Saturday, April 27, 2024

Biden's Israeli Problem

Have you ever heard the expression, "No matter how flat you make a pancake, it has two sides?" That expression cannot be truer than with the war between Israel and Palestine. People are choosing sides, and only their side matters. Israel says it has the right to defend itself from attackers, such as Hamas, and people say innocent civilians not involved in the attack on Israel has the right to live and not be part of a genocide. Both sides are right at the same time. WHAT IS A PRESIDENT FORCED TO REMAIN LOYAL TO ISRAEL TO DO? That is the problem President Biden is facing.

Those who support the Republican party, are in large numbers Christian Evangelicals supporting the Israeli War. They are not those who will re-elect Biden for president. Those against giving aid to Israel to continue their war against the Palestinians are supporters of the Democratic Party and the group in which Biden will receive his large number of votes. America has a long history of supporting Israel for religious reasons. FEAR of repercussions from God is a driving factor for those, regardless of Israels actions, supporting Israel no matter what. 

For many “Christians Zionists,” and particularly for popular evangelists with significant clout within the Republican Party, their support for Israel is rooted in its role in the supposed end times: Jesus’ return to Earth, a bloody final battle at Armageddon, and Jesus ruling the world from the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. At the heart of Christian Zionism is not a love for Israel but rather Christian nationalism. Christian Zionists maintain that the Book of Genesis says that God will bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse it. They insist that if America, as a country, does not “bless” Israel (that is, offer its government its unconditional support), God will curse America.

Genesis 12:3 states, "I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse him who curses you; and in you, all the families of the earth shall be blessed". This verse means that God will bless those who bless Israel. Some ways to bless Israel include taking a stand for Israel, speaking up for Israel, standing up for Israel, and praying for Israel.

In this interpretation, settlers’ further control of the occupied West Bank, which they call by its biblical names Judea and Samaria, is a fulfillment of God’s plan for a Jewish return to Israel — one of a sequence of biblical prophecies that culminates in the Second Coming. White evangelicals “are the religious group most likely to express a very or somewhat favorable view of the Israeli government (68%),” according to a 2022 Pew Research Center poll.

When Trump moved the U.S. Embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, even he admitted that most Americans, including Jewish Americans, opposed the decision. But Trump made the move for his evangelical supporters, who were ecstatic. Popular Evangelical Pastor John Hagee claimed he had helped convince Trump by telling him at a White House dinner that Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem to “set up His throne on the Temple Mount where He will sit and rule for a thousand years of perfect peace.” Hagee claimed he had helped convince Trump by telling him at a White House dinner that Jesus is coming back to Jerusalem to “set up His throne on the Temple Mount where He will sit and rule for a thousand years of perfect peace.” This made Trump a champion for the Christian religion and their beliefs, elevating him to an almost god-like status. He became the "MAN" for Christianity; thus, he could DO NO WRONG HIMSELF in the eyes of many Christians.

History has shown where religion is concerned, rationality can get thrown out of the window and we are in such a time now. According to the Encyclopedia of Wars, out of all 1,763 known/recorded historical conflicts, 121, or 6.8% had religion as their primary cause. Matthew White's The Great Big Book of Horrible Things gives religion as the primary cause of 11 of the world's 100 deadliest atrocities.

You may say that is a bygone time. But the fear of going against established religious ideology has dire consequences for those of the Christian faith. For example, it has been estimated by careful and reputed historians of the Catholic Inquisition that 50 million people were slaughtered for the crime of "heresy" by Roman persecutors between the A.D. 606 and the middle of the 19th century. People were killed throughout history for not believing and complying to what religious leaders had established was "biblical." Christians are still told not to go against the religious establishment in modern religion.

The Church stood for centuries at odds against science and if you were a Christian, you were expected to also. Church officials feared that as people began to believe scientific ideas, then people would start to question the Church, making people doubt key elements of faith.

Church officials feared that scientific ideas would threaten the powerful influence of the Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science. 

In 1600, the Catholic Inquisition condemned the philosopher and cosmologist Giordano Bruno for heresy, and he was then burned alive in the Campo de’ Fiori in Rome. Historians, scientists, and philosophical scholars have traditionally held that Bruno’s theological beliefs led to his execution, denying any link between his study of the nature of the universe and his trial. 

In 1610, Galileo published his Sidereus Nuncius (Starry Messenger), describing the observations that he had made with his new, much stronger telescope, amongst them, the Galilean moons of Jupiter The Galileo affair, (Italian: il processo a Galileo Galilei) began around 1610 and culminated with the trial and condemnation of Galileo Galilei by the Roman Catholic Inquisition in 1633.

