Wednesday, December 3, 2014

kjohnlasoul picture

Thank you for .giving me permission to use your picture in  my #DreadlockProject kjohnlasoul

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

ShanaeLove giving soul

Thank you for giving me permission to use your picture in my #Dreadlock project

Niyya Tenee wrappen in a bow

Thank you for giving me permission to use your picture in my #DreadlockProject

Starter locs see-cee


Thank you for giving me permission to use your picture in my project. GOD Fearing, 29 yr-old, un-married, Black Male Photographer who happens to be a Sigma!


thank you for giving me permission to use your picture in my project

katharine van mavis

Heaven Su opens up

I chose the dread loc style to feel more...connected with the universe and deeply root myself with my origins. My mother introduced me to a series of books that tell the stories of how your head is naturally supposed to grow in the form of locs, considering that is how your DNA is shaped. (The twist matrix). I was taught that your hair as a black person is what connects you to the universe, and that combing and pressing it or chemically treating it is basically a hair no-no. Its truly a beautiful style!
 Thank you for sharing your words and picture with my #DreadlockProject

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Friday, November 28, 2014

The closer you are

Thank you for giving me permission to use your picture for my #DreadlockProject Sloane-Amelia

Monday, November 24, 2014

Key-goddess does hold the key to great locs

Thank you for giving me permission to use your pictures in my #DreadlockProject. Those eyes are killer.

binnixie-thinks and Comments on White People Wearing Dreadlocks

Thank you for giving me permission for using your commentary in my #DreadlockProject.

White People Dreads!

Quick thought about white people with dread locks:
I think it’s culturally ignorant and insensitive for a white person to deliberately lock their hair. It’s like when Lana Del Rey wore that head dress… It’s called “Cultural Appropriation”. It truly is just plain offensive. Also, the argument that the Nordic tribes had dread locks is complete bullshit. The vikings were incredibly clean people in nearly every way. Very efficient. So efficient, in fact, that they made hair combs out of wood. Hair combs to brush their hair out. To keep it from getting matted. They even cut and bleached their hair.
I’m not saying that black people are gross for locking their hair, I’m just pointing out that dread locks was never part of any “white person” culture. Unless of course you count hipster assholes as a “culture”.
With that being said, I think it’s inappropriate for a black person to wear dread locks just because they like the style of it. That’s still cultural appropriation. It has nothing to do with the color of your skin. It has everything to do with your religion, family,  way of life…culture. It’s also racist to tell a white person that they can’t wear dreads just because they’re white and that only black people should be allowed to wear them.
The only two ways someone could get away with dread locks without being culturally insensitive is:
1) They’re doing it out of appreciation of that culture or want to become part of that culture (Which most likely could not include women, I think)
2)They’re just being lazy. They don’t want to go through the hassle of brushing, cleaning or even cutting their hair so they just let it get matted until it looks like dreads. And that’s just nasty.
TL;DR: If you’re dreading your hair because you think it looks cool, you’re an asshole.

Absolute Royalty

Thank you so much your-hyeness for giving me permission to use your picture in my project. This is a breath of fresh air.

Supa Dupa. Regaluhh. or kwēn. 25. Florida Girl. University of Mississippi Graduate Student. I started Cita (my locs) December 27, 2013.

This journey has been about . . . Luv, Patience, & Growth . . . for myself. If you're broken, your crown (as I call Cita) will be broken. Now I'm at a place where I feel like I'm really who I'm meant to be. Cita accompanies my retro style, my full lips, my laugh & smile that have become more authentic. Thankful for the strength to take on something that requires a great deal of patience, but allows a beautiful journey to take place.


Long bejeweled locs

Thank you for giving me permission to use your picture allhngscleopatra

Jamaican locs the origin of freedom

Jamaican, Radiography Student, Girly, Happy, Vintage, Classics, Nature, Free-Spiritedஐ..•.¸¸•´¯`•.¸¸. Just keep singing Thank you so much for giving me permission to use your Per-sha

itslikethisandlikethat rocks her locs

27, dwells in Baltimore City, creator of pretty things and funnyness.. Learning and hopefully aspiring everyday. Thank you for giving me permissionto use your gorgeous picture itslikethisanditslikethat

Sunday, November 23, 2014

From Antigua, I Love the Arts and Art is in Everything - Zionsun

Thank you for giving me permission to use these lovely pictures in my project and enjoying this moment in the sun. #DreadlockProject

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Bohemian Dreadlocks Full Of Song

Melanie Nini Bong - singing, writing & painting...recent video: 'Summerwind' Did you think I could resist this beauty. Thank you so much Malanie for giving me permission to use your pictures in my #DreadlockProject. Keep on making the music that moves people on every level.

