After the Presidential Debate, Fox News has been dropping the notion, "Men will probably not vote for Kamala Harris." This is planting the SEED; men don't want to be BOSSED by a woman. Even though there is a difference between bossing and leading.
Donald Trump and JD Vance have been giving interviews for podcasts in the Manosphere. The Manosphere is made up of men from communities such as the Red Pill Community, Incels, and MGTOW, who have a bone to pick with women for ruining America and the world at large. This is the beginning of the "Men should be the head," defense. Even women are saying a woman should not be "over" men as a president..
According to Gallup and Resume Lab, only 28% of men would prefer to work for a female manager, and only 53% feel positive about having women leaders in their organization. The men tend to not like female bosses. 28% of them would prefer to work for a female manager. Only 53% feel rather or very positive about having women leaders in their organization. And a mere 17% would trust a woman more than a man to lead a company. It's not a Kamala Harris problem, it's being a WOMAN problem.
Americans revere presidents as role models, fixating on their status – real or perceived – as founding fathers, real fathers, war heroes, and Master of Diplomacy and making money and cheating on their wives without getting caught (or, at least, without getting divorced). Because presidents epitomize American notions of manhood, elections reveal what kind of man, what type and degree of masculinity, is most respected and deserving of power. ‘Be a man and vote for a woman’: Kamala Harris’s unlikely edge in America’s masculinity election | US elections 2024 | The Guardian. Can a MAN see a WOMAN as a HERO? Is MASCULINITY on the ballot for male voters?
Republicans are associated with more masculine issues and traits, Democrats with feminine ones. National defense and the economy are seen as topics that men care about, because men are expected to prize being providers for and protectors of their families. Healthcare – including abortion rights – and education are seen as women’s issues, because women are supposed to be compassionate caregivers. Even religion is brought into the equation of whether to vote for a woman as president. Can men accept a WOMAN in CHARGE of an entire NATION? Trump is gaining traction with young men because they feel voiceless in this country. They fear with a woman in charge they feel their concerns will be IGNORED. I have addressed the cry of this generation's (males) grievances in another post. How many reasons have you heard Kamala Harris should not be president? Has one of the reasons given been due to the Christian religious belief that a woman should not rule over men? If you haven't heard this reason yet, just wait, it's bound to RISE up in your circle of political commentary. Let's put this erroneous belief to rest shall we.When it comes to men struggling with antiquated masculinity issues when it comes to voting for a woman as president because of gender, I hope they have at least one woman they know who they view as a woman capable of great things. Maybe a sister or daughter who they would cheer for to reach their full potential. But those male voters do not think beyond THEMSELVES. For those MEN and WOMEN using Christian Scripture as the foundation for NOT voting for a woman to lead a nation, I have a WORD for you.
Christianity has taught for centuries that WOMEN are to be in a submissive position to men and not have a 'role' within the church. The church teaches church leaders should be men. But what happens when the established roles of women within the church, whether correct or not, are applied outside of Christianity and outside of the church? The answer is you get CONFUSION.
The first instance of a woman being considered in a 'lower' role than a man is in Genesis, the first book of the Christian Bible, when we are introduced to Adam. Adam was alone in the Garden of Eden and God saw he was lonely when he was not around. God had created the animals and birds, male and female but Adam did not have a companion so God created him a companion, a wife, and said she would be a helper suitable to him, Genesis 2:20-25.
The KEY point about the wife being a helper here is there was NOTHING to help with. The Garden of Eden was self-sufficient. There was no WORK or toil to do. Work would come into being well after Adam and Eve were created. The REASON a wife was created was for companionship/relationship. This is the 'help' offered by the first wife. Later in Genesis 3:16, as punishment for her disobedience of God, Eve's DESIRES would be for her husband, and he would RULE OVER HER. Her punishment was that her husband, not all men, would rule over her. This is a husband-and-wife thing which cannot be broadly applied to the world of interactions between unmarried men and women as many Christians believe.
Again, we read about the husband-and-wife relationship in the New Testament, Ephesians 5:22-33 says, "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything". Now, me as a woman, do not have to submit to any other woman's husband. It is HER job, according to Scripture, to submit to HER husband. A man does not go to his place of employment as a husband. He is just an employee. Men are just citizens in the United States. WHERE they are husbands is where they have authority. The passages cannot be any clearer.
We do not have to wonder how God felt about women as leaders because we have a clear example in the Bible in the book of Judges. In the Old Testament, judges were military leaders of the tribes of Israel before the monarchy. They were raised by God to govern the tribes and lead them into battle against enemies. Two famous judges were Samson and Gideon. Of the twelve judges chosen by God, there was ONE woman, Deborah. Deborah was a married woman who led Israel. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites CAME to her to have their disputes decided, Judges 4:4-5. She defeated Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite Army. She was the commander over 10,000 men. It was a woman, Jael, who actually KILLED Sisera, the Canaanite commander.
What about women having a leadership role within the church leading men. Here we have the example of Phoebe in the book of Romans. Romans 16:1-2, "I commend to you our sister Phoebe, a servant of the church in Cenchrea. I ask you to receive her in the Lord in a way WORTHY of the saints and to GIVE her any help she may need from you, for she has been a great help to many people, including me." Because her name is listed first by Paul, even before other men, scholars agree she held a position of importance. Paul goes on to tell the church to greet twenty-six other people, but he only instructs them to give Phoebe whatever she asks.
When the words of the above passage are reviewed in its original language, the word 'servant' is defined as ministry sixteen times so scholars accept the word as meaning teacher. Next, we have a woman, Priscilla whose name is listed BEFORE her husband's which scholars also believe is significant, since women were understood to be submissive to their husbands within their Christian teaching. Paul said the husband and wife had risked their lives for him and the Gentile churches. Here we see the author of many books of the New Testament exalting women and the work they have done for the church.Throughout the Bible, women are hand selected in the same manner as men to carry out the will of God. Different people have been used in different capacities as God sees fit. We are all his creation. We all have different talents. Many Bible teachers and preachers prefer to say women are easily deceived and are the weaker sex, according to Scripture. Well, I have an entire post dedicated to that vein of teaching that I will not address here.
My point is, there is nothing biblical that indicates a woman cannot be president of the United States. Even without scriptural backing, many believe it will be against God's will for Kamala Harris to be president. I ask Christian's to think about the NATURE of God as evidenced by his Word in the Bible. How many times is it written and said, "I have chosen." God chooses to do what he does, and it does not always line up with what we believe should be. His ways are not our ways. 1 Corinthians 1:27, "But God has selected [for His purpose] the foolish things of the world to shame the wise [revealing their ignorance], and God has selected [for His purpose] the weak things of the world to shame the things which are strong [revealing their frailty]."One last point I would like to make. No matter who is the leader of our country, as Christians we are to carry ourselves as such. The person leading us may have been allowed to be in that position to show OUR CHRACTER. Christians are not yanked around by worldly concerns. We are to remain steadfast in our Christian walk and service to God. And we learn through Scripture, as far as God is concerned, to never say NEVER.
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