. Women must be able to differentiate between the men who genuinely have wealth and social status, and those who are faking. One way to do this is by developing a heightened sense of social perception and recognizing what a successful man's behaviour looks like compared to the behaviour of an imitator. The behaviours become the primary source of attraction. 

This provides the explanation for why it seems like wealth, status, and height matter so much. If you were suddenly made better looking, a few inches taller, and inherited a billion dollars, would you behave the same way you do now? Of course not! You’d instantly be more confident, more relaxed, happier, less stressed out, and so on.

Women pick up on these behaviours, and it’s these behaviour patterns that are at the core of attraction, not the wealth and status itself. One study has shown that whether a man is considered attractive has more to do with the absence of bad qualities, rather than the presence of good qualities.

My next point I found as a surprise. The best looking thing on a man may be a good-looking woman. Women rate a man they see with an attractive woman as more desireable than an unattatched man. SURPRISE! Women probably assume partnered-up men must have those qualities of smarts and personality to be an appropriate match for a good-looking mate. 

Of course there are hundreds of studies that try to figure out how and why we are attracted to the people we are attracted to. Social media is filled with people giving relationship advice. No matter the findings by professionals and amatuers, no one has found the magic potion to get the person you want to want you back. Those dating in the dating world, with the help of social media, are offered a buffet full of selections. We know a person's appetite can be picky and ever changing. And if diners are like me, they eat their dessert first. 

Even with the ease of having a bigger pool to select a mate from, long-term relationships remain elusive. Drugs mess you up. Lust and attraction are 'drug' induced feelings. Addiction to the feel good feelings can make you a serial dater. "Love" addicts fall in and out of love and wonder why they can not find the 'one.' The truth is the 'one' will be boring after the lust and attraction drugs die down or when you build up a tolerence to them. The person then has to decide once the butterflies and fireworks die down, do they still want to be with the person. Most people move on to the next bigger better high. I say it again, social media is a drug dealer.

So, you get no dating advice from me. I will just say good luck and good hunting.

Tips given to make a person more attractive.

1.    Women smile more. Smiling makes women look friendly and “sexually receptive.” The same doesn’t hold true for men. People typically associate expressions of happiness with femininity.

2.    Women, wear the color red. This red-attractiveness link is partially explained by men’s perceptions of implied sexual receptivity among women wearing reddish garb. Studies have shown women tend to wear red and pink when they are biologically more sexually receptive, like during ovulation. Can anyone say Barbie? If you want attention from the ladies, a man's best bet is to stick to red, purple, black, blue, or white (but only white if it's in the form of a plain white t-shirt with jeans). 

3.    Don't play hard to get. Recent studies suggest that people are more likely to rate others as attractive if they can easily understand the emotions they’re displaying. 

4.    A higher-pitched voice in women is more attractive to men—and vice versa, a lower-pitched voice in men is more attractive to women. 

5.    A sense of humor in a man has been scientifically proven to draw the attention of women. Men also find women who laugh at their humor attractive.

6.    Be kind. The ‘halo effect’ suggests that those who are perceived as physically attractive are also perceived as having socially favorable personality traits like kindness.

7.    The most attractive physical features fall under ‘self-care’—things like good grooming, clean hair, nice fitting and quality clothing, good posture, and healthy weight. We are more likely to search out a partner who is healthy and strong (which mean good genes), as well as capable of taking care of future offspring, which is evidenced by how they take care of themselves. 

8.    Don't stress. Women seem to be able to detect the men who have the strongest immune response and they seem to find them the most attractive. The researchers suspect that testosterone, which is linked with a strong immune system and low cortisol, also plays a role in attracting women.

9.    Faces with natural makeup were seen favorably but faces with more dramatic makeup were seen as less trustworthy. On social media, men seem to DM women with great bodies and makeup skills, but they don't trust them. Men should grow facial hair, especially a beard because it makes him seem more masculine.

Excerpts taken from my manuscript, Manhood Interrupted Please like, share, comment, and follow. Thank you   

[1] Wu, Katherine, Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship, 02/17/2017. www.Love, Actually: The science behind lust, attraction, and companionship - Science in the News (

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Donald Trump and Racism (Vote)



I have been left bewildered by people who continue to support Donald Trump. I just don't get why people back a man who is ruled by greed and motivated by racism and sexism. They can no longer deny his flawed character and turn to the Bible and say God has always used flawed people. I'm sorry. As a Black person, there is not enough of Christian-splaining to get me on board with an outright racist.