It is hard to believe once, the church and the Christian religion, stamped slavery as biblical. In the modern era, Christianity and slavery are seen as oxymoronic. But for much of Christian history, many saw no conflict between keeping the faith and keeping or trading slaves. From the first century until the Civil War, the Bible itself was often used to justify slavery. The “popes and their friends” accepted “gifts” of enslaved Black people shipped from Africa to Rome. Through Transatlantic trafficking, the church systematically extended its influence. European enslavers baptized millions of enslaved people whose labor they used to amass vast wealth.

RELIGIOUS BELIEFS are powerful. RELIGIOUS FEAR is powerful. Even though those beliefs may be wrong and outdated, they remain powerful.

So, what is a president to do when faced with engrained religious fear and potential genocide? That remains to be seen. Israel wants to teach Hamas and their supporters a lesson, but believing they will get rid of HAMAS will never come to pass. As soon as the bombing stops, Hamas will regroup and have more supporters than before. Only a genocide will ensure Hamas will not rise up again and as we are witnessing, Americans are against genocide and rightly so.

My guess is Biden is waiting on Israel to recognize this FACT and cease its fighting. It is taking way longer than President Biden anticipated. Sit-ins and protests in America are pushing for Israel to stop its response to the horrific attack from Hamas. On October 7, 2023, the Palestinian Sunni Islamist group Hamas (a U.S.-designated foreign terrorist organization, or FTO) led surprise attacks against Israel from the Gaza Strip. More than 1,200 Israelis and foreign nationals (including at least 35 U.S. citizens in Israel) were killedAnti-Sematic rhetoric is reaching a critical point on college campuses across America so much so, classes and graduations have been cancelled. In standing with the Jews in Israel, the American Jews have become almost outcasts. 

 PEACE IN THE MIDDLE EAST has been a long-time chant always meaning the same thing at different times.

The Christian Right is being driven by a FEAR based ideology, while the Left is being driven by humanitarian concerns. Many times, people believe you must choose a side, that two things live in opposition to one another. Hopefully, this is one case where you don't have to choose one or the other as in history past.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Trump Is Unfit to be President


In a previous post, I said former president Donald Trump was the boogie man. He is something or someone to be feared. Why should we fear him potentially becoming our president again? Because he is unfit in every possible way, and he shows and tells you every time he is front of a camera or microphone. I will ask the reader WHY VOTE FOR HIM? Do you have an answer?

You may say that statement is so ridiculous. But is it? What do you visualize when you think about the boogie man? I'm sure it is some monster type figure first imagined in childhood out to get you in the darkness of night. My daughter was not afraid of the boogie man but the wolf man which I guess she had seen on a cartoon or movie at one time. Boogie man or wolf man, in our imaginations we envisioned something evil and sinister lurking in the shadows to get us, at least once in our childhoods. If you compare the Boogieman and Donald Trump, you will see several similarities. 

What we feared as children was silent, unlike Trump. Trump is apt to say something WEIRD, insensitive, shocking, and at time s appalling. It seems he has no clue that what he is saying is offensive like when he speaks about people of color. “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” Trump told Albany’s Talk 1300 in April 2011 as he mulled a run for the presidency at that time, which he did not ultimately pursue.

“I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told John R. O’Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, according to O’Donnell’s account in his 1991 book “Trumped!” “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.” Trump, according to O’Donnell, went on to say, “‘Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.” Black people should fear a man like this becoming their president.

Notice how I spelled boogie man. The correct spelling is boogeyman. The spelling may be different, but the idea of the scary figure is the same. The word bogeyman, used to describe a monster in English, comes from the Middle English bugge or bogge, which means “a frightening specter.” Bogeyman itself is known from the 15th century, though bogeyman stories are almost certainly much older.

The original meaning of words fascinates me. Trump has exhibited troubling character traits. When looking at his last name, there is a surprise. Trumpery derives from the Middle English trompery and ultimately from the Middle French tromper, meaning "to deceive." Trumpery first appeared in English in the mid-15th century with the meanings "deceit or fraud" (a sense that is now obsolete) and "worthless nonsense." Less than 100 years later, it was being applied to material objects of little or no value. The verb phrase trump up means "to concoct with the intent to deceive." This alone gives you a clue about the man. He espouses WORTHLESS NONSENSE, but people still support him. Why

Many believe Trump has deceived people by the masses. We find it hard to believe such a scary personality as Trump could have followers who cannot see how dangerous his rhetoric is. How divisive he is. How scary he is. When we compare him to the Bogeyman, then maybe we can see his appeal to others.

The Bogeyman was first used for the hobgoblins described in the 16th century England. Many believed that they were made to torment humans, and while some only played simple pranks, others were more foul in nature. The Boogeyman is a shadowy, amorphous ghost who hides in dark places in order to frighten unsuspecting victims. He's more of a nuisance than a danger, and his power is easily neutralized by bright light. For children, the Boogeyman meant death if he got his hands on them.

