Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Suffering Of Gardeners

In the winter, gardeners dream of spring. Spring begins the dramatic awakening of a gardener's vision. People who have the great luck to pass by a gardener's creative display of lovingly selected plants in a garden only see the resulting beauty of the garden. To the passing onlooker, the garden is stunning. What they have no idea about is there is a gardener who is or have taken note with much disappointment of all of the failures of their garden. 

I am a gardener. I can speak firsthand about the life of a gardener. Many people who do not garden may believe the gardener is a person with a magical GREEN THUMB because their plants are so glorious. They will tell a gardener this and sometimes a gardener will try to tamp down such a wonderful compliment. Why? Because that gardener knows for every healthy, beautifully blooming plant they have, there were probably ten that didn't live. The compliment made the memory of the plants that died flash through their mind. Many gardeners mourn the loss of plants that would have made their garden even more stunning and actually completed their vision which they anticipated all winter.

When people/visitors come to my home, they will eww and ahh at my flowers. I usually stand somewhat baffled blinking my eyes rapidly trying to join in on how pretty my flowers are. I have to hold back, which I have yet to successfully master, not telling them, "This is not even close to the way it should look. There was supposed to be more plants here. More plants there. The gaps in the garden are horrible and I have several plants not doing as well as they should right now."  A gardener is never FULLY able to take a compliment. Oops. I used the word NEVER. Remember. Never say ALWAYS or NEVER about something because it usually doesn't hold up.

The one thing that causes a gardener the most ANXIETY is the weather. It is the one thing a gardener cannot bend to their will. If the weather man wants to know who his demographic is, he should be assured it is gardeners. Gardeners make sure to know what the weather forecast is. Predicted heavy rain, wind, cold, snow, freeze, high temps, and drought, can send a gardener scrambling to protect their plants in the garden. Gardeners hit social media searching and asking for advice and tips how to get their beloved plants through the extremes of predicted weather. After they have done all of the precautionary measures to protect their plants, they sit and wait.

The waiting is hard. It is a feeling of HELPLESSNESS. Their mind wanders to what CAN be the outcome. Then they spend the rest of the waiting period trying to convince themselves everything will be okay. They begin to still themselves by telling themselves it's only plants. They are replaceable. But their gardener SPIRIT knows that the plant they picked out on a certain day as a plant they must have for their garden for specific reasons, selected the best spot for that plant to survive and thrive, possibly amended the soil to suit that plant, watered it in until it adjusted to the garden and began to produce new leaves and roots, kept an eye on it daily for signs of stress or insect invasion, and finally saw their efforts of their nurturing paying off, the plant was growing taller, wider, and finally producing flowers or fruit, if lost, would cause them grief. 

Gardeners recall failures in the garden, it seems, just as much as successes in the garden. My garden was among the many in the severe drought of the summer of 2023. My garden did not receive rain from early May through mid-November. I couldn't believe it just would not rain. I diligently watered my plants until the scorching temperatures of July and the ever-biting mosquitos made it impossible for me to water them. I was BEAT DOWN. My mind knew the fate of my plants enduring the high temperatures of 100 plus degrees daily and lack of rain. There was nothing to do but to retreat and save MYSELF from the extreme weather. I knew every day my plants were suffering and there would be losses. Remember how I said the waiting phase was brutal for a gardener. Not only did I have to wait out the drought, but I would also have to wait out the winter to see the tragic results of plant that did not survive when spring emerged.

I am feeling the pains of loss of flowers as I write this. No matter the situation, people have a tendency to always mourn WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN whether with a past relationship or a missed career opportunity. Gardeners also think about what could have been. 

Back to the ALWAYS and NEVER statement I should not have said. There are so many quotes about pain and suffering and most sum up to the quote, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger." It applies to gardening so well.