If I haven't said it lately, I'll say it now. I am a Christian first, second, and last. As a practicing Christian I use the Bible as my guide for daily living. It instructs me in 2 Timothy 2:15, King James Version (KJV) "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

Christians have a DUTY to correctly understand the Scriptures, live by a correct understanding of the Scriptures, and to teach sound doctrine in regard to Scripture. If people see Donald Trump as a man chosen by God, what is the KINGDOM mission, or message Trump has?
I have heard on many news programs whether God figures into a candidate's choices and motivations. Christians are encouraged not to make any decisions in their public or private life without prayer and making sure that the decision is in line with "What Would Jesus Do" or "What Would God have me to do." I must say that I am offended by people speaking sarcastically about this religious practice. But a person's individual religious practice should not be forced on others. People should be able to see by a person's actions whether that person is living out the faith they proclaim.

If there was a list made of sinful things Donald Trump does and Godly things Trump does, which list would be the longest? The way he speaks about minorities, like at the Black Conservative Federation and about E. Jean Carroll would not go in his Godly column.

Trump: “These lights are so bright in my eyes. And I can't see so many people out there. But I can only see the black ones, I can’t see the white ones. That's how far I’ve come.”
It saddens me to read our Black youth saying they have no plan to vote. Their grandparents fought so hard for them to enjoy freedoms, and they WILL lose them checking out of politics because they are at PRESENT able to live without being arrested, harassed, targeted, for being Black. People ask, "How could humans ever have owned humans?" Simple. People never believed people would go that far. Religion, sadly, has always been the 'entry' card to gain power and do evil. Exactly what the Republican Party is doing now, and minorities and women cannot envision themselves being treated inhumanely by other humans. Our history is proof that it happens. YOUNG PEOPLE, YOU MUST VOTE!!!
The Republican Party is taking the lasting respect of Christianity down. People pointed to Christianity as crazy at times. Take speaking in tongues for example, which my denomination does not do, seems crazy to many denominations and outsiders. Speaking in tongues does not make Christians crazy, a little scary like the Scriptures says they would appear to others, yes, but not psycho. The TRUTH about speaking in tongues is a Christian is not to speak in tongues unless there is an interpreter present to tell the listeners what is being said. As I said, interpretation of Scripture has been a point of contention between denominations and speaking in tongues is one of them. The original meaning of 'speaking in tongues' does not mean a gibberish language, but different languages from different parts of the world (Spanish, French, Italian etc.). Speaking in tongues does not send anyone to hell unless it is used as a measuring stick for salvation. This truth in Scripture has been divided in many different ways and 'wrongly' at times.
Donald Trump is on the world stage and never passes a microphone without speaking. He name-call people, belittle people, constantly complain, elevate himself above others, lie compulsively, demonstrate greed, and panders to the worse emotions of his followers. I ask again, what is his Kingdom mission for God? Trump is for Trump and the people who support him are also for self.

Philippians 3:7 "Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." This is not Donald Trump. This is not the Republican Party. Each try to outdo the other as the most hateful. Democrats are not perfect either, but they are not malicious, racist, or sexist. YOUNG PEOPLE YOU MUST VOTE!!!
I keep using the word sad when I speak about the United States' political climate. I'm also in disbelief at how my sisters and brothers in Christ are behaving. It causes me pain to hear and see how people use and try to manipulate Christianity for their own purposes. This should be the issue that affects Evangelicals the most: What kind of ambassador for God have we become?

Why do I continue to speak on this subject? Because it is my duty as a Christian. Matthew 18:15-17“If your brother or sister sins, go and point out their fault, just between the two of you. If they listen to you, you have won them over. But if they will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector."
Young people, you have a duty to continue to ensure everyone in America is safe from racism and sexism and all other "isms." America is your house, and you would never allow horrible things to happen in your home. Black men and women declare themselves KING and QUEENS. Well, it's time to defend your kingdom and make sure those you rule are taken care of. VOTE.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

Powerful Manhood


Welcome to Leap Year 2024.

Gals get ready. It's your turn. You are allowed to ask that special someone for their hand in marriage.

What is a leap year? To be a leap year, the year number must be divisible by four - except for the end -of-the century years, which must be divisible by 400. This means that the year 2000 was a leap year, although 1900 was not. 2024, 2028, 2032 and 2036 are all leap years. More importantly, it is a year when women are okay'd to propose to men, in theory.

According to new research published by Up at The O2, 11 million Brits say it’s time to abolish the antiquated tradition of men proposing to women. Commissioned ahead of Leap Day (February 29th) - a calendar date that comes round just once every four years - the data shows that nearly one in five women in committed relationships have thought about taking the lead and proposing to their male partners this year. That is in Britain, not everywhere in the world.

