Sunday, September 22, 2024

No More Thought and Prayers for Mass Shootings Christians!

How much longer will thoughts and prayers be offered when there is a MASS SHOOTING? If we are a Christian nation as many suggest, is it biblical to JUST offer thoughts and prayers for families who have been victimized by mass shootings who are asking for HELP? I say NO!

There was another mass shooting in Birmingham, Alabama, September 21, 2024, with 21 people injured and four dead. Mass shootings have become so common, we no longer shake our heads about it. Social media does become flooded with when will America do something about weapons, and I have the right to own guns. But no solution is ever reached to stop the death and suffering of people. And of course, there are thoughts and prayers offered.

In the Christian Bible in the book of James 2:14-16, "What good is it, my brothers, if a man claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such a faith SAVE him? Suppose a brother or sister is without clothes and daily food. If one of you says to him, "Go, I WISH you well; keep warm and well fed, "but does nothing about his PHYSICAL NEEDS, what good is it?

Many people believe they are doing God's will by PRAYING for people to be well or to have their needs met. Of course, praying for one another is biblical. But we DEMONSTRATE Christ to the world by our ACTIONS. When there is a person or a people CRYING out for help, the Christian must go BEYOND prayers.

At least 131 people have died this year in those mass shootings, which are defined as incidents in which four or more people die within a 24-hour period, not including the killer — the same definition used by the FBI. Last year ended with 217 deaths from 42 mass killings in the U.S., making 2023 one of the deadliest years on record. Who is NOT aware of the suffering?

Gun control is always presented as a Second Amendment right. The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution states that "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". The amendment was ratified to ensure that citizens would still have the right to own weapons, even though the federal government would have the power to create a standing army and navy. Our forefathers made sure we were allowed to protect ourselves as citizens.

But what is a nation to do when what was meant to be a right for self-protection has become what the nation needs to be protected from? This may be where the citizens who also hold to the fact that our nation was founded under the guidance of religion, show their faith. The citizens, actively living their faith will balance laws which have gotten out of control.

The word INFRINGE in the Second Amendment means to actively break the terms of (a law, agreement, etc.). And gun owners will say the government cannot TAKE away their guns. But if a Christian knows his brothers and sisters are in NEED of help to try to stop the pain of mass shootings by semi-automatic rifles, there should be a WILLINGNESS to help instead of offering thoughts and prayers and walk away from their desperate need. There should not be a need for anyone to BREAK or infringe on the right to own weapons when the Christian willingly says I want to help my brothers and sisters in this area.

Christian gunowners who turn their back on the need for gun control which is killing our children and then offer up prayers for the safety of children in school, are not demonstrating their faith in God. James goes on to say in 2:17-18, "In the same way, faith by ITSELF, if not accompanied by ACTION, is DEAD. But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." SHOW me FAITH without DEEDS, and I will show YOU my faith by WHAT I DO."

Is the Christian by refusing to allow gun control to help others demonstrating their faith for THEIR security and life is in THEIR own hands and dependent on owning weapons? Where does God figure into their lives? Those who do not practice Christianity, or the WORLD, as Christians refer to them, put their trust in THEMSRLVES or others. The Christian's faith is in God. I know your response to this statement is God gave me the good sense to protect myself. Yes, God did. And surely, he gave you the good sense to help others in need through love and compassion.

We can read just offering thoughts and prayers is not a biblical stance for the Christian. John 17:14, Jesus prays to the Father, saying, "I have given them your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world". Some say that this verse means Christians should be "in the world but not of the world", and that this means not following the world's values, beliefs, and actions. Instead, Christians should follow Christ's word, represent Christ's kingdom, and show the Father's love and kindness. Continuing to stand by something so destructive as allowing assault rifles to be in the hands of any and everybody killing people in large numbers, and just think of self is not biblical. It's not Christian.

Christians choose soap box SINS to rail against while not living out the Word of God. Christians try to have things both ways and every way. It is NOT possible if you are living as the Bible which instructs Christians how to live daily. Christians are to see differently and behave differently. They are to be Christlike and that is demonstrated through their ACTIONS. Many people BELIEVE just because they advocate for Christianity, proclaim Christianity, and talk about Christianity they are GOOD Christians. Once again James says in 2:19, "You believe that there is one God. Good! Even the DEMONS believe that - and shudder."