I know you are saying Trump is not hiding in dark places waiting to scare people. But Trump is a bugge or bogge, a frightening specter able to get away with things the 'normal' person can't. He is also frightening with the bravado he has in the commission of crimes and divisive rhetoric he uses which incites his followers. To millions, his actions are seen as foul. He torments onlookers with his bullying nature and potential to take revenge on those who are not bowing to his wishes and will. The truly frightening thing is, he is not easily neutralized, not even by light. But maybe JOY can. Kamala wins with joy trends on X twitter. People want joy. 

Trump has said about Mexicans, “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said at his campaign announcement. Why would Mexicans or nationalized immigrants vote for him?
He will be commander and chief of our military if elected as president. What could possibly be wrong with that? According to the Atlantic magazine, during a trip to France to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 U.S. Marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers.” The Atlantic article, portions of which have been corroborated by the Associated Press, the Washington Postand Fox News, also reported that when Trump aborted a visit to another World War I cemetery, blaming the weather, he remarked, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.” In addition, Trump reportedly said that the presence of maimed U.S. veterans would upset spectators at a military parade, commenting, “Nobody wants to see that.” Why would ANY one in uniform vote for a person who disrespects those in uniform?

The Boogeyman has no specific appearance and conception of his appearance can vary drastically from household to household within the same community. He is a formless being that can take any shape the storyteller wishes though he tends to be a grotesque humanoid with a tendency to hide under beds, in closets, and other dark places. 

This creature varies from person to person, as it has no definite appearance and is simply the embodiment of terror. Although usually depicted as a masculine entity, it can be female of genderless. Trump has a very specific and distinct look. People have made Trumps appearance part of their comedy. From his body posture, dyed face, and over-comb of his hair, cartoonist and comedians have had a field day mocking, not fearing, the appearance of Trump. Trump is a laughingstock trends on X Twitter. But it is said the 'BOSS' could give his followers a look which when seen, they knew his bidding.

Speaking to Time magazine for a profile published in January 1989, Trump was asked to give an estimate of his total wealth. “Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” he responded, using a racial slur for the Japanese. Why would minorities vote for him?

While the description of the Boogeyman differs on a CULTURAL level, there are often shared similarities to the creatures. The boogeyman is depicted as having claws, talons, and sharp teeth. Trump is able to dig into his followers with what must be seen in a figural way as claws, talons, or teeth and has a hold on them which can't be loosened. His followers will not leave his deadly grip. Some say it is more akin to a spell, but I see it as a grip on their minds in an almost unexplainable fashion. Along with the claws and stuff, the Boogeyman is of the spirit variety. Trump's personality attracts LIKE personalities. If you are one of his supporters, do you SHARE his personality?

In a New York magazine profile published in November 1992, a year after Trump divorced his first wife, Ivana, Trump was quoted dispensing his wisdom about how to handle the fairer sex. “You have to treat ’em like shit,” Trump said in the article to friend Philip Johnson, who responded, “You’d make a good mafioso.” Trump’s response: “One of the greatest.” A recording, obtained and published by the Washington Post, is from a day when Trump made an appearance on the soap opera Days of Our Lives. Trump is talking to Billy Bush of Access Hollywood, and the audio is caught on a hot mic. Trump says the norms of being a famous man: “They let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy.” Why would women vote for him?

If anyone would see the creature they would be frightened by all rights. But all Boogeymen do not look the same. It is their activities in the covers of darkness and their sneaky means of carrying out their fear inspiring activities that make a Boogeyman.

Trump's comments after a white nationalist's rally in Charlottesville, Va. has been dubbed by critics as one of the lowest points in his presidency.  He said there were "fine people on both sides" of the rally — both the counter protesters and those members of the alt-right who did Nazi salutes and chants. We won't go back trends on X Twitter. 

Trump does scary thing in the shadows, in the cover of darkness, and even directly in the face of people. He's shifty and a grifter. Causing fear and harm wherever he goes. The Boogeyman is known to have minions. His minions carry out or enact the wishes of the Boogeyman. Trump seems to have followers in the political arena from SCOTUS, Congress, and MAGA, willing to do his nefarious bidding. They put their careers and reputations on the line to gain favor with Donald Trump. Even when they know they are doomed, they continue to stand for and with Trump. That alone is scary.

As NFL protests picked up steam and more and more players refused to stand for the National Anthem, Trump decided to chime in. "Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son-of-a-bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!'" Trump said at a rally last year. Why would people who protest peacefully for causes they believe in vote for him? 

