Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Will Men Vote for a Woman President?

After the Presidential Debate, Fox News has been dropping the notion, "Men will probably not vote for Kamala Harris." This is planting the SEED; men don't want to be BOSSED by a woman. Even though there is a difference between bossing and leading.

Donald Trump and JD Vance have been giving interviews for podcasts in the Manosphere. The Manosphere is made up of men from communities such as the Red Pill Community, Incels, and MGTOW, who have a bone to pick with women for ruining America and the world at large. This is the beginning of the "Men should be the head," defense. Even women are saying a woman should not be "over" men.

How many reasons have you heard Kamala Harris should not be president? Has one of the reasons given been due to the Christian religious belief that a woman should not rule over men? If you haven't heard this reason yet, just wait, it's bound to rise up in your circle of political commentary. Let's put this erroneous belief to rest shall we.

Christianity has taught for centuries that WOMEN are to be in a submissive position to men and not have a 'role' within the church. The church teaches church leaders should be men. But what happens when the established roles of women within the church, whether correct or not, are applied outside of Christianity and outside of the church? The answer is you get CONFUSION.

The first instance of a woman being considered in a 'lower' role than a man is in Genesis, the first book of the Christian Bible, when we are introduced to Adam. Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden and God saw he was lonely when he was not around. God had created the animals and birds, male and female but Adam did not have a companion so God created him a companion, a wife, and said she would be a helper suitable to him, Genesis 2:20-25.

The KEY point about the wife being a helper here is there was NOTHING to help with. The Garden of Eden was self-sufficient. There was no WORK or toil to do. Work would come into being well after Adam and Eve were created. The REASON a wife was created was for companionship/relationship. This is the 'help' offered by the first wife. Later in Genesis 3:16, as punishment for her disobedience of God, Eve's DESIRES would be for her husband, and he would RULE OVER HER. Her punishment was that her husband, not all men, would rule over her. This is a husband-and-wife thing which cannot be broadly applied to the world of interactions between unmarried men and women as many Christians believe.

Again, we read about the husband-and-wife relationship in the New Testament, Ephesians 5:22-33 says, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything". Now, me as a woman, do not have to submit to any other woman's husband. It is HER job, according to Scripture, to submit to HER husband. A man does not go to his place of employment as a husband. He is just an employee. Men are just citizens in the United States. WHERE they are husbands is where they have authority. The passages cannot be any clearer.

We do not have to wonder how God felt about women as leaders because we have a clear example in the Bible in the book of Judges. In the Old Testament, judges were military leaders of the tribes of Israel before the monarchy. They were raised by God to govern the tribes and lead them into battle against enemies. Two famous judges were Samson and Gideon. Of the twelve judges chosen by God, there was ONE woman, Deborah. Deborah was a married woman who led Israel. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites CAME to her to have their disputes decided, Judges 4:4-5. She defeated Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite Army. She was the commander over 10,000 men. It was a woman, Jael, who actually KILLED Sisera, the Canaanite commander.

What about women having a leadership role within the church leading men. Here we have the example of Phoebe in the book of Romans. Romans 16:1-2, "I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way WORTHY of the saints and to GIVE her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me." Because her name is listed first by Paul, even before other men, scholars agree she held a position of importance. Paul goes on to tell the church to greet twenty-six other people, but he only instructs them to give Phoebe whatever she asks.

When the words of the above passage are reviewed in its original language, the word 'servant' is defined as ministry sixteen times so scholars accept the word as meaning teacher. Next, we have a woman, Priscilla whose name is listed BEFORE her husband's which scholars also believe is significant, since women were understood to be submissive to their husbands within their Christian teaching. Paul said the husband and wife had risked their lives for him and the Gentile churches. Here we see the author of many books of the New Testament exalting women and the work they have done for the church.

Throughout the Bible, women are hand selected in the same manner as men to carry out the will of God. Different people have been used in different capacities as God sees fit. We are all his creation. We all have different talents. Many Bible teachers and preachers prefer to say women are easily deceived and are the weaker sex, according to Scripture. Well, I have an entire post dedicated to that vein of teaching that I will not address here.

My point is, there is nothing biblical that indicates a woman cannot be president of the United States. Even without scriptural backing, many believe it will be against God's will for Kamala Harris to be president. I ask Christian's to think about the NATURE of God as evidenced by his Word in the Bible. How many times is it written and said, "I have chosen." God chooses to do what he does, and it does not always line up with what we believe should be. His ways are not our ways. 1 Corinthians 1:27, "But God has selected [for His purpose] the foolish things of the world to shame the wise [revealing their ignorance], and God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]."

