Friday, April 26, 2024

Trump Is The Boogeyman


In a previous post, I said former president Donald Trump was the boogie man. You may say that statement is so ridiculous. But is it? What do you visualize when you think about the boogie man? I'm sure it is some monster type figure first imagined in childhood out to get you in the darkness of night. My daughter was not afraid of the boogie man but the wolf man which I guess she had seen on a cartoon or movie at one time. Boogie man or wolf man, in our imaginations we envisioned something evil and sinister lurking in the shadows to get us, at least once in our childhoods. At least what we feared as children was silent, unlike Trump, “I have a great relationship with the blacks. I’ve always had a great relationship with the blacks,” Trump told Albany’s Talk 1300 in April 2011 as he mulled a run for the presidency at that time, which he did not ultimately pursue.

“I have black guys counting my money. … I hate it,” Trump told John R. O’Donnell, the former president of Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino, according to O’Donnell’s account in his 1991 book “Trumped!” “The only guys I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes all day.”

Trump, according to O’Donnell, went on to say, “‘Laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that.”

Notice how I spelled boogie man. The correct spelling is boogeyman. The spelling may be different, but the idea of the scary figure is the same. The word bogeyman, used to describe a monster in English, comes from the Middle English bugge or bogge, which means “a frightening specter.” Bogeyman itself is known from the 15th century, though bogeyman stories are almost certainly much older.

The Bogeyman was first used for the hobgoblins described in the 16th century England. Many believed that they were made to torment humans, and while some only played simple pranks, others were more foul in nature. The Boogeyman is a shadowy, amorphous ghost who hides in dark places in order to frighten unsuspecting victims. He's more of a nuisance than a danger, and his power is easily neutralized by bright light. For children, the Boogeyman meant death if he got his hands on them.

I know you are saying Trump is not hiding in dark places waiting to scare people. But Trump is a bugge or bogge, a frightening specter able to get away with things the 'normal' person can't. He is also frightening with the bravado he has in the commission of crimes and divisive rhetoric he uses which incites his followers. To millions his actions are seen as foul. He torments onlookers with his bullying nature and potential to take revenge on those who are not bowing to his wishes and will. The truly frightening thing is, he is not easily neutralized, not even by light. 

“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re not sending you. They’re not sending you. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” Trump said at his campaign announcement.
The Boogeyman has no specific appearance and conception of it can vary drastically from household to household within the same community. It is a formless being that can take any shape the storyteller wishes though he tends to be a grotesque humanoid with a tendency to hide under beds, in closets, and other dark places. 

This creature varies from person to person, as it has no definite appearance and is simply the embodiment of terror. Although usually depicted as a masculine entity, it can be female of genderless. Trump has a very specific and distinct look. People have made Trumps appearance part of their comedy. From his body posture, dyed face, and over-comb of his hair, cartoonist and comedians have had a field day mocking, not fearing, the appearance of Trump. But it is said the 'BOSS' could give his followers a look which when seen, they knew his bidding.

Speaking to Time magazine for a profile published in January 1989, Trump was asked to give an estimate of his total wealth. “Who the f knows? I mean, really, who knows how much the Japs will pay for Manhattan property these days?” he asked in response, using a racial slur for the Japanese.

While the description of the Boogeyman differs on a CULTURAL level, there are often shared similarities to the creatures. The boogeyman is depicted as having claws, talons, and sharp teeth. Trump is able to dig into his followers with what must be seen in a figural way as claws, talons, or teeth and has a hold on them which can't be loosened. His followers will not leave his deadly grip. Some say it is more akin to a spell, but I see it as a grip on their minds in an almost unexplainable fashion. Along with the claws and stuff, the Boogeyman is of the spirit variety.

In a New York magazine profile published in November 1992, a year after Trump divorced his first wife, Ivana, Trump was quoted dispensing his wisdom about how to handle the fairer sex. “You have to treat ’em like shit,” Trump said in the article to friend Philip Johnson, who responded, “You’d make a good mafioso.” Trump’s response: “One of the greatest.”

One of the Boogeyman's appearances is a tall, lithe, and dark humanoid entity (Trump has lied about his weight to seem tall and lean and insists on being overly tanned). He has silver-golden yellow eyes resembling an eclipse, dull pale-gray skin, and glossy black hair that is styled to come out as slick, and sharp spikes from the back of his head. He wears a long, black robe with a V-neckline and shadows running down his arms, obscuring his body like a shadow.

If anyone would see the creature described above, they would be frightened by all rights. But all Boogeymen do not look the same. It is their activities in the covers of darkness and their sneaky means of carrying out their fear inspiring activities that make a Boogeyman.

Trump's comments after a white nationalist's rally in Charlottesville, Va. has been dubbed by critics as one of the lowest points in his presidency.  He said there were "fine people on both sides" of the rally — both the counter protesters and those members of the alt-right who did Nazi salutes and chants.

Trump does scary thing in the shadows, in the cover of darkness, and even directly in the face of people. He's shifty and a grifter. Causing fear and harm wherever he goes. The Boogeyman is known to have minions. His minions carry out or enact the wishes of the Boogeyman. Trump seems to have followers in the political arena from SCOTUS, Congress, and MAGA, willing to do his nefarious bidding. They put their careers and reputations on the line to gain favor with Donald Trump. Even when they know they are doomed, they continue to stand for and with Trump. That alone is scary.