The Boogeyman is everything a person fears, and he thrives on the fears of others, taking a cruel delight in turning their pleasant dreams into dark nightmares. Trump issues out fear to his followers telling them he can protect them from the scary thing he tells them people are doing and what is going to happen to them. Trump creates nightmare outcomes of nonthreatening government practices. He incites fear in his followers. And that pandering he does to the right, causes fear in those who are not following him. Fear, he knows is a powerful tool. Why would you vote for a man who uses FEAR as a weapon?

The former president first used the phrase “kung flu” to describe COVID-19 in June at a Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally. As the Washington Post reported, it became a rallying cry for the crowd. He insults other nations without discretion. He turns Americans against long-standing allies. His threatening behavior goes beyond the borders of our country. Speaking at a rally in Conway, South Carolina, Trump recalled how as president he told an unidentified NATO member that he would withhold U.S. help and “encourage” Russia to do as it wishes with allies that do not contribute enough to military spending. Who would vote for someone destroying our friendships on the world stage?

Being a master manipulator, the Boogeyman often preyed on its victims psychologically. Its knowledge of people's worst fears allowed it to unnerve its enemies and enjoyed watching them squirm, often leaving their fates to their imagination through thinly veiled threats before finishing them off. Trump knows what people fear and he uses it to the fullest for his benefit. He enjoys making those who do not even believe in his Boogeyman-like persona to squirm from his antics. He messes with people's minds. Why vote for someone who enjoys heckling and bullying people with his words?

During the height of the pandemic, while in Arizona, former president Donald Trump directly played upon white racial grievances when he angrily declared that "white people" were being "denigrated" and "discriminated against" and that "if you're white, you don't get the vaccine, or if you're white, you don't get life-saving therapies." Why do White people believe this you must ask.

The Boogeyman has a perverse level of pleasure from playfully tormenting its victims in an almost animal-like fashion. Trump goes beyond the established laws and unwritten laws which govern civil society. He pushes these boundaries just to see if he can and because he says he can. He is not controlled by institutionalized codes of conduct. Because of this, he is scary. Why vote for someone who breaks laws?

Referring to himself and his supporters collectively, Mr. Trump said there would be no concession after not being reelected for a second presidential term. On January 6, 2021, he went on to say to the gathered crowd: "You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore." This was preceding the Capitol riot. Why would anyone vote for a man who orchestrated and encouraged an attack on our government?

Former president Donald Trump lacks one thing as the personification of the Boogeyman. He doesn't jump out from a dark corner and scream BOO to frighten people. HE IS IN YOUR FACE audacious. His existence is frightening, and he seems to grow stronger and stronger in his powers to frighten.

In 2018, at the White House’s Hanukkah party, Trump told the gathered group of American Jews that Israel is “your country.” The full quote comes from his introduction of Vice President Mike Pence: “I want to thank Vice President Mike Pence. A tremendous supporter… a tremendous supporter of yours. And Karen. And they go there, and they love your country. They love your country. And they love this country. That’s a good combination, right?” Your country in this statement is Israel — not America — even though he is speaking to a room of American Jews, not Israeli Jews. In December 2019, Trump repeated this — again, to a room full of American Jews — saying, “A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all.” Later at that 2015 RJC event, Trump said, “You’re not gonna support me because I don’t want your money. You want to control your politicians, that’s fine.” Why would Jews vote for Trump?

For decades parents used the imagery of the Boogeyman to frighten their children to keep them inline. The large majority of Boogeyman are there to just frighten children with punishments, and not actually inflict much damage. The more vicious Boogeyman is said to steal the children at night, and even eat them. In the same way, the religious Right is supporting Trump to frighten the Democratic Left. He is being supported in his actions by the Right to issue out punishment to the Liberal society who they believe are godless and evil. Trump is a WEAPON used by MAGA against the Left. They hide behind religion and support Christian nationalism which goes against biblical teachings. Why would anyone vote for FORCED religion?

Trump has denied that he meant to mock the reporter, Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, a congenital condition affecting the joints. He has maintained that his physical affect in imitation of Kovaleski was because "He was groveling, grovel, grovel, grovel. That was the end of it. All of a sudden, I get reports that I was imitating a reporter who was handicapped. I would never do that." Supporters of Trump were shamed online for mocking vice president candidate Tim Walz's son Gus for crying during his father's DNC speech. Gus who has a learning disorder. Why would people with disabilities vote for Trump?

The Boogeyman has always lived in the realm of myth. Frightening stories have been recanted of this darker than life figure. When there was something we feared in dark times and were unable to put it into words, the default description was always the Boogeyman. Trump also leaves us lost for words to describe his menacing presence. He is a dark force creating fear. He is looming and threatening. He is unable to be captured or gotten rid of. The frightened sleep with their lights on in an effort to cast light on him and have become to be labeled as WOKE.