A gardener dreams and plans their garden each year with visions of making it a place they can enjoy taking in its beauty. It may take years to bring their vision into reality due to random destructive acts of nature, but they never quit. Gardeners are tenacious and resilient. They become more able to rebound from what MOTHER NATURE throws at them. They become more entuned and partnered with nature instead of a victim of nature. They begin to CALM and enjoy what they have and not focus on what could have been. This is a SEASONED gardener though. I'm talking about a person who has gardened over 10 plus years. They are able to go WITH the flow of nature and ADMIRE how it shows up and its power. The ANIMOSITY between the two ENDS

I guess the seasoned gardener can because in the ten years of gardening they have gotten close or maybe have achieved what they wanted to achieve in their garden and now they are in the PLAY PHASE.

I call it the play phase because the gardener is now doing little tweaks and little subtle additions to their garden. The backbone of their garden, design, and showstoppers of the garden have been thriving for years now. Now they are adding plants as whimsy and for the simple joy of EXPERIMENTING to see what will happen. They KNOW which faithful plants will return each year no matter what the weather brings, and they know which plants won't when they add them to their garden. They were a temporary addition. Their perseverance and resolve have paid off and they now feel like a MASTER GARDENER, at least when it comes to THEIR garden.

The beginner gardener though, suffers. They question whether they have the coveted GREEN THUMB. They wonder if the people who pass by their garden will find it pretty. They face so many FAILS in the garden to the point of feeling some shame in their ability to garden. Don't lose hope. We all have been there.

Little do they know that a gardener's life is like LIFE in general. In life we face extremes also. We experience failures too. We have those helpless/hopeless moments of waiting for outcomes we picture in our mind as catastrophic. We steal ourselves when we have to face the results. In life as in the garden, you must not condemn yourself or curse the outside forces. You must remain focused on your vision, remain tenacious in trying to achieve it, and resilient when unforeseen situations out of your control occur. You partner with life and its rhythms, know your foundation remains, and enjoy the beauty of what you do have. There WILL be time when you think of what could have been, but you must love and see the beauty of what you DO have. People, in time, do notice and say how pretty and grand your hard work is. Within you, you will still see the empty places where things have died or didn't come to be. You have to HEAR and internalize the compliments given saying, "I have seen what you have done. It is beautiful" 

Gardeners go through a lot of emotions. When they face losses or failures in their garden, they feel that too and have the appropriate responses to loss and failure. They OVERCOME those feelings and continue on. They complete their vison and dream. They are not quitters. They have wonderful stories to tell and tricks of the trade they've LEARNED through the years. Gardeners do not just grow plants, they grow THEMSELVES.

If you have the chance, walk and tour a garden of a seasoned gardener. Most of them are welcoming and would love for you to tour their garden. Ask them questions about their garden and really listen to them. As they talk about their garden, they are sharing WISDOMS that can transfer into daily life. Memories to cherish and memories to let go. Look at the expression on their face as they talk about their plants. I bet you will see expressions of tender love for certain plants and pride for certain plants. In their garden, the energy is so positive until it should be bottled and shared.

One thing people who do not garden but enjoy flowers says to a gardener is, "I wish I had the TIME to garden but I'm too busy." My advice is refrain from saying that to a gardener. Because if other gardeners are like me, I feel sorry for that person. Gardening offers so much including slowing down in life and not doing so much until you do not have TIME. Gardening makes you aware and appreciative of time. It shows you what can happen in seasons of time. You can have unexpected losses in time out of your control, so you FOCUS on the good that you do have. Gardening allows you to dream and grow. The gardener gets to witness delightful SURPRISES like a flower randomly changing from its original color to another color or a plant popping out of nowhere that a bird must have contributed to their garden or a plant deciding to seed itself in the most unusual place and outperform their parent in a perfect place to live. Gardeners greet their gardens with the expectation of seeing something beautiful in their day and the garden delivers much more so than it disappoints. Gardening, the gardener knows, is something you should make time for, but they respectfully do not tell the person so. They do not tell them they are missing a LOVE AFFAIR on an unexplainable scale.