One last point I would like to make. No matter who is the leader of our country, as Christians we are to carry ourselves as such. The person leading us may have been allowed to be in that position to show OUR CHRACTER. Christians are not yanked around by worldly concerns. We are to remain steadfast in our Christian walk and service to God. And we learn through Scripture, as far as God is concerned, to never say NEVER.

Monday, August 26, 2024

Have Mercy for MAGA

When asked to comment about something or someone you don't like or disagree with, do you find it easy to point out how and why they are wrong? Join the club. I can compile the quickest list highlighting points I disagree with others on such as politics, religion, and women's issues. And if you are anything like me, you have a LONG list where you disagree with those who are a part of the MAGA movement. Guess what? They have their lists too. 

Disagreeing with others is part of the human experience but HOW we disagree with others makes a difference. I had a recent experience (today) where I encountered a Trump supporter who hit all the talking points Republicans have about the current Democratic nominee for president, Kamala Harris. If you read my blog then you know, I identify as Democrat. Yes, a Trump supporter and a Harris supporter met face to face. Each far from the comforts of talking smack online without repercussions. What could the possible outcome of face-to-face political talkie talk be I wonder? 

Of course, me and the older lady did not begin our conversation with politics or Christianity, but somewhere along the way while discussing children, husbands, and vacations, she felt comfortable enough to say she did not believe the Bible condoned a woman being president, thus being over men. A woman she said, is a man's helper. I should have walked away then but, silly me explained the Scripture saying a woman is a 'helper' to her "HUSBAND" not every man on earth. In all instances of a woman falling under the direction of a man it pertains to her husband. She is a helper in the home. Point in case, Deborah, a female judge in the Old Testament selected by God to lead an army and men into battle. Deborah was over men and saved a nation, Judges 4:124 and 5:1-31.

This lady supporter of Trump's conceded to that interpretation of Scripture, regarding women rulers raised by God but then said Kamala Harris is not a Christian. WHY DIDN'T I WALK AWAY? I said Donald Trump does not model New Testament Christianity. Abandoning Christianity in regard to Trump, she said the cost of bread was lower under President Trump. Christianity seems not to matter when it comes to him. She said he mentions God whether he behaves like a Christian or not. She offered more and more talking points like Kamala mentioned Trump's name X number of times during the DNC. Yes! Duh! He is her opponent. Who else name should she mention?  And yes, she said Kamala was brown, not necessarily a Black person. And no, she did not know Jamaicans were of African descent. WHY DIDN'T I WALK AWAY. Every fiber of me wanted to ask her AM I BLACK? If you're wondering, I am, even though I'm brown. Go figure our color system.

You get where this went right? There was not one moment she did not bring up a Fox News talking point and finally she said I was ANGRY. She asked me why was I angry? It wasn't Christian of me to be angry. Something I have blogged about when writing about Republicans. Now, I was an angry Democratic Christian. OUCH!

I apologized and told her she was right. I should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to anger because anger did not show the righteousness of God. I was truly convicted for my behavior. I was not ranting and raving or behaving in a threatening way but, I was heated in my response to her defense of Trump and being a Christian wanting a Christian president. She PUSHED that CHRISTIANITY is what mattered most to her. She struck the nerve of my Christian background and education and overheated my protectiveness of women's issues and African American heritage. Come on! No one questions my brown color and there is an Africa-American box for me to check on most legal documents. Black people are profiled and discriminated by the same color of skin as Kamala Harris and now we are supposed to believe people can't tell who is Black? Can you say INSULTED? Enter please Taylor Swift and sing Shake It Off! I need you more than ever.

She insisted we hug things out. I obliged after I told her sometimes God has a way of bringing people together. I have been praying and working on my temper, so, today let me know I still have more work and prayer to do. I asked her also to maybe think her encounter with me was so she could HEAR from a person like me how OFFENSIVE what she said was. I told her it was offensive, and we parted ways cool, calm, and collected. Voicing how a person makes you feel is not un-Christian if you were wondering.

But, as a Christian, I was ashamed of getting heated with her, because the facts and Scripture, I quoted her were lost and all that became relevant was I WAS AN ANGRY CHRISTIAN. I failed to represent Christ, and I let my words become irrelevant. Now, she probably wasn't going to listen to anything I had to say, but I gave her an easy out. She could now doubt if I were a Christian by my actions. I had become the POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK or brown or tan whatever color since we can't recognize black anymore.