Don't get me wrong. this isn't an attack on Christians. It is just one Christian saying to another, how are we loving and caring for our brothers and sister and even enemies. In the Bible, Luke 6:32 says, "If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them". This verse is part of a passage that continues, "But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be children of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked. Be merciful, just as your Father is merciful." People have chosen sides about owning certain guns, one being good and the other evil. Christians have lost their FOCUS on their Christian walk by taking sides on material things.

Christianity goes far beyond THOUGHTS and PRAYERS. It must be demonstrated by actions through faith. 1 Corinthians 13:13, "And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is LOVE. Does a Christian demonstrate the three when they turn their back on the need and loud request of people in large numbers to try to ensure the safety of their children as they attend school? If the answer is gun control, isn't that a simple request when your faith and hope is in God? Is this an opportunity for those who follow the Christian religion to stand and say I am not like the world putting my faith in worldly things to care and protect me? Is this an OPPORTUNITY to point others to live trusting God?

Living as a Christian is not a solo ENDEAVOR. Christians walk daily with the trinity of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, each encompassing LOVE. Our FAITH must be shown in our ACTIONS. Thoughts and prayers are SOLO actions. Turning your back is an action. Addressing a need is an action. 

Christian's must make decisions daily. They must die to their flesh daily. Our flesh, which is worldly, is concerned about our OWN wants, desires, and needs. In the Bible passages in James I quoted, we are encouraged to be CONCERNED about our brothers and sisters. Offering them words of COMFORT is not enough when they are in DISTRESS

WHEN WILL A CHRISTIAN nation realize thoughts and prayers are not enough? Even the Good Samaritan came to the aid of his enemy, Luke 10:25-37, when the religious men passed the man in need by. The passage said the Samaritan had COMPASSION for the man.

Thought and prayers regarding mass shootings allows the Christian to DO nothing. It justifies turning the back on a painful need. WHY pass up an opportunity to demonstrate FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE? Talking Godly is much easier than living Godly.

America's deadliest modern mass shootings. This PAIN requires Christian action.

  1. Route 91 Harvest music festival, Las Vegas, October 2, 2017: 60 killed, more than 850 injured.
  2. Pulse, Orlando, Fla., June 2016: 49 killed and 53 injured.
  3. Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Va., April 2007: 32 killed and 17 injured on campus.
  4. Sandy Hook Elementary School, Newtown, Conn., December 2012: 26 killed.
  5. First Baptist Church, Sutherland Springs, Texas, November 2017: 26 killed and 20 injured.
  6. Luby's Cafeteria, Killeen, Texas, October 1991: 23 killed.
  7. Walmart, El Paso, Texas, August 3, 2019: 23 killed, 26 injured.
  8. McDonald's, San Ysdiro, Calif., July 1984: 21 killed.
  9. Robb Elementary School, Uvalde, Texas, May 24, 2022: 21 killed.
  10. Schemengees Bar and Sparetime Recreation, Lewiston, Maine, October 2023: 18 killed and at least 13 injured.
  11. Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Parkland, Fla., February 2018: 17 killed.
  12. University of Texas Tower, Austin, Texas, August 1966: 16 killed around campus.
  13. Inland Regional Center, San Bernardino, Calif., December 2015: 14 killed.
  14. Edmond post office, Edmond, Okla., August 1986: 14 killed.
  15. Fort Hood, Fort Hood, Texas, November 2009: 13 killed.
  16. Columbine High School, Littleton, Colo., April 1999: 13 killed.
  17. Binghamton Civic Association, Binghamton, N.Y., April 2009: 13 killed.
  18. New Jersey neighborhood and local shops, Camden, N.J, September 1949: 13 killed.
  19. Schoolhouse Lane neighborhood and Heather Highlands Mobile Home Village, Wilkes-Barre, Pa., September 1982: 13 killed.
  20. Wah Mee club in the Louisa hotel, Seattle, Wash., February 1983: 13 killed.
  21. Century 16 movie theater, Aurora, Colo., July 2012: 12 killed, 58 wounded.
  22. Star Ballroom Dance Studio, Monterey Park, Calif., January 2023: 12 killed, 9 injured.
  23. Navy Yard, Washington, D.C., September 2013: 12 killed, 8 wounded.
  24. The Borderline Bar & Grill, Thousand Oaks, Calif., November 2018: 12 killed, several wounded.
  25. Virginia Beach Municipal Center, Virginia Beach, Va., May 2019: 12 killed.

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