If you have ever had the pleasure to see a garden which you viewed as pretty, beautiful, or gorgeous, just know that gardener has seen some things and been through some things. But also know you are seeing the results of a person who doesn't take NO for an answer. They can adjust to what is thrown at them, recover from grief, not afraid to try again, take risks, have the ability to nurture the sickliest, and delight in small surprises. They have something, their garden, to add beauty to their day daily. They are a WHOLE person in my view. Now, not every gardener is a SWEET person outside of their garden. But a garden tames the savage beast just like music does. You will notice the monster of a person is different when, if they do, gives a garden tour and talk about their plants.

After an argument with one of my daughters she said to me, "Life is not all butterflies and flowers!" I laughed (not a good thing to do in an argument) and said, "My life is butterflies and flowers because I plant the hundreds of flowers and I sit and watch the many butterflies as they feed on the flowers. Your life may not be filled with butterflies and flowers, but mine is in every sense of the words." And it was not a flippant comeback. My garden is the place I went to just sit and unwind from the argument. It was where I released my negative energy by putting my bare feet on the coolness of the green grass. It was where my mind was able to see beauty and remember the beauty of my daughter who I also lovingly cared for and was a lasting foundation. Our argument was just like a bad weather system. Stormy weather that comes and it goes, and you continue on knowing you can recover and produce more beautiful things. She is lucky my life IS all butterflies and flowers.

To the gardeners who have been gardening 25 plus years, I know your gardener's spirit. I have been gardening for 32 years and have been complimented by many and even wrote a book about a year-long gardening journal I kept, Diary of a Wannabe Gardener, 20 years ago. Every agony of gardening was expressed in it including my HATE relationship with WEEDS. My suffering is evident in the book. But I grew and became a different. My garden grew me. 

To all of my fellow gardeners, you are amazing, and your gardens are beautiful. Thank you for adding some beauty to this world through all of your private suffering.

You can purchase my book, Diary of a Wannabe Gardener, on amazon.com Please comment, share and follow this page. Thank you.


Monday, May 20, 2024

Groceries Too Damn High!

Will the next president help you when it comes to your next trip to the grocery store? Promise after promise is being made to win your vote but each candidate have more than enough to keep their refrigerator and pantry full. America is one of the nations with an OBESITY problem. Will the cost of living make a change in the hefty waistlines? Have you had to put back an item at the grocery store you really wanted in an effort to keep the price at the cash register low? JOIN THE CLUB.

The cost of groceries has become sky high but that's not the worst of it. Manufacturers are manipulating their package sizes, and the quality of their product has changed. Not only can you not afford groceries, what you are buying doesn't taste as good as it once had. What is the consumer to do? It almost feels like we are on a FORCED DIET I call, "I can't afford IT."  Will SHRINKFLATION lead to the shrinking of our waistlines?

Without proper notification to the public, manufacturers have switched "ice cream" to "frozen dairy desserts." And boy oh boy is there a difference. It tastes like the MILK is missing, and it is! The higher percentage of milk fat gives ice cream a "rich and creamy texture," but it also adds fat and calories. Meanwhile, frozen dairy desserts often have less milk fat and more air, resulting in a lower fat content and fewer calories. I've noticed it doesn't even melt like real ice cream. CREEPY. These [frozen dairy dessert] products might include additional ingredients like stabilizers and emulsifiers to mimic the texture of ice cream, consequently, while frozen dairy desserts can be a lighter alternative, they may also come with a longer list of additives compared to the straightforward composition of traditional ice cream. To be considered as ice cream, it must have no less than 20 percent total milk solids and no less than 10% milkfat solids, except when it contains milkfat at 1% increments above the 10% minimum. The price of ice cream has soared. 
Chip bags have been getting smaller due to a cost-cutting strategy called "shrinkflation". This practice involves keeping the price of a product the same while making it smaller. In some cases, products have shrunk by 25%. For example, Frito-Lay, the parent company of Doritos, reduced the weight of a bag of Doritos from 9.75 ounces to 9.25 ounces, containing about 5 fewer chips. Mondelez International shrunk a family size box of Wheat Thins from 16 ounces to 14 ounces but kept the price the same. 