My spirit has been unsettled by the encounter. I repented of course and asked people to continue to pray for me on this temper thing. But I had read a passage in the Bible earlier this same day and I wanted to write about it here. James 2:12-13, "Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law (Love your neighbor as yourself) that gives FREEDOM, because JUDGEMENT WITHOUT MERCY will be shown to anyone who has not been MERCIFUL; MERCY TRIUMPHS OVER JUDGEMENT."

There you have it. I may find fault with people on varying topics well outside of and including politics, religion, and women's issues. But even when I find them completely wrong and unable to accept truth or facts, I am not to JUDGE them harshly. Harsh judgement may show as condemning them as crazy in every imaginable instance or a lost cause in everything important in life. It may be true, but that would be a HARSH judgement on my part.

Okay, I may not go that far. Good for me, right? Well, I'm not going to let myself off of the hook so easily as a Christian. I believe former President Obama said it best when he said we as people get things wrong, but that doesn't make us bad people necessarily. As wrong as I believe people are for USING/MISUSING religion, I must show mercy not judging them to the point of making them less than. I have to remember people can be wrong on something and be a loving caring father, mother, sibling, spouse, and yes, Christian. And this Christian who allowed a little of her temper to flare needs mercy also and not to be judged as a volatile, hostile, or an angry Christian. This interaction today should not cancel my long journey as a Christian and should not be used in determining my future as a Christian. That is what MERCY would say.

Some lessons come hard but thank God they come so we have an opportunity to grow, learn, change. We all need a little grace and mercy in our lives. Mercy is important to God. Whatever is important to God we should find a way to do it as Christian's no matter how hard it is to do. If we try, he will show us how. Why must we search ourselves and reach deep to do the hard things, things that TEST who we profess to be? James 1:2-4, "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face TRIALS of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith DEVELOPS perseverance. Perserverance must FINISH its work so that you may be MATURE and COMPLETE, not LACKING anything." Which means, be happy, a chance to grow is at hand in a nutshell.

The biological age of a person may or may not line up with that person's behavior. Christians ARE expected to mature and become wise. Many trials and tests, maybe like engaging with someone you are polar opposite in political views, women's issues, and religion, can be a trial. This political atmosphere can be one of the biggest tests for CHRISTIANS. Biggest opportunity for growth. Where how we forgive, love, and show mercy to others is DETERMINING how we are forgiven, loved and shown mercy to. Scripture says it is so.

It is so easy to have your eyes open and able to see clearly what is disagreeable about others and begin the name calling. We must also have our eyes open to what is disagreeable about ourselves and make a change. Did that lady today ruin my day or help me on my journey to becoming a better Christian, a better person? Was it painful all the way round? YOU BET. Her actions and mine. Because growth is painful at times is one reason so many refuse to grow. But we owe it to ourselves and others. When you face the hard things, you become a stronger person if you keep going. A RESULT needs you to not quit. By not quitting you learn, and being able to continue, you understand great things, good things most times take time, and that knowledge gives you wisdom, peace, and maturity. You no longer belong to the 'Right now tantrum people" of modernity. You can see around the corner as the old folks use to say. 

MAGA nor Democrats are to be tossed out as having not one redeeming quality or less value. We all can and must do better. I know I'm trying.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Sermon For MAGA Christians

In this time of rampant social media ingestion, and cable opinion news, America has had the fortune or misfortune of being introduced to MAGA Christians. I know your first thought is there is no such thing as MAGA Christians, only Christians. Even though there is no such denomination, Christians on the Right, have determined and push, who IS and is NOT a Christian, and those who are a part of the MAGA faction, are the ones who are considered Christians.

MAGA Christians will assert, anyone who supports abortion or homosexuality cannot be Christian. They will even go as far as saying people who do are going to burn in hell. Their dug in position regarding abortion and homosexuality is what THEY use when THEY determine who loves God and who doesn't. Those listening to them, find them offensive and by default, their God offensive. I have written a post on this blog titled, Evangelicals Giving Christianity a Black Eye. When one declares themselves as a Christian, they become ambassadors of Christ. MAGA ambassadors do honestly believe they are representing God. But if we look at the Book which instructs Christians how to live, the BIBLE, we see may see what they believe as God's work may not be carried out as such.

