In this time of rampant social media ingestion, and cable opinion news, America has had the fortune or misfortune of being introduced to MAGA Christians. I know your first thought is there is no such thing as MAGA Christians, only Christians. Even though there is no such denomination, Christians on the Right, have determined and push, who IS and is NOT a Christian, and those who are a part of the MAGA faction, are the ones who are considered Christians.
MAGA Christians will assert, anyone who supports abortion or homosexuality cannot be Christian. They will even go as far as saying people who do are going to burn in hell. Their dug in position regarding abortion and homosexuality is what THEY use when THEY determine who loves God and who doesn't. Those listening to them, find them offensive and by default, their God offensive. I have written a post on this blog titled, Evangelicals Giving Christianity a Black Eye. When one declares themselves as a Christian, they become ambassadors of Christ. MAGA ambassadors do honestly believe they are representing God. But if we look at the Book which instructs Christians how to live, the BIBLE, we see may see what they believe as God's work may not be carried out as such.
In the book of James in the Bible, the first chapter says something that may be of interest to MAGA Christians. James 1:27, "Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." How Christians TREAT people is important to God. I stress this often in my writing. He said you can live pure and faultless, as a Christian by helping the widows and orphans. Why isn't there an outcry by MAGA Christians condemning those who are not taking care of this group of people in distress? Is protesting abortion and homosexuality more important than living a pure and faultless life?
When MAGA Christians express their horror at people advocating for women's right to decide their own health choices or rights for LBGQ, it is often filled with anger and hostility. So, angry and hostile, until HELL is evoked. James 1:19-20 states, "My brother, take note of THIS: Everyone should be QUICK to LISTEN, SLOW to SPEAK, and SLOW to become ANGRY, for a man's anger does NOT bring about the righteous life God DESIRES." Here we read God doesn't like angry people.
In their endeavor to point out sin that offends God, they become the sin that offends God. Their anger and rantings about who is a Christian in their eyes, does not bring about righteous life for themselves or others. They become even angrier if anyone not belonging to the RIGHT'S way of thinking, claim to be a Christian. Believing what Republicans believe has become their rule for who is a Christian. They have become polluted by the world using man given standards for Christianity.
What makes a person a Christian has been and will always be John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." This does not seem to be enough for the MAGA Christian. In their eyes, a person cannot possibly have eternal life if they are doing horrible sins, like murder and being homosexual. They say a real Christian would not do such things. But all Christians sin. We know this because here we read, Romans 3:10 states, "There is none righteous, no, not one; as it is written, none is righteous, just and truthful and upright and conscientious, no, not one".
Studying the Bible gives a Christian knowledge. The Bible tells us what happens to those who don't pay any attention to that particular knowledge. Romans 1:28-31, "Furthermore, since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God, he gave them over to a depraved mind, to do what ought not to be done. They have become filled with every kind of wickedness, evil, greed. and depravity. They are full of ENVY, MURDER, STRIFE, DECEIT, and MALICE. They are GOSSIPS, SLANDERERS, GOD-HATERS, INSOLENT, ARROGANT, and BOASTFUL; they invent ways of doing evil; they DISOBEY their parents, they are SENSELESS, FAITHLESS, HEARTLESS, RUTHLESS." Which deserves death.
***Romans 1 is also the section of the Bible which is used to condemn homosexuality by most Christians in verses 26-27 where it says God gave a due PENALTY.*******
The above, from the Bible was written about people who reject God. But, when the Christian begins to operate out of God's word, they are rejecting the knowledge of God also. There are many Christians who have the sins listed, making them equal to those who reject God by their actions.
MAGA Christians, taking upon themselves to decide who is a Christian or not is not part of their job description. The Bible does say in Matthew 7:16-20, "Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit." But that passage is for how to know a false prophet.
The commission of Jesus is for his followers to share the GOOD NEWS that there is salvation through Christ. The commission of Jesus is not for Christians to have oversight of Christians. For those who sin, there will be punishment for them by God according to the Christian religion. It is God's to give.
