Sunday, February 9, 2025

Do You Know Your Credit Score With God?

Most people know the importance of a good CREDIT score. Did you know God gives credit? In Romans 4, the word credit is used 9 times. How do we get credit with God and what is credited?

In secular terms, a credit score is a number that estimates how likely you are to pay back a loan or credit card. It's calculated from information in your credit report, which is a record of your credit activity.  Creditors use your credit score to decide whether to lend you money, and what interest rate to charge. Landlords may use your credit score to decide whether to rent you an apartment. Utility companies may use your credit score to decide what deposit you need to make to get service. A score of 670–739 is considered goodA score of 740–799 is considered very good. A score of 800–850 is considered excellentAs of April 2024, the average credit score in the United States was 715. 

The White and Hispanic communities had the highest median scores, while the Black and Native American communities had the lowest. Credit score disparities among racial and ethnic groups exist, but they are largely the result of external factors—such as differences in homeownership, debt levels, and access to credit—not race itself. These disparities reflect broader societal and financial inequalities and addressing them will require changes both to credit scoring models and broader economic policies.

My own state, Mississippi, has the lowest credit score of all the states. Mississippi has the lowest average FICO credit score, with an average FICO score of 672, barely considered good. Minnesota has the highest average FICO credit score, with an average FICO score of 728, only in the good range. According to recent reports, around 22-23% of Americans have a credit score of 800 or higher, which is considered "exceptional" by FICO standards.

So, what does CREDIT have to do with God and our religious faith?

Our FAITH earns CREDIT giving/adding to us RIGHTOUSNESS. What is righteousness? The quality of living in a way that is just, honest, and faithful to God. We as Christians strive, or at least should be striving, to be righteous. Having faith helps us to be just, honest, and faithful to God.
David explained it best in Psalms 32:1-2, “Blessed are THEY whose transgressions (sins) are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord will NEVER count against him.”
The credit you receive from faith in God, is God recognizing, even if you slip up, you are striving to do what is just and honest. Your credit has stored up forgiveness, mercy, and grace.
In Romans 4, Abraham, our forefather, is used as an example of a person with faith. It was not what Abraham DID that pleased God, but his faith. Romans 4:3; "...Abraham BELIEVED God, and it was CREDITED to him as RIGHTEOUSNESS." It was not through the law that Abraham and his offspring received the promise that he would be heir of the world, but through the righteousness that comes by faith. Abraham believed and trusted God to fulfill his promise to him and it would not be based solely on his works.

As we know in the secular world, you pay your bills on time and don't default on bills, your credit score rises. With God your currency or payment is FAITH. It EARNS you a standing with God. We all know we can REPENT for our sins, and they will be forgiven. In the secular world, credit earns you favor/access beforehand. The same is true with the Christian faith, you earn FAVOR/ACCESS with God. You have more and easier access to things you may have never considered or are aware of. Abraham's faith allowed for the favor for him to become the father of a nation along with his offspring.
How is your faith credit? Do you strive to make sure it is the highest it can be? Paying your bills on time takes intention and discipline, earning you good credit. In the same way, faith takes intention and discipline. It's not easy to believe in things not seen, but it is possible, earning you credit with God

Many people do not understand the importance of a good credit score, until they need credit. The same is true with the credit of faith which aids you in being righteous. We are unaware of how our faith affects our lives, until we need it to be in use. As the saying goes, "God is good all the time." But it seems God is even better to those who have faith.

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