Jazz for Bohemians…last concert in Frankfurt, Germany
Photo by Klaus Metz, Frankfurt a.M.
Foto by Angela Savoia
GIPSY FANTASY - Music for bohemians...

lbinfashion A Gold Mine of Beauty

I think these pictures sum up my IDEA of "Don't Dread Dreads; The People Speak." The exuberance and freedom of hair and body together at one time is the ultimate experience. This is when you are wearing the clothes and the clothes are not wearing you is born along with you are living life and life is not living you. I adore these pictures and appreciate wholeheartedly IBinfashion for giving me permission to use them. I'm speechless.
(yes the pictures are large. I wanted to post them this way)

My name is latrenia bryant. I’ve been loc’d for 12 years. I live in Tampa, FL.
I decided to return my hair “natural” b/c I always felt like i was hiding who I really was & trying to be something i wasn’t. I said NO to the creamy crack for good in 1995. I loc’d my hair after 2 years of wearing loose natural hair b/c taking my new baby with me to the salon while I waited hours for braids to be completed wasn’t working plus I loved the look of dreadlocks. Best decision ever!

Weekend Easy for sexynegrohippie

I love the easy going look of her locs and her beautiful big eyes showing no stress or distress. Thanks so much sexynegrohippie  for sharing your pictures with #DreadlockProject Kelly 22. Artist

Classic Tips flarktik

Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful picture with the project. I chose this picture to pursue because of the tips being colored. Many young people have tried to get me to dye my tips and I want to do it so bad, but then I feel it is not quite my expression at this time in my life. But, don't ever get me wrong, tips look good and they especially look good on you.

It's all about the bangs

Shinymavis shared her long blonde locks with my #DreadlockProject and I thank her very much.

The Method Male - Saleam

Thank you for sharing your pictures for my dreadlock project

Friday, November 21, 2014

You A Lye

If I came up to your child and threw lye on them you would whip my ass. So why are you perming your baby's hair? You begin the barrage of negativity telling our daughters they are too dark, too nappy, almost from birth and then wonder why they date men who disrespect them. Their first love disrespected them telling them overtly they will never be pretty enough. I don't hate women who perm their hair nor judge them harshly. I just wonder why we embrace what we were not all meant to have - light skinned and straight haired, because it is not in our DNA.
Feminism says I have choices. As women, why do we choose, as black women to be as close to white as possible? There is not one thing wrong with being white if you are white, but then we get mad if our black men prefer an original instead of a copy.
When we decide to stop trying to have it both ways, (I'm a black woman and have white women features) maybe we will love our sisters and stop being in competition from adolescence with them. Maybe we will embrace each other and stop with the purchase of cast off hair from women who know you wish you were more like them and less like yourself.

People speak of the "angry black woman," maybe it's all of the chemicals she puts on her scalp so close to her brain that is causing so much emotional turmoil. Maybe it's the tension and constant itching from the sew in that is causing easy irritability. Maybe it's the stress of constantly purchasing and having on hand/head the right hair to attract the wrong man in the end. Who knows why she is considered angry, but maintaining the image of being black but not too black every day may way on the spirit.

With all of the hurdles we as women face each day of our lives - the "Right" kind of hair should be low on our lists of things to accomplish.

I will not add to the exhausting frustration by trying to guilt or shame my sisters with long, straight, flowing down to your ass hair. I just say I see your beauty in all it's shape and form beyond the hair you wear. My greatest wish is for you to love yourself with or without all of the bells and whistles. But my soul sings when I see baby girl rocking her nappy hair, because that smile of innocence and discovery all baby's have do not shine any less with their natural hair.

Accepting your child as is - is the first step for the world accepting your child as is. We tell our children they can be anything they want to be in life. Do we tell them that included in being anything they want to be when they grow up consist of being natural and nappy and happy.

The hair dialogue and experience is changing. My moment of hair pride was jump started with our First Lady Michele Obama. It was refreshing to see her young girls nappy and happy. As I said we are free to choose and the girls straightened their hair like their mother straightened her hair, but for a while, nappy was just fine. I am not above the straight hair game. I straightened my hair for years and my daughters hair too. i was free to do so. But, later in life I mad e a choice a change and so did they. No self righteousness now from me. But, my journey in life just took another hair path. And now i just sit with the question; "Why not my natural hair?" What else am I revamping for our social construct of what is correct, beautiful, sought after?"

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Model Long Locs

I swear I’m a model at times .. but I’m not though. You are a model loc wearer to me jaloysius: Thank you for sharing your picture for my #DreadlockProject

Cold Weather Dreadlocks

Thank you for giving me permission to use this picture. We have so many views of long locks at the beach, parties, work, and play, but with this cold weather, it is refreshsing to see locs covered protected from the cold. Portugal is where our participant lives. Thank you once again

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


This post absolutely shows white people do not have a clue when they are being racist and offensive. See if you can see what I mean about a white guy being clueless.

                                 White people need to stop trying to have Black hairstyles.  

Seriously, this is one of the things that pisses me off most in the world. If you’re white and you’re thinking of getting cornrows or microbraids or dreadlocks, STOP NOW. Your hair is just plain not suited for it! White people’s hair is fine and holds a lot of moisture. If white people get dreads, their hair molds! And that can cause serious scalp infections! And if white people get their hair braided, it can cause their hair to fall out. Literally, it is just not healthy for your hair.