In the book of James in the Bible, the first chapter says something that may be of interest to MAGA Christians. James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." How Christians TREAT people is important to God. I stress this often in my writing. He said you can live pure and faultless, as a Christian by helping the widows and orphans. Why isn't there an outcry by MAGA Christians condemning those who are not taking care of this group of people in distress? Is protesting abortion and homosexuality more important than living a pure and faultless life?

When MAGA Christians express their horror at people advocating for women's right to decide their own health choices or rights for LBGQ, it is often filled with anger and hostility. So, angry and hostile, until HELL is evoked. James 1:19-20 states, "My brother, take note of THIS: Everyone should be QUICK to LISTEN, SLOW to SPEAK, and SLOW to become ANGRY, for a man's anger does NOT bring about the righteous life God DESIRES." Here we read God doesn't like angry people.

In their endeavor to point out sin that offends God, they become the sin that offends God. Their anger and rantings about who is a Christian in their eyes, does not bring about righteous life for themselves or others. They become even angrier if anyone not belonging to the RIGHT'S way of thinking, claim to be a Christian. Believing what Republicans believe has become their rule for who is a Christian. They have become polluted by the world using man given standards for Christianity.

What makes a person a Christian has been and will always be John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This does not seem to be enough for the MAGA Christian. In their eyes, a person cannot possibly have eternal life if they are doing horrible sins, like murder and being homosexual. They say a real Christian would not do such things. But all Christians sin. We know this because here we read, Romans 3:10 states, "There is none righteous, no, not one; as it is written, none is righteous, just and truthful and upright and conscientious, no, not one". 

Studying the Bible gives a Christian knowledge. The Bible tells us what happens to those who don't pay any attention to that particular knowledge. Romans 1:28-31, "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed. and depravity. They are full of ENVY, MURDER, STRIFE, DECEIT, and MALICE. They are GOSSIPS, SLANDERERS, GOD-HATERS, INSOLENT, ARROGANT, and BOASTFUL; they invent ways of doing evil; they DISOBEY their parents, they are SENSELESS, FAITHLESS, HEARTLESS, RUTHLESS." Which deserves death.

***Romans 1 is also the section of the Bible which is used to condemn homosexuality by most Christians in verses 26-27 where it says God gave a due PENALTY.*******

The above, from the Bible was written about people who reject God. But, when the Christian begins to operate out of God's word, they are rejecting the knowledge of God also. There are many Christians who have the sins listed, making them equal to those who reject God by their actions.

MAGA Christians, taking upon themselves to decide who is a Christian or not is not part of their job description. The Bible does say in Matthew 7:16-20, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." But that passage is for how to know a false prophet. 

The commission of Jesus is for his followers to share the GOOD NEWS that there is salvation through Christ. The commission of Jesus is not for Christians to have oversight of Christians. For those who sin, there will be punishment for them by God according to the Christian religion. It is God's to give. 

Romans 2:1, "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on SOMEONE ELSE, for whatever point YOU judge others, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgement do the same things." Doing the same thing means, you sin too, and do not stop, even knowing better. You say others should go to hell for THEIR sin, but I should NOT. You say the sinner has no EXCUSE for THEIR sin whatsoever, not knowing you are passing the same judgement on your own sins. And yes, sin is sin, but some Christians believe there are levels of sin and of course, their chosen sin is not that bad.

The Christian Bible says what it says. It is a CODE of conduct for Christians. Yes, we share the Word of God and yes, it matters how we share it and how we live as those who shares his Word. We play such a small role in God's plan, but yes, an important role. But some have elevated themselves, as Christians, to the level of God. We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 3:5-11, when there was jealousy and quarreling among the Christians in Corinthians as to who they should believe, Paul's teachings or Apollos'. Paul said, "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow". Only God can make the seed of his Word grow in someone else. Christians trying to brow beating someone to accept and do the Word of God will not work. No. Not even shaming or condemning someone will work either. Examples of what they have to gain might though.

MAGA, in their efforts to point out what is RIGHT in God, lost sight of themselves being right with God. The Scripture indicates the belief in God is paramount and the belief in Jesus is what is needed to be a Christian. After accepting Christ, the Christian still sins, but works not to sin by having the knowledge of God. Even when the Christian has the knowledge of God, they do not always RETAIN it. The Christian can become arrogant, boastful, heartless and ruthless passing judgement on others which in turn are the standards they are judged by, by God. They become worldly forgetting how to live a pure and faultless life themselves caring for others in distress such as widows and orphans. They have become slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to anger.

