Monday, June 4, 2012

Steph Bennett Interview from England

I'm Steph Bennett. I'm 20 years old and I'm a university student. I live in the northeast of England and my dreads are 1month old at the moment.
I decided to dread my hair about 5 years ago but I went to a Catholic school and they were strict with hairdos. So I waited until I was in Uni. And I love every single dread on my head (all 72 of them!)
The technique to dread my hair was the sew-in method, usually known as 'doctoring' which you can do on mature dreads to keep them tidy and to tighten up the bumpy bits.
I would have liked to let them dread naturally but I'm super impatient and wanted them as soon as possible. My hair was quite long before dreading and I lost about 6inches of length.
 I don't use products on my dreads just the odd bit of Aloe Vera gel (directly from the plant-if not local health food shops should sell 99.9% aloe gel) I use this to tame the frizzies.
I have just started to wrap my dreads to add some colour and I plan to get some beads.

Dreads are amazing and if you're thinking about getting it!
Permission given 06/04/12

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