Romans 2:1, "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgement on SOMEONE ELSE, for whatever point YOU judge others, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgement do the same things." Doing the same thing means, you sin too, and do not stop, even knowing better. You say others should go to hell for THEIR sin, but I should NOT. You say the sinner has no EXCUSE for THEIR sin whatsoever, not knowing you are passing the same judgement on your own sins. And yes, sin is sin, but some Christians believe there are levels of sin and of course, their chosen sin is not that bad.
The Christian Bible says what it says. It is a CODE of conduct for Christians. Yes, we share the Word of God and yes, it matters how we share it and how we live as those who shares his Word. We play such a small role in God's plan, but yes, an important role. But some have elevated themselves, as Christians, to the level of God. We are reminded in 1 Corinthians 3:5-11, when there was jealousy and quarreling among the Christians in Corinthians as to who they should believe, Paul's teachings or Apollos'. Paul said, "I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So, neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow". Only God can make the seed of his Word grow in someone else. Christians trying to brow beating someone to accept and do the Word of God will not work. No. Not even shaming or condemning someone will work either. Examples of what they have to gain might though.
MAGA, in their efforts to point out what is RIGHT in God, lost sight of themselves being right with God. The Scripture indicates the belief in God is paramount and the belief in Jesus is what is needed to be a Christian. After accepting Christ, the Christian still sins, but works not to sin by having the knowledge of God. Even when the Christian has the knowledge of God, they do not always RETAIN it. The Christian can become arrogant, boastful, heartless and ruthless passing judgement on others which in turn are the standards they are judged by, by God. They become worldly forgetting how to live a pure and faultless life themselves caring for others in distress such as widows and orphans. They have become slow to listen, quick to speak, and quick to anger.
MAGA'S association with Donald Trump is viewed as hypocritical by the Left, while the Right believes he is sent by God to do Godly work. Remember what I wrote about a false prophet? 1 Corinthians 5:11 speaks about who Christians are to associate with within the church, "But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is SEXUALLY IMMORAL, or GREEDY, an IDOLATER, or a SLANDERER, a DRUNKARD or a SWINDLER. With such a man do not even eat." Sounds like Donald Trump to me.
MAGA often responds, "But Democrats kill babies." No! Individuals make choices, using their free will given to them by God. Abortions and homosexuality have been occurring before the word Democrat was even a thing. Democrats do not tell individuals to have abortions or to be homosexuals. Individuals who identify as Democrat, Republican, Liberal, Christian, and non-Christian have abortions and identify as homosexual. You don't have to do or be either to be a Democrat. It is not needed to belong to the political party.
Democrats have not made politics EQUAL to salvation like Republicans have for years. MAGA Christian Republicans almost behave as if they own Christianity and admit or kick out members; that they get to stamp who is or who is not a Christian. Democrats do not elevate their people, servants of government, in office, to "real" CHRISTIANS or sent by God, even though they have leaders who are Christians. There is a difference.
MAGA Christians say they support Donald Trump for various reasons. Championing a KNOWN corrupt person by government laws and Biblical description looks a little bad for those testifying to be Christian, but it does not make the person not Christian. They see no harm in their support for Trump saying the Democrat candidate is just as sinful. But Trump makes promises to Christians, luring them with delivering their values in exchange for votes while not bearing the fruits of Christianity, insinuating he is a brother in Christ, part of the church of Christ. No Democrat panders to Christians offering things in exchange for something. Democrats present policy choices to the people of the nation; that's why the party is diverse. The Bible says Christians are persecuted for Jesus' name's sake. Trump is doing the opposite for Christians. He is promising them their deepest desires.
MAGA Christians seem to have hardened their hearts. There are only two things that matter to them, to make sure it is known abortion and homosexuality is a sin. America has heard the message MAGA, now what? You have done your duty to name "A "sin which means a lot to you to address. NOW WHAT?
Your voices have been loud, and therefore the world is looking at YOU as a Christian. What is it you are showing them? Can they see God through you? One last thing. the ugliest vile comments and responses I have received regarding my opinions on Christianity have been by people who say they are Christians. They have it in their profile bios and even as part as their social media name. People are watching those who call themselves children of God. Romans 14:13 in the Bible says, "Therefore, let us not pass judgment on one another any longer, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother".
What Donald Trump has to say:
“I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don’t bring God into that picture,” Trump said in 2015 when he was asked about times in his life that he’s sought out God’s forgiveness, according to CNN.
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