During the State of the Union address, Biden criticized a trend that's gotten the attention of some consumers. "In fact, the snack companies think you won’t notice if they change the size of the bag and put a hell of a lot...fewer chips in it. No, I’m not joking. It’s called 'shrinkflation,'" Biden said. Shrinkflation is a roundabout way for companies to raise prices, said Sudip Datta, finance department chair at the University of Missouri Trulaske School of Business. It's when companies offer less of a product — fewer chips in a bag, smaller candy bars, less toilet paper sheets — but charge the same price. The Right scoffed at Biden for talking about shrinkflation, but shrinkflation IS an enemy of the people. Thank you, Mr. President, for seeing something and SAYING something.
In several chat rooms on the internet, people are questioning whether the flavor of one of my beloved chips, Funyuns, have changed. The reason I stumbled on these chats is because I've noticed Funyuns no longer have the great onion taste which set them apart from other chips. THEY ARE TAKING THE TASTE AWAY from their smaller packaging, same price, items. This is making me a little hot under the collar. Why would they do this to me? To you? There are many Americans on fixed incomes who are not weathering the high prices of groceries well. 

The maximum benefit for fixed incomes is $3,822 a month for someone at full retirement age in 2024. Individuals must wait until full retirement age to claim benefits and have been a high earner for 35 years to earn the maximum Social Security benefit. The maximum monthly benefits for SSI, SSDI, and retirement in 2024: Supplemental Security Income (SSI) – The maximum payment is $943 monthly for individuals and $1,415 monthly for couples. Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) – The maximum payment is $3,822 a month (up from $3,627 in 2023). With this monthly income, rent, car payment, electricity, car insurance, and other bills necessary for daily living must be paid along with their groceries for the month. No simple feat with the weekly price of groceries.
Rank/State/City analyzed (population) Average monthly cost of groceries per person ranked from highest to lowest. I'm from Mississippi.
HawaiiHonolulu (337,200) $556.76
 2 VermontBurlington (42,400) $497.41
AlaskaAnchorage (291,800) $483.24
         4 New YorkNew York City (8.17M) $482.87
        5 West VirginiaCharleston (51,400) $427.19
       ***6 MississippiJackson (173,500) $423.33
           7 South CarolinaCharleston (136,200) $411.29
    8 MassachusettsBoston (617,600) $406.21
WashingtonSeattle (608,600) $402.08
           10 PennsylvaniaPhiladelphia (1.52M) $401.02
11 GeorgiaAtlanta (420,000) $397.97
      12 AlabamaBirmingham (212,200) $397.39
         13 MinnesotaMinneapolis (382,600) $395.39
            14 Rhode IslandProvidence (178,000) $390.19
       15 WisconsinMilwaukee (594,800) $385.97
     16 DelawareWilmington (70,800) $380.39
17 OregonPortland (583,800) $375.41
18 MainePortland (66,200) $372.21
        19 CaliforniaLos Angeles (4.79M) $370.96
      20 FloridaJacksonville (880,600) $364.25
 21 IowaDes Moines (215,500) $347.05
               22 OklahomaOklahoma City (580,000) $346.37
     23 TennesseeNashville (660,400) $346.37
   24 WyomingCheyenne (59,400) $345.62
    25 New JerseyNewark (277,100) $343.67
     26 Maryland, Baltimore (620,900) $343.67
          27 ConnecticutBridgeport (144,200) $343.30
28 OhioColumbus (879,200) $341.48
            29 North CarolinaCharlotte (731,400) $341.10
30 NebraskaOmaha (408,900) $336.90
31 IllinoisChicago (2.69M) $327.31
32 MichiganDetroit (713,800) $327.12
33 ColoradoDenver (600,100) $326.92
     34 North DakotaFargo (105,500) $326.66
           35 LouisianaNew Orleans (343,800) $325.19
36 MontanaBillings (104,100) $323.91
     37 IndianaIndianapolis (820,400) $318.03
    38 KentuckyLouisville (597,300) $315.20
      39 MissouriKansas City (459,800) $312.63