MAGA'S association with Donald Trump is viewed as hypocritical by the Left, while the Right believes he is sent by God to do Godly work. Remember what I wrote about a false prophet? 1 Corinthians 5:11 speaks about who Christians are to associate with within the church, "But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is SEXUALLY IMMORAL, or GREEDY, an IDOLATER, or a SLANDERER, a DRUNKARD or a SWINDLER. With such a man do not even eat." Sounds like Donald Trump to me.

MAGA often responds, "But Democrats kill babies." No! Individuals make choices, using their free will given to them by God. Abortions and homosexuality have been occurring before the word Democrat was even a thing. Democrats do not tell individuals to have abortions or to be homosexuals. Individuals who identify as Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Christian, and non-Christian have abortions and identify as homosexual. You don't have to do or be either to be a Democrat. It is not needed to belong to the political party. 

Democrats have not made politics EQUAL to salvation like Republicans have for years. MAGA Christian Republicans almost behave as if they own Christianity and admit or kick out members; that they get to stamp who is or who is not a Christian. Democrats do not elevate their people, servants of government, in office, to "real" CHRISTIANS or sent by God, even though they have leaders who are Christians. There is a difference. 

MAGA Christians say they support Donald Trump for various reasons. Championing a KNOWN corrupt person by government laws and Biblical description looks a little bad for those testifying to be Christian, but it does not make the person not Christian. They see no harm in their support for Trump saying the Democrat candidate is just as sinful. But Trump makes promises to Christians, luring them with delivering their values in exchange for votes while not bearing the fruits of Christianity, insinuating he is a brother in Christ, part of the church of Christ. No Democrat panders to Christians offering things in exchange for something. Democrats present policy choices to the people of the nation; that's why the party is diverse. The Bible says Christians are persecuted for Jesus' name's sake. Trump is doing the opposite for Christians. He is promising them their deepest desires.

MAGA Christians seem to have hardened their hearts. There are only two things that matter to them, to make sure it is known abortion and homosexuality is a sin. America has heard the message MAGA, now what? You have done your duty to name "A "sin which means a lot to you to address. NOW WHAT?

Your voices have been loud, and therefore the world is looking at YOU as a Christian. What is it you are showing them? Can they see God through you? One last thing. the ugliest vile comments and responses I have received regarding my opinions on Christianity have been by people who say they are Christians. They have it in their profile bios and even as part as their social media name. People are watching those who call themselves children of God. Romans 14:13 in the Bible says, "Therefore, let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother".

What Donald Trump has to say:

“I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture,” Trump said in 2015 when he was asked about times in his life that he’s sought out God’s forgiveness, according to CNN.

In a packed hotel ballroom in Nashville, the former president pledged to bring God back into the public square and restore a country he said has fallen apart since he left the White House.

“If I get in, you’re going to be using that power at a level that you’ve never used before,” Trump told the annual gathering of National Religious Broadcasters at Nashville’s Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center. “With your help and God’s grace, the great revival of America begins on November 5th,” he said.

“Has anyone read the ‘Thou shalt not steal’? I mean, has anybody read this incredible stuff? It’s just incredible,” Trump said at the gathering of the Faith & Freedom Coalition. “They don’t want it to go up. It’s a crazy world.’’

Trump was speaking at an event organized by the conservative group Turning Point Action in West Palm Beach, Florida. Trump said: "Christians, get out and vote, just this time. "You won't have to do it anymore. Four more years, you know what, it will be fixed, it will be fine, you won't have to vote anymore, my beautiful Christians." He added: "I love you Christians. I'm a Christian. I love you, get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years, you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote," Trump said.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Is Donald Trump Ugly?

Former president, Donald Trump, said at his rally in Pennsylvania, "I look better than Kamala Harris." Many people have commented about the way Trump looks, usually making fun of his choice of "tanning" color. They also mention the shape of his physique. Neither of which I need to give an example. You would have had to live under a rock not to know most of the comments about him. We don't need to address whether Trump is attractive. NOPE! That said, does attractiveness play a role in who people choose for president?

Studies going at least as far back to the 1970s tended to show a positive correlation between handsomeness and how subjects assessed a candidate. Scholars sometimes reasoned that the attractiveness effect took place because voters without a lot of information about a candidate used good looks to infer other good qualities—a kind of “halo effect.” Voters appear primarily drawn to faces that suggested competence.

