"My locs extend down to the center of my back. My hair is neat and I am very professional and know my job well. I found myself being turned down job after job and I knew it was because of my hair. We cannot allow the system to dictate who we are...we must come together as a body to maintain our individualism. Wear your nappy and be happy. I do and I still keep on striving. Besides someone will eventually hire you. Or you can always work for yourself..."
- Zadok, Computer Networking in USA
- Zadok, Computer Networking in USA
Do you believe you can be turned down for a job just because of your hairstyle choice? Ten years ago I may have agreed that employers would prefer not to hire a person wearing dreadlocks. But there are so many professional ways to wear your hair while working until the point has become moot. At one time dreadlocks were associated with drug users and matted haired lazy lay abouts (not my view ever) but there was some negativity that was associated with dreadlocks. But we have come a long way baby and styling choices are numerous. Go on youtube and there are more than a hundred ways to wear your hair.
There will always be a time, a place, a boss who will not want to hire a person with dreadlocks. The reality is that looks matter and it's hardly limited to DreadLocks. There can be other reasons other than your hair why a potential employer passed on you. Society in general will always have some prejudices.
Have you noticed that since TV came along we've never elected a truly bald president nor one with facial hair? Seems we very much like our leaders to have hair upon their head, but not on their face. A shaved head & goatee isn't going to get a man very far in politics it seems.
How many political leaders can you name who have visible tattoos? How about corporate executives? I'm betting the number with DreadLocks is similarly small.
The same discrimination applies to men with long hair. A look that works for a rock star, doesn't work for a financial advisor. What has always been needed and what will always be needed to get a job is competency and being well groomed and dreadlocks can be well groomed.
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