             40 New MexicoAlbuquerque (545,800) $307.79
41 ArizonaPhoenix (1.44M) $302.80
        42 VirginiaVirginia Beach (438,000) $298.01
43 NevadaLas Vegas (583,700) $293.43
44 TexasHouston (2.10M) $286.64
          45 South DakotaSioux Falls (153,900) $286.23
  46 ArkansasLittle Rock (193,500) $282.46
47 UtahSalt Lake City (186,400) $282.23
48 IdahoBoise (205,700) $281.12
49 Kansas, Witchita (382,400) $261.35
             50 New HampshireManchester (109,500) $183.00 
I don't know about you, but these totals are MORE like my WEEKLY total for groceries, but I'm a family of three. Like I said, it seems like I'm being put on a forced diet, but we know HEALTHY food cost more than the filler food we choose to buy. According to a recent study by the U.K.'s University of Warwick, fixed costs in the supply chain alone have led to American consumers paying 40% more for fruit and vegetables over a 10-year period. More healthy foods are now TWICE as expensive as less healthy foods. On July 12, 2023, the State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI) 2023 (published by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and jointly produced with fellow UN agencies) provided the latest estimates of the Cost and Affordability of a Healthy Diet (CoAHD) indicators. The data reveal that more than 3.1 billion – or 42% of the world’s population – could not afford a healthy diet in 2021. This is an increase of 134 million people compared to 2019, before the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. New study finds when healthy buying incentives are removed, food consumers choose price over health.
If we are choosing PRICE over HEALTH, then our waistlines are still in danger. We are on a forced UNHEALTHY diet. The run-up in food costs began early in the pandemic, when supply-chain snarls and worker shortages collided with rampant demand for groceries. But more recent developments continue to keep prices high. Droughts and extreme heat have dampened production of fruits and vegetables. Why are frozen vegetable prices so high? Blame war, fewer immigrants and California weather, say economists. Frozen vegetable prices are up 18%, on average, over the past year, according to the consumer price index for June 2023. Inflation more broadly hit a 40-year high of 9.1% in mid-2022 but has recently slowed to about 3% as product and labor supply shortages have eased. The FTC (Federal Trade Commission) report suggests the grocery companies were also price-gouging consumers.
In 2023, egg prices surged due to the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak, a contagious viral disease among birds. Today, the avian flu continues to persist through 2024, resulting in fluctuations in both demand and supply. The avian flu also affects the supply of chicken. Wheat and flour are encountering significant challenges amid the conflict in Ukraine, widespread famines, and severe droughts. Like wheat and flour, rice supply faces challenges from droughts and extreme weather conditions. India’s government has also enacted recent rice export restrictions on rice, decreasing the rice supply to the U.S. According to the Food Price Outlook report by the USDA, beef prices are expected to rise by 2.2% in 2024, largely due to rising feed costs and water scarcity. According to the USDA, oil prices are predicted to increase by 4.6%. The impact of severe weather on harvests and the Ukrainian conflict are the primary drivers behind these escalating costs. 
Eating out is more expensive than ever, with a 4.2% increase in the consumer price index for food away from home. Food costs across the board continue to rise, even as inflation slows. A Finance Buzz report found that McDonald's menu prices have doubled since 2014 across popular items more than any other of the analyzed chains including Starbucks, Taco Bell and Wendy's. Between 2014 and 2024, the analyzed chains raised prices by 60%, nearly double the national inflation rate, according to the report.