But besides that—IT’S NOT FUCKING COOL. Like, if a black person wants to do their hair these ways, they will be branded a “thug” or otherwise judged as a dangerous person because of racialized and reified (if you don’t know what reified means, look it up) stereotypes. And so you want to get a hairstyle that is NOT EVEN SUITED TO YOUR HAIR TYPE, while a person whose hair is actually suitable cannot get that hairstyle without being judged, you’re completely ignoring your privilege.
Like wtf. It’s not as simple as, “I thought it was cool so I did it,” because the cold hard truth is that if that’s all you thought about, then you’re admitting that you didn’t bother to think about a) whether your hair was right for it, b) whether you would be treated differently because of your hair and c) how your race affects the way that your hair is received/viewed by others. You have the privilege of not having to think about your race, you have the privilege of not having to worry that you will jeopardize your job by making this (bad) decision.

Black people’s hair is coarse and well suited for dreads or braids and these styles are viewed as signs of a thug or a dangerous body because in our society we have invented and reinforced the idea that black people are dangerous and violent. Black people are often forced to make their hair look more “acceptable” to white people and are often criticized for natural looks. And when you decide to take on those hairstyles—even thought they are wrong for you—you’re ignoring their struggle and being an asshole.

Basically—stop trying to take something that doesn’t belong to you. Stop deciding that race doesn’t matter. Think about shit before you do it and stop insisting that being a white person with dreads or braids is not racist. It is and you look like an idiot.

**If I read this correctly, the writer was admonishing white people for throwing their white privi away by wearing a hairstyle that makes them a thug. Was that what you gleaned from this post and how he tried to say it was offensive to blacks for white people to wear the hairstyles because they were appropriating their thug status??? REALLY???? Get a bleeping clue. You should be angry about your false sense of wisdom and total lack of ability to speak on behalf of a black race/culture. Stay in your lane PLEASE. Face the fact that your race is leaving the herd going after all things black; which is truly what your rant is about.

Nothing But Updo Love for Miss Chrystal

I am loving this creative updo. Many people decorate their dreads with jewelry including yours truly but a smile and confidence outshines the purist gold, silver, or diamonds placed in one's locs as dynastynoire demonstrates. Thank you for giving me permission to use your gorgeous pictures in my #DreadlockProject


I just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who has participated and supported my Dreadlock Project. I have been working on it for a couple of years now and the project is getting better and better because of you.

I wanted to use the everyday dreadlock wearer to show the world how awesome the hairstyle is and the people who choose to wear locs, and you are helping me to accomplish this goal.

I hope to have a representation from every state and country possible. Many of the submissions do not include the state or country you are from. When I am afforded the opportunity I do ask for the state or country to be included in the submission.

This has been a fantastic journey. I am spreading my own wings falling more and more in love with dreads and trusting my instinct in giving a voice to the royal hairstyle.

Once again I say thank you to all who have posted my submission request on your tumblr page and liked or rebloged a post of mine.

The project is always on the verge of completion and then I see a picture that blows me away and I have to ask the now infamous request: "I love your picture. Please consider giving me permission to use your picture in my Dreadlock Project " lol

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

The Face Of Fiercenes

Her tumblr name says it all brave enough to switch it up on her own terms and a look on her face which lets you know there is an outer shell where negativity bounces off. She rises each day with creativity brimming over her edges waiting to be expressed. All of these words are mine to describe the lady in the picture with a mane of locs waiting to be seen and heard. Thank you for sharing your pictures with us. I love your look and expression of you.

Goddess Rockin Locs

 I am a big fan of the arts and love to come across artwork that takes the time to make a connection with African roots. Many artist connect ancient folklore and put a new spin on it. It not so far fetched to believe at some point in mythology that there was a goddess who ruled while loc'd up. I am so thankful to have permission to use this piece of art work in my dreadlock project.  
A wonderful rendition of the young goddess Demeter by:  
Please take a moment and support her artistic endeavors at her tumblr site

Iconic Dreadlock fan hair pose

Thank you skidishart for participating in my #DreadlockProject. I will always love this pose for showing how long one's locs are. you stated  it has been one month since you got your locks and you feel like a tree in this picture. I must admit, your locs do look like roots and Dreadlocks do have a long rich rooted history.

Giving You Face

Thanks for giving me permission to use this picture 19940605. Awaiting loc journey commentary

Work It Out Locs

Loving this moment in a days work picture. Baby locs are on point. Thank you for sharing your picture for my #DreadlockProject

digoodasgal shares her twisted style

I saw this twist and fell in love and her smile also pulled me in. Thanks for participating in my project. As your shirt says "classic"

Curly Cute

Via Megz share her contagious smile and pout along with her ringlets of locs. How lovely. thank you for participating in my #DreadlocProject

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