Light is the known way to get rid of the Boogeyman. Keeping the light on is always showing the truth. To fight Donald Trump and his antics we must always stick to the facts and Constitutional laws. At this time, we are looking to the courts and SCOTUS to keep the light on. It seems they are having a difficult time doing so. Even if they fail, the everyday person must keep the light of truth shining. It is the only WEAPON, against the Boogeyman, Donald Trump. Why would anyone want to remain in darkness?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Is Donald Trump the Worst President Ever?

Why is the hashtag "Donald Trump Is A Laughing Stock trending on twitterX? Because the world stage is laughing at him. He continues to hold rallies, with low attendance, while he rambles for hours about whatever comes into his brain. We get to see, little of importance is in his brain.

President Obama said when he spoke to the DNC, Trump has been whining and complaining about his self-inflicted problems for years. His constant complaining about crowd size demonstrates, he thinks SMALL. His thoughts and vocabulary consist of insults and name calling, which is far from presidential. He continues to put on the same divisive performance that even his supporters now see as boring. 

As he continues to go before cameras and speak, he continues to make statements social media can turn into instant memes such as saying he looks better than his opponent, Kamala Harris and mispronouncing her name is something an elementary school little boy would do. Trump's own words make those who listen come to the conclusion he is unfit to be president.

As the 2024 Democratic National Convention marches forth, more and more speakers highlight Trump's incompetency and lack of decency. Many of his fellow Republicans are coming forward to say electing him to the presidency would big a catastrophic mistake. Donald Trump along with his wife are heading in the direction of being the worst president and first lady of the United States. It has become difficult for onlookers to not see Donald Trump should not be in the White House again.
The several trials of Donald Trump would make anyone believe he is the worst and ONLY flawed president we have ever had.

Even though other presidents have made big BLUNDERS with poor decisions, their decisions were still in the best interest of the country. Or were they?

One thing is for sure when it comes to former President Donald Trump, his acts, and behavior are CRIMINAL. His crimes centers around him gaining POWER and MONEY, unlike his presidential peers. America watches as a man they had once elected president and have a chance to re-elect as president, defend himself against sexual allegations, corruption, abuse of power as president, inciting attacks against American institution, threats against people, and I don't know the list is so long I can't remember. But what I do know, all of his trials involve a CRIME

History records the exploits of our president. What will the history books say about our 45th president, Donald Trump?

Below I have compiled some of the shortcomings and cover-ups of some of our former presidents. You will be able to read that the people we elect to be our president are never perfect. But it is up to the people to choose a leader who will do their best to uphold the laws of the land and serve the people. The people will have to determine if these men are living up to the standards of what a leader should be.

During the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln suspended habeas corpus, leaving an estimated 13,000 citizens jailed without trial. When a federal judge ruled that Lincoln had exceeded his authority, the president ignored him.

Franklin Delanor Roosevelt a man considered one of our greatest presidents committed one of the nation’s most appalling violations of civil rights. Executive Order 9066 authorized the internment of tens of thousands of people of Japanese ancestry, both resident aliens and American citizens, during World War II.

FDR abused his power, ordering the IRS to audit his political enemies and the FBI to spy on them. When the Supreme Court ruled wiretapping illegal, FDR told the FBI to do it anyway. Roosevelt even tried to pack the court by increasing its size so he could appoint new members. But that proposal went nowhere in Congress.

He cheated on his wife, Eleanor, for decades and was with his mistress when he died. He also lied to the American people, or overpromised, saying a year before the U.S. entered World War II: You can “nail any talk about sending armies to Europe as a deliberate untruth.”

Though George Washington advocated for the gradual abolition of slavery, he acquired slaves both by inheritance and purchase, owning more than 100 human beings. In his will, he liberated his slaves, though it’s hard to see that as too noble since they were freed only when they were of no more use to him.

As assistant Navy secretary, Theodore Roosevelt actively fanned the flames of war with Spain. He then pulled strings for a battlefield command and worked the press for publicity as a war hero.

Roosevelt helped start a revolution in Colombian-held Panama in order to acquire land for the Panama Canal. When his Panama Canal deals were criticized by the New York World and Indianapolis News, Roosevelt ordered his attorney general to charge both papers with libel. That was tossed out of court.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote that “all men are created equal,” he owned about 175 slaves. He favored the eventual end of slavery but thought that blacks were inferior. He is widely believed to have had an affair with slave Sally Hemings, who could hardly give legitimate consent. When Jefferson died, just five of his slaves were liberated; nearly 200 others were sold to new owners.

Though Andrew Jackson often is blamed for America’s Indian removal policies, Jefferson advocated moving Indians west of the Mississippi unless they dropped their tribal ways and assimilated. During the War of 1812, he wrote that Indians who had sided with the British “have by their unexpected desertion and ferocious barbarities justified extermination and now await our decision on their fate.”