As NFL protests picked up steam and more and more players refused to stand for the National Anthem, Trump decided to chime in. "Wouldn’t you love to see one of these NFL owners, when somebody disrespects our flag, to say, 'Get that son-of-a-bitch off the field right now. Out! He’s fired. He’s fired!'" Trump said at a rally last year. 

The Boogeyman is everything a person fears, and it thrives on the fears of others, taking a cruel delight in turning their pleasant dreams into dark nightmares. Trump issues out fear to his followers telling them he can protect them from the scary thing he tells them people are doing and what is going to happen to them. Trump create nightmare outcomes of nonthreatening government practices. He incites fear in his followers. And that pandering he does to the right, causes fear in those who are not following him. Fear, they know is a powerful tool.

The president first used the phrase “kung flu” to describe COVID-19 in June at a Tulsa, Oklahoma, rally. As the Washington Post reported, it became a rallying cry for the crowd.

Being a master manipulator, the Boogeyman often preyed on its victims psychologically. Its knowledge of people's worst fears allowed it to unnerve its enemies and enjoyed watching them squirm, often leaving their fates to their imagination through thinly veiled threats before finishing them off. Trump knows what people fear and he uses it to the fullest for his benefit. He enjoys making those who do not even believe in his Boogeyman-like persona to squirm from his antics. He messes with people's minds.

During the height of the pandemic, while in Arizona, former president Donald Trump directly played upon white racial grievances when he angrily declared that "white people" were being "denigrated" and "discriminated against" and that "if you're white, you don't get the vaccine, or if you're white, you don't get life-saving therapies."

The Boogeyman has a perverse level of pleasure from playfully tormenting with its victims in an almost animal-like fashion. Trump goes beyond the established laws and unwritten laws which govern civil society. He pushes these boundaries just to see if he can and because he says he can. He is not controlled by institutionalized codes of conduct. Because of this, he is scary.

Speaking at a rally in Conway, South Carolina, Trump recalled how as president he told an unidentified NATO member that he would withhold U.S. help and “encourage” Russia to do as it wishes with allies that do not contribute enough to military spending.

Referring to himself and his supporters collectively, Mr. Trump said there would be no concession after not being reelected for a second presidential term. On January 6, 2021, he went on to say to the gathered crowd: "You don't concede when there's theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore." This was preceding the Capitol riot.

Former president Donald Trump lacks one thing as the personification of the Boogeyman. He doesn't jump out from a dark corner and scream BOO to frighten people. HE IS IN YOUR FACE audacious. His existence is frightening, and he seems to grow stronger and stronger in his powers to frighten.

In 2018, at the White House’s Hanukkah party, Trump told the gathered group of American Jews that Israel is “your country.” The full quote comes from his introduction of Vice President Mike Pence: “I want to thank Vice President Mike Pence. A tremendous supporter… a tremendous supporter of yours. And Karen. And they go there, and they love your country. They love your country. And they love this country. That’s a good combination, right?” Your country in this statement is Israel — not America — even though he is speaking to a room of American Jews, not Israeli Jews. In December 2019, Trump repeated this — again, to a room full of American Jews — saying, “A lot of you are in the real estate business, because I know you very well. You’re brutal killers, not nice people at all.” Later at that 2015 RJC event, Trump said, “You’re not gonna support me because I don’t want your money. You want to control your politicians, that’s fine.”

For decades parents used the imagery of the Boogeyman to frighten their children to keep them inline. The large majority of Boogeyman are there to just frighten children with punishments, and not actually inflict much damage. The more vicious Boogeyman is said to steal the children at night, and even eat them. In the same way, the religious Right is supporting Trump to frighten the Democratic Left. He is being supported in his actions by the Right to issue out punishment to the Liberal society.

Trump has denied that he meant to mock the reporter, Serge Kovaleski, who has arthrogryposis, a congenital condition affecting the joints. He has maintained that his physical affect in imitation of Kovaleski was because "He was groveling, grovel, grovel, grovel. That was the end of it. All of a sudden, I get reports that I was imitating a reporter who was handicapped. I would never do that."

The Boogeyman has always lived in the realm of myth. Frightening stories have been recanted of this darker than life figure. When there was something we feared in dark times and were unable to put it into words, the default description was always the Boogeyman. Trump also leaves us lost for words to describe his menacing presence. He is a dark force creating fear. He is looming and threatening. He is unable to be captured or gotten rid of. The frightened sleep with their lights on in an effort to cast light on him and have become to be labeled as WOKE.

Light is the known way to get rid of the Boogeyman. Keeping the light on is always showing the truth. To fight Donald Trump and his antics we must always stick to the facts and Constitutional laws. At this time, we are looking to the courts and SCOTUS to keep the light on. It seems they are having a difficult time doing so. Even if they fail, the everyday person must keep the light of truth shining. It is the only WEAPON, against the Boogeyman, Donald Trump.

On tape, a 2005 conversation with TV host Billy Bush with neither of the two men aware they were being recorded. On it, Mr. Trump can be heard saying that "you can do anything" to women and "grab them by the pussy". 

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