Women in Finland are advised to propose only on leap year day, -- Feb. 29 -- for good luck. If her boyfriend should refuse, he is required to pay her a "fine": enough fabric to make a skirt.

In Scotland, an unmarried Queen Margaret allegedly enacted a law in 1288 allowing women to propose on leap-year day. But there was a catch: The proposer had to wear a red petticoat (a skirt under her skirt) to warn her intended that she planned to pop the question. Maybe so he could run!!! Perhaps the most well-known of the leap-year marriage superstitions belongs to Ireland, where, again, women are advised to propose only on Feb. 29 for good luck. 

In America, ever since the feminist revolution of the '70s, cracks have been appearing in that monolith (of men only proposing), and the 2020s may be the decade in which that outdated supposition finally falls. Women proposing to their male partners is nothing new, but still rare. Recent surveys show that in straight married couples, only 5 percent of women proposed. But attitudes are changing, and pretty soon, women may claim equal access to the uniquely heart-fluttering, mouth-drying experience also known as popping the question. A full 70 percent of men would welcome their female partner proposing marriage, a 2015 survey by Glamour found. 

But hold on, There's more to this Leap Year saga. Many believe it is unlucky to get married on a Leap Year or tie the knot on a Leap Day! The Greeks and Italians believe that marrying on a leap day will lead to bad luck. The Greeks believe that most marriages celebrating the anniversary will lead to divorce. As for the Italians, leap year is reportedly when women are erratic.

Fellas, The Chinese are not on your side in dodging Leap Year 2024. 2024 will be celebrated as the ‘Year of the Wood Dragon’. The positive qualities of wood (like growth and flexibility), combined with the inspiring traits of the mythical animal ensure that 2024 will be filled with opportunities for personal growth, happiness and fortune. Year of the Wood Dragon is particularly great for forging strong bonds and lasting love.

There are a couple of reasons why 2024 is the luckiest year to get married, as per chinese zodiac. Firstly 2024 (2+0+2+4) adds up to 8 – a number which symbolises infinite love between husband and wife. Secondly, 2024 is a leap year, which is considered prosperous for couples tying the knot. Lastly, it’s a bliss to tie the knot in 2024 as it falls on a Saturday. Saturdays are considered to be the most popular day of the week to get married as they’re blessed by Saturn – the planet of commitment and marriage. SORRY.

Where did all of this Leap Year stuff begin? Bachelor's Day, sometimes known as Ladies' Privilege, is an Irish tradition by which women are allowed to propose to men on Leap Day, 29 February, based on a legend of Saint Bridget and Saint Patrick. It once had legal basis in Scotland and England. I'm sure men headed to the hills when the calander had the infamous Leap Year.

Even with such history behind Leap Year, men don't like it. From 1904 into the 1960s, shame and ridicule made it difficult for women to take advantage of the opportunity to propose to men. Critics held that women who asked men to marry them were desperate, aggressive, and unfeminine." In an age of increasing equality for women, it would seem that offering special permission to propose once every four years would be laughable at best, and insulting at worst.
The question I asked was, "When were men given sole power to decide and determine when to get married?" There IS a reason recorded as to WHY a man gets down on one knee to propose. It's a tradition dating back to medieval times when a knight dropped to one knee as a sign of respect for royalty. Proposing on “bended knee” is a show of respect for a future bride and the act also signifies loyalty and devotion.
There is a history of getting ENGAGEDThe modern Western form of the practice of giving or exchanging engagement rings is traditionally thought to have begun in 1477 when Maximilian I, Holy Roman Emperor, gave Mary of Burgundy a diamond ring as an engagement present. 

There is a REASON the father of the intended bride is asked for his permission to marry his daughter. A man asking a woman's father for her hand in marriage was establishedm from the anachronistic notion that women were once considered property. In fact, even if couples were marrying for love, women were considered to be under the control of men and needed permission from their fathers to leave the family home.

 There's a history of the first RECORDED marriage. Most couples didn't marry because they were in love, but rather for economic liaisons. According to The Week, the institution of marriage is over 4,350 years old. The first recorded marriage took place in 2350 B.C. in Mesopotamia.

There is a biblical explaination for WHY people would get married. Companionship is the first purpose of marriage..marriagemm mmmama marriage. Genesis2:18, the Lord said it wasn't good for man to be alone. God designed marriage so that man and woman could have a close relationship. And least we forget, marriage was given the purpose to be fruitful and multiply. “And God blessed them. And God said to them, ‘Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth’” (Genesis 1:28).

There is no history I found, which answers concretely why men have the domain of being the one to extend an offer of marriage. But there is a logical answer.