President Andrew Jackson's attitude towards Native Americans was paternalistic and patronizing, and he believed they were inferior to white Americans. He described them as children in need of guidance, and believed they were uncivilized and needed to be removed from the American land. His policy was also shaped by the political and economic interests of the United States, and his Western attitude that they were barbarians and better out of the way.

Harry Truman is considered by many Americans to be one of our greatest presidents, but he was far from perfect. Truman drank more than he should, he swore, he gambled, and he threatened people who were critical of his family. In fact, after firing Gen. Douglas MacArthur, he left office with the then-lowest presidential rating in history.

After suffering a major stroke Oct. 2, 1919, Woodrow Wilson stayed in office despite considerable disability. With the help of his wife, Edith, whom some call the first female president of the U.S., he hid the extent of his illness from not only the American people but also his vice president and Congress. However, his illness rendered him ineffectual in arguing for the U.S. entry into the League of Nations and other key initiatives. In 1919, President Woodrow Wilson suffered a severe stroke that left him incapacitated until the end of his presidency in 1921, an event that became one of the great crises in presidential succession. 

However, historian Edwin A. Weinstein notes that Wilson had a history of cerebrovascular disorders going back to 1896, sixteen years before his was elected president. Weinstein writes in his biography of Wilson that the young Woodrow was a slow learner, and this could be a sign that he was dyslexic. He was always a high-strung person and subject to illnesses that were probably psychosomatic in nature. His letters often contain references to poor health and his rhetoric frequently used metaphors regarding the body. Wilson suffered his first known stroke, in 1896, manifested itself in a weakness and loss of dexterity of his right hand, a numbness in the tips of several fingers, and some pain in the right arm. Wilson's psychosomatic disorders usually rose when he found himself under great stress and he was wont to complain about his condition. However, with the strokes, Wilson would deny there was a problem or at best downplay the matter. After the massive stroke of 1919, Wilson still thought he had the vigor to serve a third term.

Ronald Reagan, bowing to pressure from the religious right, ignored the AIDS crisis, which exploded on his watch. After his first term, 3,700 people had died. By the end of his second, more than 46,000 people had died. In the Iran-Contra affair, Reagan contravened U.S. law by sending arms to Iran in hopes of freeing U.S. hostages in Lebanon. And then, in direct defiance of Congress, his administration diverted the profits from the arms sales to the Nicaraguan Contras, guerrillas whom Reagan called “freedom fighters” but who were accused of numerous human rights atrocities. Our greatest presidents made great mistakes – Chicago Tribune.

Richard Nixon said, “Nice guys don’t win ball games.” He had serious bouts of insomnia and drank heavily, which surfaced in beads of heavy sweat on his upper lip and forehead. Insecure and driven by ambition, he was determined to prove his worth, particularly to himself.

It is widely believed that Nixon ordered US military forces to DEFCON 3 during the Arab-Israeli war of 1973 to warn the Soviet Union that American vital interests were at stake. In fact, the National Security Advisor, Henry Kissinger, gave the order alone (which included launch of nuclear-armed B-52 bombers to airborne holding points). Nixon was indisposed, having "suffered something like a nervous breakdown, telling Kissinger that he was being attacked [by his critics in the worsening Watergate scandal] 'because of their desire to kill the President. And they may succeed. I may physically die.'" 

Bill Clinton locked up 2.4 million Americans including 160,000 serving life with his Crime bill. He gutted the nation’s manufacturing base by signing NAFTA with Mexico and China in 1993. He instituted punitive welfare reform, deregulated Wall Street, and allowed generous political donors to sleep in the Lincoln bedroom. He was also a notorious womanizer.

The 42nd president, (1993–2001), has been publicly accused of sexual assault and/or sexual misconduct by several women. Juanita Broaddrick accused Clinton of raping her in 1978. Leslie Millwee accused Clinton of sexually assaulting her in 1980. Paula Jones accused Clinton of exposing himself to her in 1991 as well as sexually harassing her. Kathleen Willey accused Clinton of groping her without her consent in 1993. The Jones allegations became public in 1994, during Clinton's first term as president, while Willey's and Broaddrick's accusations became public in 1999, toward the end of Clinton's second term. Millwee made her accusations in 2016.

George W. Bush refused to let the devastating Katrina storm ruin his vacation as he looked down at Louisiana from his plane traveling back to the White House. He ordered America into Iraq in a futile search for "Weapons of Mass Destruction" and later landed on an aircraft carrier, which waved a banner announcing “Mission Accomplished” as our soldiers continued to fight in Iraq.