In my mind things cannot get any worse when it comes to what we can afford to eat, but I tell my children, it's going to be a SURPRISE (unknown) for them at the grocery store in their lifetime. UN statistics: The global population by 2050 will reach 10 billion. By 2050, cultivated meat, high-protein insects, seaweed and algae, and allergen-free nuts will be the most sustainable protein sources to support an increasingly growing population.  Women are more likely to suffer from hunger and malnourishment than men. Sixty percent of food-insecure people in the world are women and girls.
What are WE to do? I know my shopping habits have changed. Food items I once would never purchase because they were not the POPULAR named brand are now in my grocery cart. Sometimes, I just can't purchase the OFF-BRAND item, and do without. I'm sure I am not the only one. Here are a few suggested tips to help you while you are on your FORCED ECONOMIC DIET.

Buy from discount grocery stores (e.g., Aldi or Trader Joes)
Use supermarket websites to compare the prices of different stores
Create a weekly meal plan so you only buy what you need
Stick to your grocery list and don’t buy extras
Eat your leftovers instead of making new meals
Clip coupons and look for discount codes
Buy in bulk for cheaper, wholesale prices
Choose the store brand
Create your own sauces and spice mixes at home
Grow your own garden vegetables and herbs 
There is a famous quote, "If you can beat them, join them." Instead of the grocery store STRUGGLE, decide to put your health first. Eliminate the FAKE ice creams. Pass by the less-than-seasoned chips and choose more vegetables over the pricy meats. Choose exercise to keep your mind off of mindless eating and snacking habits. Instead of giving food prices the MIDDLE FINGER, give it a REVENGE BODY. Get in shape, garden for the mind and body, and leave their "SHRINKFLATION" products on the shelf. If you're going to be on a FORCED DIET due to high food prices, do it on your own terms. 

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Jimmy Carter Tribute

There has been a low groan of people being in dismay at the Evangelicals lifting up and comparing Donald Trump to heroic figures of the Christian Bible. There have been some people who openly state he is in the role of a SAVIOR for America.

While watching the Trump trials, no one is testifying to any "Christlike" qualities defendant Trump possesses. Quite the opposite. He behaves more like Judas Iscariot, ready and willing to turn on those in his close circle.

One defining thing about the Savior of the Bible is that he was a carpenter's son, and it is assumed he was also trained to be a carpenter like his father, Joseph.

There is every evidence from Scripture that, before He began His ministry, Jesus was employed as a carpenter. His earthly father, Joseph, was also a carpenter, which means that Jesus was likely His father’s apprentice. It is bizarre to think that God Incarnate was taught to build things by a human man, but it seems that in this, as in all other aspects of His earthly life, Jesus submitted Himself to the humility of being fully human (Philippians 2:6-8)People called Jesus a carpenter (Mark 6:3), and He was known as a carpenter’s son (Matthew 13:55). There is some evidence that the Greek word used for “carpenter” (tekton) could also be translated more broadly as “artisan,” “contractor,” or “handyman.” It is possible, therefore, that Jesus and Joseph were the sort of men you call when something needs to be fixed—be it made of wood, stone, or something else.

The MAGA right tend to believe they have all claims on Christianity and God. So, of course they also lay claims to knowing Jesus Christ and what is Christlike behavior. For THEM, Trump has their stamp of approval and is a champion for Christian beliefs. But there was a BETTER example of Christlike behavior by a president before there was a Donald Trump and that was Jimmy Carter.

Jimmy Carter served as president from Jan. 20, 1977, to Jan. 20, 1981.Significant foreign policy accomplishments of his administration included the Panama Canal treaties, the Camp David Accords, the treaty of peace between Egypt and Israel, the SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union, and the establishment of U.S. diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China. He championed human rights throughout the world. In these accomplishments it is easy to see that PEACE, not divisiveness mattered to him. This is a major part of Christian doctrine. Romans 12:18 says, "If possible, as far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all."

Trump does not offer peace.

On December 10, 2002, the Norwegian Nobel Committee awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for 2002 to Jimmy Carter “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development.”