From the earliest history, women were not the ones who had wealth. Men were workers and earned income. Property and money were passed down to sons in the family unit. Women did not own property or work jobs which allowed them the ability to care for themselves financially. Even though there is an adage about 'purse strings,' which is definitely feminine, men controlled the money for centuries.

The famous line spoken by the character Blanche Dubois, in A Streetcar Named Desire, said "Whoever you are—I have always depended on the kindness of strangers,"sums up the plight of women in the past. Their lives DEPENDED on a man choosing 'them' to marry. Women have done everything imagineable in attempts to secure security through marriage. In essence, women competed against each other fiercely to obtain the best marriage proposals from men of financial means.

Even after women were allowed to own property and not be in the catagory OF property, the tradition of the man proposing stuck. In modern times, marriage is no longer viewed as necessary to being fruitful and multiplying nor for companionship.

I titled this post as Powerful Manhood because, part of men living into manhood is being a provider, protector, and procreator. Manhood is demonstrated best in RELATIONSHIPS in having someone to provide for, protect, and procreate with. The GENESIS MAN, a term I have coined, was instructed in the Christian Bible to 1) leave his parent's house, 2) find a companion (to bring to his own established home), and 3) have children (not out of wedlock). That is powerful manhood. 

Men still hold the power when it comes to proposing, Leap Year or not. It is a big step when he does propose and should not be taken lightly. I hope every man enters ther proposal with the mindset of POWERFUL MANHOOD.

Don't forget to buy my book, When Will Eve Be Forgiven?, and please like, share, comment. and follow. See you next blog post. Thank you.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

A Writer's Life Defined

I believe people fail to realize writers LOVE words. They love the sentences when words come together. They spend a lot of time trying to create one perfect sentence that will grab ahold of every reader and become part of the mainstream venacular. 

Writers are akin to philosophers because they spend countless hours pondering subjects searching for unforseen new ways to spin old and sometimes overused subjects. They are always wondering "what if."

But writers are more than story tellers and philosophers. Many are historians, armchair scientists, detectives, criminals, women who are men, and men who are women. They are whoever their story needs them to be to give the reader a book worth reading and once opened, never put down.

Writers are made of thick skin, rubber skin, skin of armor. They are made of these many different skins because they have to be in order to be a writer. People read their work they may have toiled years to get just right and reject it, criticize it, mock it, have contempt for it, or declare they are a much better writer than they are. Writers are not weak in any form of the word. Their spine has to be made of the material of Iron Man's suit each time they present their BEST work to the public to be adored or trashed. It takes real nerve to be a writer.

If you are lucky enough to know a writer, aren't you amazed at how they can form a character in their mind, give the character a detail rich home, a tragic or eviable life, a love found or a love lost, and a life altering choice in their life that would be difficult for any normal person. Writers create crises and also solves them. How good are you at creating your own crises and solving them?

A writer stares at a blank page on their computer screen, and creates an entire world. How can they do this you may ask? Because a writer's brain is never really at rest. They are constantly thinking. Their imagination is constantly triggered with ideas, plot twists, or new imaginings from everything and everyone they encounter in their day. I know even while waiting to go into surgery, I was thinking about crafting a operation scene in a work in progress I was writing. I was taking mental notes on everything medical and would have loved to have had a pen and paper handy to jot down how I would describe my operation scene in my work.

The five senses are crucial to a writer. Writers have to impart an experience to their reader. How a lover looked, smelled, felt, tasted, and sounded. I know you are saying you can do that with your own love interest. But does your love interest have the ability to make thousands, hopefully, millions of the opposite sex reader desire them? Writers have to dig deep into sexuality, sometimes heavy handed (almost pornographic), at at time with the lightest touch to leave the reader longing. I guess writers are also sex experts or at least romantics.

Writers are magicians. Their aim is to entertain the reader, surprise the reader, shock the reader, and never let the reader know the secret to their magic. They take the ordinary and do wonders with it and the lucky few can perform something never seen before. Writers are magical.

Before I forget, I must add writers are psychologistsPsychologists study cognitive, emotional, and social processes and behavior by observing, interpreting, and recording how people relate to one another and to their enviroments. They use their findings to help improve processes and behaviors. To write about humans one must understand people. Using their knowledge of human behavior, writers make you love, hate, or even feel indifferent about characters in a book. Many books take the reader on a journey discovering good and bad things about the human psyche. Writers make the the reader relate to heroes and villians tapping into the readers emotions. The reader may see themselves in the characters artfully written about in the pages and decide to make the same or opposite changes just as the character/characters did. Writers can inspire, encourage, and give hope to their audeience. Writers draw out the reader's smiles, tears, anger, sympathies, compassions, and even hatreds. 