Donald Trump, a known womanizer elected president, exhibits fragile feelings and a quick temper. In a nation sharply divided, he is loathed by half the country and beloved by the other half. The people’s choice: our presidents and their flaws (

State indictment on business fraud charges in New York, Trump is accused of violating New York State law by allegedly agreeing to obscure a series of reimbursements to his former lawyer and fixer, Michael Cohen, who is the key witness against Trump in the case. Cohen made a $130,000 alleged "hush money" payment to adult film star Stephanie Clifford, known as Stormy Daniels, days before the 2016 election, in exchange for her silence about an alleged affair with Trump. Trump denies the allegations and says there was no affair. Prosecutors accuse Trump of illegally portraying the reimbursements to Cohen as legal expenses.

Federal indictment on classified documents charges in Florida Trump is accused of keeping classified documents after leaving the White House and storing them "in various locations at The Mar-a-Lago Club including in a ballroom, a bathroom and shower, an office space, his bedroom, and a storage room," according to the indictment. He is also accused of a "scheme to conceal" that he had kept those documents. He denies wrongdoing.

Federal indictment in 2020 election interference case Trump is accused of participating in a scheme to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power after he lost the 2020 election to now-President Joe Biden. The indictment accuses Trump and six unindicted, unnamed co-conspirators of knowingly spreading lies that there was widespread "fraud in the election and that he had actually won," ultimately leading to the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol. Trump denies wrongdoing. 

State indictment in 2020 election interference case in Fulton County, Georgia, Trump and 18 others are accused under Georgia's Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations or RICO law of coordinating an effort to thwart proper certification of the state's 2020 presidential election, which Biden won. The investigation was launched after an infamous recorded phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger on Jan. 2, 2021, in which Trump pressed him "to find 11,780 votes." Trump denies the allegations.

None of the former presidents committed acts which led them to be tried in the courts as Donald Trump has. Even while facing criminal charges, Trump retains a large following who also continue to support the millionaire financially. Each indictment has been met with the former president asking for financial contributions. 

History has not been written about former President Donald Trump. Newspapers and media are giving first-hand details in real time about the actions of Donald Trump when he was running for election for president, while president, while campaigning for a second presidency, and while in court defending himself. It is not a pretty picture. Despite legitimate evidence supporting the crimes he is accused of; his followers see him as a leader they will follow.

When a crime is committed, such as a robbery, even if the driver of the car had no clue, they were driving a friend to go rob someone, they are also considered guilty in the commission of that crime.

Those who continue to support Donald Trump in his criminal activity are active participants with him. The support and lifting up of a criminal puts blood on the hands of those supporting him verbally and financially. People are crying out about crime and criminals and publicly support crime and a criminal for president.
People have been warned since childhood that the BOOGIE MAN may look like your neighbor and not a PERSON OF COLOR (an alien or stranger) which is associated with crime. Donald Trump is the boogieman, but the children (his supporters) are not afraid. 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Are You Considered Ugly If You Are Over 50?


The general consensus is that the age of 50 is more like the new 30. But we know it is the people 50+ making this statement and not those who are under the age of 50. So, the younger people laugh and say of course an old person is going to claim they are not old. But 50 is 50 no matter how you slice it right? Is it true 50+ year olds want to be 30 somethings?

On average, 69% of women aged 45–60 reported feeling at least six years younger than their chronological age. Women in their fifties still feel sexy, vibrant, beautiful and desirable. And the truth being told, women 50 and over, look fantastic if they have taken care of themselves throughout their lives. They are still dating, a part of the fashion scene, and active socially. That's why culture has added the word MILF.

The American Academy of Facial Plastic and Recon­structive Surgery (AAFPRS) conducted a survey of ap­proximately 500 women between the ages of 45–60 to find out what they think about the changing face of 50. The general consensus is that 50 is more like the new 30. 

Now, more and more men and women are not happy with just looking 10 years younger, mostly because they feel closer to 20 years younger. This is especially true in South Florida, where image and youth are very much looked at. People are invested in LOOKING younger because they are LIVING longer. In the past, they didn't care how they looked 50 and beyond because death was knocking at their door. That is no longer true. Today, for those 50 and over, looking younger isn't an attempt to be "in" with the 30 somethings with all of their problems the older person has already overcome. We don't WANT to be you. Been there done that.

Despite wars, economic upheaval, and climate change, global life expectancy has increased markedly over the past 70 years, from 45.7 years in 1950 to 72.6 in 2019; even with the drop caused by COVID-19, we are still outliving our parents and grandparents by a significant margin. Today, living into the 90s or even the 100s is more likely than ever before, particularly with a commitment to making healthy life choices, to say nothing of large-scale improvements in healthcare, sustainability and infrastructure that also increase longevity at the societal level.

All this added longevity necessitates a review of our career and health habits. Back in the day, people worked for 25-35 years, usually until they were in their late 50s. The average age of retirement in the United States was 59 in 1991; you would then expect maybe 10 more good years, 15 if you were lucky. By 2022, that average age had gone up to 66 — and now, people are living 20 to 30 years longer than that.