Since all of the presidents have been men, we are in new territory, discovering does attractiveness matter when choosing a female president. The backlash from Trump's comments about Kamala Harris appearance, would make you believe looks do not matter. Looks have always matter.

Did looks make a difference for John Kennedy? Google him and you will find descriptions such as, witty, charismatic, and handsomeJohn Kennedy's youthful vigor attracted a new generation of Americans to public service and political engagement. At 43 years of age, Kennedy became the nation's youngest-elected president. His debate with Former President Nixon, solidified that a candidate's appearance mattered. Nixon looked a mess during the debate while Kennedy looked cool, calm, and collected.

Obama is considered to be handsome by I dare say, millions of women of all races. Obama's sex appeal hasn't hurt him in such images of him exited an ocean in his swim trunks. His physical fitness captured in photos for the world to see. What other president would get high marks in a swimsuit competition? He has touched a nerve among Black women in particular, who consider him an IBM (Ideal Black Man) — educated, eloquent, tall, attractive, family oriented, ambitious and down to earth.

President Joe Biden chooses outfits that make him look younger. Donald Trump opts for old-fashioned dark suits and long ties to convey a message of traditional masculinity. Choices like these are attempts by candidates to morph into the ideal "handsome man" by the public's standards.

Studies show, people vote for candidates who put a lot of effort in looking natural and effortless, but not perfect. Some suggest this is why Mitt Romney was not elected; he looked or presented himself as flawless. People also questioned if he was too handsome. Former President Bill Clinton had the ability to talk naturally and with ease with many ethnicities, such as the Black community. This sense of naturalness made voters feel he was trustworthy. Unlike Mitt Romney, Clinton was known not to be perfect. He was flawed, especially when it came to women. President Clinton was a president many women may have voted for due to his charisma and charm, if not for his physical features.

In 2005, Princeton psychologist Alexander Todorov and colleagues published an astounding study. Todorov and colleagues developed computer models of how faces can suggest character traits like trustworthiness and likability. The competent face shape is masculine but approachable, with a square jaw, high cheekbones, and large eyes. The shape of the eyebrows can suggest anger, for instance, while a long distance between the eyes and the mouth can suggest sadness. An incompetent face, beady, close-together eyes paired with high eyebrows suggest fearfulness. Mitt Romney vs. Newt Gingrich: How much do looks matter in presidential politics? (slate.com)

So, is Trump attractive? Evolutionary psychologist, Todd Shackelford of Oakland University. said Trump is not, from a scientific point-of-view, good-looking. “Indications of non-natural skin texture or color, non-natural hair”—such as Trump’s conspicuous fake tan and orange-tinted ’do—“these are cues that people read as, ‘Something is wrong,’ and that decrease ratings of attractiveness, according to Shackelford. But it seems Trump knows, when it comes to assessing the rich and famous, women are far more forgiving of physical attributesThis may be why Trump has so much White female support - the lure of money and power, not good looks

A 1976 profile of the young mogul in the New York Times gushes: He is tall, lean and blond, with dazzling white teeth, and he looks ever so much like Robert Redford. He rides around town in a chauffeured silver Cadillac with his initials, DJT, on the plates. He dates slinky fashion models, belongs to the most elegant clubs and, at only 30 years of age, estimates that he is worth “more than $200 million.”

Trump, who did look a little bit like Robert Redford in those days, described “flair” as one of his favorite words. “If a man has flair … and is smart and somewhat conservative and has a taste for what people want, he’s bound to be successful in New York,” he said. Trump informs people how to SEE him. The shtick appears to have worked on Andy Warhol, who wrote in his diaries in 1981 that Trump was “good-looking” and “a butch guy.” 

Trump’s perceived virility declined in the 1980s and ’90s in tandem with his prestige and financial troubles. When he no longer could rely on youthful good looks and a large bank account, Trump turned to BEHAVING ugly to draw people to him. Ugly IS his attractiveness. 

“The Ugly American” – a phrase made famous by the 1958 political novel about U.S. policy in Southeast Asia by Eugene Burdick and William Lederer – can no longer refer just to the prototypical loud, ignorant American. Today the title has taken on a real human face, and that is the face of Donald Trump. Like in 2016, Trump must make a campaign of darkness and disarray. He tries to take away the electorate's desires for a hopeful future. He strips the voters of the excitement of a new beginning, and demoralizes, demeans, and dejects. Donald Trump embodies ugly. This time, ugly is his only way forward. Ugly is how he surprisingly achieved accidental success in 2016. Ugly is how he will succeed again.