I started writing twenty years ago and as most writers know, my first books were crappy. I loved the subject matter of my books but my writing skills were really bad. Fast forward to present writer Dorothy, and I'm much better. The one thing I have learned is that writers continually sharpen their writing skills. Their writing becomes better due to critism, helpful feedback, just continuing to write, and from having their work published. The win - PUBLISHED! But, nothing is certain in a writer's life. One book can be wildly successful and they are heralded as genius and the next book is a flop and the public says they were never actually talented.

So why do writers write? Because writers love words. They love the sentences when words come together. They spend a lot of time trying to create one perfect sentence that will grab ahold of every reader and become part of the mainstream venacular. They are magicians with a story to tell. To all my writer friends, never stop making MAGIC.

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  • “Beware; for I am fearless, and therefore powerful.” —Mary Shelley, Frankenstein
  • “I have been bent and broken, but— I hope— into a better shape.” —Charles Dickens, Great Expectations 
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  • “The thing is—fear can’t hurt you any more than a dream.” —William Golding, Lord of the Flies 
  • “It’s no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then.” —Lewis Carroll, Alice in Wonderland 
  • “Life is to be lived, not controlled; and humanity is won by continuing to play in face of certain defeat.” —Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man 
  • “I know not all that may be coming, but be it what it will, I’ll go to it laughing.” —Herman Melville, Moby-Dick 
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  • "It's much better to do good in a way that no one knows anything about it." —Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina 
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  • "Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs." —Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre 

Back into the chamber turning, all my soul within me burning.” —Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

  • “To be or not to be: that is the question” —William Shakespeare, Hamlet 
  • “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I – I took the road less traveled by” —Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken 
  • “Every time I travel I meet myself a little more.” —Yrsa Daley-Ward, Coordinates 
  • “Hope is the thing with feathers That perches in the soul And sings the tune without words And never stops at all.” —Emily Dickinson, Hope is the Thing With Feathers 
  • “You can trodme in the very dirt, but still like dust, I rise.” —Maya Angelou, Still I Rise 
  • “Be an outcast, Be pleased to walk alone.” —Alice Walker, Be Nobody’s Darling 
  • “I celebrate myself, and sing myself.” —Walt Whitman, Song of Myself 
  • “To live a little better and  always be forgiving, to add a little sunshine to the world in which we are living.” —Helen Steiner Rice, A New Beginning 
  • “Life’s battles don’t always go To the stronger or faster man,But soon or late the man who wins Is the man WHO THINKS HE CAN!” —Walter D. Wintle, The Man Who Thinks He Can 
  • “He’s more myself than I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.” —Emily BrontĂ«, Wuthering Heights 
  • “If you loved someone, you loved him, and when you had nothing else to give, you still gave him love.” —George Orwell, 1984
  • “Who, being loved, is poor?” —Oscar Wilde, A Woman Of Importance 
  • “To love or have loved, that is enough. Ask nothing further.” —Victor Hugo, Les MisĂ©rables
  • “All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.” —Leo Tolstoy, War and Peace
  • “The greatest thing in the world is to know how to belong to oneself.” ―Michel de Montaigne, The Complete Essays
  • “When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” —Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
  • “We love the things we love for what they are.” —Robert Frost, Hyla Brook
  • “How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.” ―Rupi Kaur, Milk and Honey
  • “I am beginning to measure myself in strength, not pounds. Sometimes in smiles.” ―Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls
  • “Promise me you’ll be braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think.” —A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh 
  • “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” —Aesop, The Lion and the Mouse 
  • "Where you tend a rose, my lad, a thistle cannot grow." —Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden 
  • “It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.” —Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry, The Little Prince
  • “The true courage is in facing danger when you are afraid.” —L. Frank Braum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
  • “The flower that blooms in adversity is the rarest and most beautiful of all.” —Shiamin Kwa, Mulan
  • “The more he gave away, the more delighted he became.” —Marcus Pfister, The Rainbow Fish
  • “But all the magic I have known. I’ve had to make myself.” —Shel Silverstein, Where the Sidewalk Ends
  • “Real isn’t how you are made, It’s a thing that happens to you.” —Margery Williams, The Velveteen Rabbit 
  • “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” —Dr. Seuss, Happy Birthday to You! 
  • “Never hurry and never worry!” —E.B. White, Charlotte’s Web 
  • “Isn’t it nice to think that tomorrow is a new day with no mistakes in it yet?” —Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables 

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