Former President Jimmy Carter also exemplified a Christian mandate regarding LOVEThe Bible verse "Love your neighbor as yourself" appears in Leviticus 19:18, which is part of a list of laws about ethical relationships. The verse reads, "You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against any of your people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself: I am the LORD". The New Testament of the Bible would establish this as the Golden Rule“Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. “This is the first and great commandment. “And the second is like unto it, thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself” Once again, Carter demonstrated this in his presidency and lifetime.

In 1982, he became University Distinguished Professor at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia, and with Rosalynn Carter founded The Carter Center. The nonpartisan and nonprofit Center addresses national and international issues of public policy. Carter Center staff and associates have joined with President Carter in efforts to resolve conflict, promote democracy, protect human rights, and prevent disease and other afflictions.

President Carter and The Carter Center have engaged in conflict mediation in Ethiopia and Eritrea (1989), North Korea (1994), Liberia (1994), Haiti (1994), Bosnia (1994), Sudan (1995), the Great Lakes region of Africa (1995-96), Sudan and Uganda (1999), Venezuela (2002-2003), Nepal (2004-2008), Ecuador and Colombia (2008), the Middle East (2003-present), and Mali (2018-present).

Trump offers name calling, threatening, and bullying to those who are "OTHER" than himself, even our allies. 

Back to the simple life of Jesus Christ before he began his ministry. The Gospel of Luke (Luke 3:23) states that Jesus was "about 30 years of age" at the start of his ministry. A chronology of Jesus typically sets the date of the start of his ministry at around AD 27–29 and the end in the range AD 30–36. Jesus was a carpenter. Who else was a carpenter?

Every year since 1984, former US president Jimmy Carter has donated one week of his time – and his building skills – to Habitat for Humanity. Each year, he and his wife Rosalynn lead a major volunteer building event that attracts thousands of volunteers. Usually, the event takes place in the USA one year and overseas the next. In November 2009, the Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter Work Project took place across sites in Thailand, southwestern China, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam. This was the fourth time the former US president and his wife have built with Habitat for Humanity in Asia.

Speaking of his wife by his side as he did charitable work of carpentry, Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, at the time of her death, were married for more than 77 years. Of course, marriage is a sacred institution for Christians. And the Bible holds husbands to a high standard. 1 Peter 3:7 says, "Likewise husbands, live with your wives in an understanding way, showing honor to the woman as the weaker vessel, since they are heirs with you of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered." 

As President Carter cared for his wife publicly, there was no doubt he respected women in general. From terms of endearment to openly praising and acknowledging how important his wife's contributions were to his life, we can see his heart.  

The former president proved he was a man ahead of his time when, as a smitten young Naval officer in the 1940s, he coined the acronym "ILYTG.""'I love you the goodest' When speaking to his wife. The monogram is inscribed on a compact he once gave his bride, the future first lady, that today is on display at the Jimmy Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta.

“Rosalynn was my equal partner in everything I ever accomplished,” the former president said in a statement. “She gave me wise guidance and encouragement when I needed it. As long as Rosalynn was in the world, I always knew somebody loved and supported me.”

Trump's treatment of his 3 wives and how he treats women, which have included criminal charges of rape, is far from Christlike.

If people are looking for an example of what it looks like to walk as a CHRISTIAN, then there is no better example than our carpenter president Jimmy Carter.

Outward actions expose the heart. "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also" appears in the New Testament in Mathew 6:21. It is clear to see from the life, former President Jimmy Carter lived, demonstrating through deeds where his heart was and what it was filled with. His concern, it seems, was not in gaining great wealth or fame. Matthew 6:19-21 says, "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also".

In living his life publicly, with care and concern for others, it is almost certain, instead of facing criminal charges for behaviors that leans to be viewed as criminal, Jimmy Carter, at the end of his long life will hear, "Well done, good and faithful servant" appears in Matthew 25:23. 


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