Because he is ugly in behavior, he tries to make his opponents ugly or whoever displeases him. He has no problem trying to ugly up women. When facing presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Trump said, "If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?" [April 16, 2015]. Facing another female candidate, Carly Fiorina, he stated, "Look at that face. Would anybody vote for that? Can you imagine that, the face of our next president? I mean, she's a woman, and I'm not supposed to say bad things, but really, folks, come on. Are we serious?" [Sept. 9, 2015]. On Arianna Huffington he stated, "Unattractive both inside and out. I fully understand why her former husband left her for a man — he made a good decision." [Aug. 28, 2012]. On Stormy Daniels, he also commented, "Horseface" [Oct. 16, 2018"I never liked horseface. That wouldn't be the one. There is no one. We have a great First Lady."  [March 25, 2023]. You get the picture?

You can be beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside and eventually your actions will show people how ugly you really are. Kamala Harris does not have to give energy responding to comments regarding how her physical features. Beauty fades, but the heart remains the same. Kahlil Gibran said, "Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart."  

If Donald Trump wants to focus on things that fade and don't matter and Kamala focuses of bringing joy and hope for a better and brighter future, I'll take what she is offering. Beauty has always been in the eye of the beholder. Thank goodness looks are not on the ballot. But if it was, scientific evidence shows Trump would lose by a landslide. 

I will end with a famous quote I learned as a child; "Beauty is as beauty does," which means that beauty is worthless unless it comes with a kind, generous soul. Whether someone is actually “beautiful” should be judged by their actions, not their appearance.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What Does MAGA Mean To You?

How important is a name? Was a person's name so important or powerful until Egyptians hid their REAL name? What comes to mind when you hear the word/name MAGA?

In the Ancient Near East, the NAME is the soul and essence of the person who receives it, and the one who names binds the meaning of the name to the person as a fate or destiny. The only way that the fate or destiny can change is if a creature of higher power changes the name. As long as the name of the being exists, the being will exist throughout eternity as part of the fabric of the divine order.

We no longer live in ancient times, but we do live in times where ancient beliefs can be seen in real time. Donald Trump's followers have happily identified as MAGA. The acronym, MAGA stands for: Make America Great Again, which they believe they can and will achieve by voting for Trump for president. But by choosing the acronym, NAME - MAGA, to be CALLED, they are putting into full force the definition of the word's meaning each time it is spoken into the universe. Donald Trump NAMED them and now they are bonded by their name's MEANING and fate/destiny.

Even though MAGA is an acronym, its pronunciation is the same as it is used in other languages. So, what power does a name really have? In Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, the question is asked: “What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” Shakespeare did not accurately describe the individual power of names. His concern was that the essence of the object or person was not in the name but in the person. In the Ancient Near East, the name was opposite of what Shakespeare believed because it contained the soul of the being that it inhabited.216048895.pdf (core.ac.uk)

Names have always had meaning/use/power. People have believed if someone has a name that means something powerful, then the person with that name is bound to have or obtain that level of power. In the past, to ensure a long life for a child, a way to deter the death of that child was to name the child after a dead relative. The spirit or demon will see that the name bearer is already dead and will leave the child alone. Children, especially male children, are named after heroes or accomplished male figures. In modern times, parents research names for their unborn children which they hope the child will have some of its attributes. Names matter still.

Do those who call themselves MAGA understand what they are naming themselves? The word maga has different meanings in different languages, including iKannada, Maga can be a noun that means "boy or man" or "son" in relation to his parents. It can also be a term of endearment used by elders to address boys. Māga can also be a noun that means "the coldest season" or "winter season". It can also refer to the eleventh month of the Hindu lunar calendar year. In Portuguese, Maga means "sorceress". For example, someone might be called "maga do corpo" which means "body sorceress". In Japanese, Maga can mean "confusion", "complication", or "distortion". It can also refer to gods that cause sin, pollution, and disaster, and belong to the nether world. In Italian, Maga is a feminine noun that means "sorceress". *Google search: meaning of MAGA in other languages***