A 50-year-old who works out regularly and with high intensity intervals can be just as fit as someone three decades younger, according to a study in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. There is no magic the young have to looking good. They are not favored by the gods over the 50+ year olds. Granted, a 50-year-old will never look like a 20-year-old, but youth does not have the market on what is attractive and seen as beautiful and healthy. Young men and women are using all available resources they can find to also look their best. Cosmetic aisles and medical offices are not solely littered by desperate older people looking for the fountain of youth. All AGES look for ways to look and feel their best.

To physically look less than 50 a person can smooth out their forehead. Unless you have bangs, there is no easy way to conceal forehead wrinkles. And as one of the biggest signs of aging skin, a wrinkled forehead is one of the first things you will want to have fixed. Luckily, with non-invasive injectables like Botox, you can temporarily relax the muscles in your forehead, and smooth out your wrinkles in no time at all. ALL AGES USE BOTOX.

Getting rid of a double chin can be helpful to look younger. As you age, you start to gain fat in places of your body that you never dreamed of when you were in your twenties, including your chin. If you have started to develop a double chin and can’t seem to get rid of it with diet and exercise, Dr. Fiona Wright can help. By using non-invasive procedures like VelaCONTOUR, Dr. Wright can shrink the fat cells in your chin and give you back a more taut appearance.

Hollowed skin shows age and should go. It’s rare that you see an elderly individual with smooth, full skin. Once you hit your fifties, you may notice volume and collagen loss in your cheeks and across your face. Luckily, by using fillers like Restylane and Juvederm, Dr. Fiona Wright can plump up your face and give you back the glow you had in your twenties. On Tic Tok there are tweens showing you their facial cleansing and moisturizing regimen. Ageless beauty seems to take work and is not a punishment for aging.

Let’s face it: nobody wants to look their age. The young person can't wait to be an adult, older, and older people want to maintain their looks while enjoying the fruits of having aged.

One positive attribute of being 50 and beyond obtained and which does not want to be relinquished is age lends a sense of urgency to doing things you’ve put off and finishing things you’ve started. It also makes you deeply grateful for the fact that you’re still here. As a million memes attest to, ageing is a gift not everyone gets to enjoy.

The utter joy of not caring about stuff is one of the most thrilling developments of life many 50 and older relish. They still care about important things, but the small stuff seems to roll off of their backs more easily. 50's gives such joy to realize that it ALL doesn’t matter, and to let it go.

Once those 50+ realize and accept that the first flourish of youth and beauty has gone – that actually, it’s quite hard work keeping up with that too. Knowing that a FIRST flourish means there can be a SECOND flourish. Yes, beauty isn't a one-time fleeting occurrence. Wisdom, from living, teaches there is beauty in every stage in life in many different THINGS and WAYS. Personal, physical beauty is such a small part of living a full life. It seems 50+ can lend itself to having a beautiful MIND.

An aged person begins to know what suits them and stop worrying about it and focus more on what works for them. There’s a huge sense of relief in not being part of that rat race and to largely stop worrying about what other people think about you, and you find yourself doing what the hell you like. 

Hopefully as a person ages, reaching that half-a-century age, they become happier in their own skin, even if it’s not as pert as it used to be, and laugh more easily. With joy they have become better company; kinder, softer. That they let that hard, combative edge that used to make them challenging to spend time with, blunted, and they are a better person for it. Along with being kinder, hopefully also, comes the wisdom and the grace to say no to things more often – which is an act of being kind to oneself. 50+ can become a time of no longer doing crap that you’re supposed to like but secretly hate. Freedom is a beautiful thing in its own right. 

No one has to pity the 30-year-olds or those 50+.  Those 50 and beyond can remember life when it was so much harder at that age, having to fumble your way through life, trying to be a parent and career woman/man and trying to strap on a social life, and pretend to have it all when inside, you’re actually bewildered and exhausted. Those under 50 cannot even begin to want or desire a time when the workplace is saying they are no longer valued or needed, and the doctor is prescribing a new medication at each office visit for a new health concern. When the body crackles and aches with each move and there are lines on the face announcing your long journey of life.

For me, your age is just that, YOUR age. It has been filled with a life only you can live. The way you look at the time of your AGE has nothing to do with the soul, spirit, personality inhabiting the aged body. We need to think about the present that is wrapped under the tree on Christmas day. For a second, the recipient of the gift may exclaim how pretty the present is wrapped but then in a violent frenzy (most of the time) they tear off the wrapping with much anticipation to discover what is inside. Even the most horribly wrapped gift with the ugliest wrapping paper will never be declined to be opened.

Be the present that you are and hopefully, with an ounce of grace, the least thing a person will say about you in gratitude is, "IT WAS THE THOUGHT THAT COUNTED."

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