In the first image, which is the reason for this post, MAGA is shown to mean: MAGA or Magus the name of the highest rank in the Church of SATAN. Translates to Witch, in Latin. In Portuguese it means magician, sorceress, or wizard. In Japanese it means wickedness, evil, calamity, or disaster. In Nigerian it means sucker, fraud victim, or easily fooled idiot. In Zulu it means lies. In Sudanese it means dragon. In Spanish it means magician. I couldn't find a reliable reference for these definitions, but the point is, people see only negatives when it comes to the name MAGA.
To be frank, MAGA have been displaying behaviors many have called ugly, racist, childish, hateful, deplorable, delusional, fearful, angry, and bitter. The list of negative associations with the name MAGA is lengthy. Has the POWER of the NAME of MAGA made the rose smell less sweet? Have the people LIVED into their chosen/given name by their higher being DONALD TRUMP? Remember, those who gives the name has the power over the named.
In religion, it is the gods that gives the names to what is created thus being in power over the created. Parents give names to what they create, their children, thus having power over their creation. People name their pets, thus having power/authority over them. When one joins the military, they are renamed soldier, sailor, marine, etc. The military renames enlistees and have power over them. Trump named his followers, MAGA. We can see the power he has over them. They follow his instructions to points of violence and believe what he says even though what he says can be proven as lies. MAGA has even voiced the belief Donald Trump has been sent by God, lifting him to god-like status or at least being favored by the gods.
Whether you believe a name can hold power or not, being aware of what a name or your particular name means can be enlightening. I happen to believe in the power of names and I'm lucky to have a name without negative connotations. To read more about the power of names on a personal level, read the link below from my blog. The using of selected WORDS to manifest a particular destiny or to diminish people has been employed throughout history. Sometimes, the SPELLING of words has meaning and gave rise to the idea of casting a SPELL and why people chose not to reveal their real name. Are you called by a nickname?

Most importantly, people identify with names and words. They want to live into such words, labels, and titles. Being associated with certain groups is enough for some. One sure way to be a part of a group or to belong to a group, is to adopt their behavior. Trump followers have adopted an identity for which they can be identified as a Trump follower. If you research (reputable sources) the word MAGA (Trump followers), most research will define them by their beliefs and actions, not by opinion.

The MAGA movement, is a political movement that emerged in the United States during the 2016 presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Its name is derived from Trump’s 2016 campaign slogan “Make America Great Again.” The MAGA movement is known for its particularly combative character, which exemplifies the extreme partisanship of contemporary American politics. In keeping with that stance, controversial rhetoric has flourished within the movement, including messages that critics see as homophobic, sexist, or racist or as inciting violence. MAGA movement | Meaning, Beliefs, Origins, Donald Trump, & Facts | Britannica. They admired Trump’s personal style, which was notoriously belligerent and confrontational. Trump’s habit of bullying his opponents with personal insults and name-calling, as well as his regular boasting, encouraged MAGA members to think of him as an ordinary person or “regular guy” rather than as a conventional politician.
Surveys of hundreds of fervent Trump voters, whom researchers refer to as Make American Great Again (MAGA) supporters, reveal strong beliefs that the election was stolen; that COVID-19 is a bioweapon from China; and that the riot was the work of antifa. The data, collected just before and after the Capitol riot, is believed to be the only information of its kind, shedding light on MAGA supporters’ opinions about race, gender, the pandemic and the 2020 election. “Right now, these people feel like they’re losing their country and their identity. They feel like they’re being displaced by communities of color, by feminists and by immigrants. These people are motivated by what they see as an existential threat to their way of life,” said Christopher Sebastian Parker, professor of political science at the UW and co-author of the research. New nationwide survey shows MAGA supporters’ beliefs about the pandemic, the election and the insurrection | UW News (washington.edu) 
The survey also found on race, significant majorities of respondents agreed with statements like “Black people should work their way up like other minorities” and “Black people would be as well off as white people if they tried.” Along the same lines, a majority disagreed with statements such as “Slavery/discrimination made working up difficult for Black people” and “Black people have gotten less than they deserve.” Similar themes emerged in the results regarding women and immigration. A majority of respondents agreed with statements such as “Women interpret innocent remarks as sexist,” “Feminists are seeking more power than men,” and “Immigration is changing our culture for the worse.”

Since 2016, those choosing to the name of MAGA have had an opportunity to show the public who they are and what they stand for. If, the public misunderstands them, there has been ample time for correction of the misunderstanding. MAGA knows, understands, and embraces the acronym which defines them and all that come with the NAME. It is their brand. It is their name that precedes them. It is how they identify.

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