Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Life Began In A Garden?


    There are two held explainations for the creation of the universe. One is the Big Bang Theory where there was a big explosion in the cosmos and atomic particles collided, stuck together, and began to form the smallest makeup of other planets, stars, astrological matter, and living matter which gradually, through time, evolved from plant life, aquatic life, animal life, and finally human life. 
    The second explaination for the formation of the universe lies in religion. In Christianity, it is believed God created everything the eye can view within seven days. Other religions have their own particular creation story with their own various gods, but it does not entail a 'big bang' as the first theory of creation does.

    For this post and as far as the theory I chose to believe, I go with the Christian biblical account in which God created the universe and all that is in it. This writing is not to persuade you in one direction or the next but to talk about the PLACE in which human life was placed to dwell according to Genisis 2: 8-9, "Now the Lord God HAD planted a garden in the east, in Eden; and there he put the man he HAD formed. and the Lord God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground - trees that were PLEASING to the eye and GOOD for food..." It is from here the story of MAN BEGINS and continues even now. Earlier in Genesis 1:11, on day three of the Creation story it says, "Let the land produce vegegation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds," In Genesis two it says no SHRUB of the FIELD nor PLANT of the FEILD had yet appeared before he created man to put in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 2:5-7), but Genesis 1 says there WAS vegetation and trees, and once the first man was created, notice the tress were called pleasing to the eye and good for food.
    I had the wonderful opportunity to be with New Jerusalem Church for Children's Garden Day in which we encouraged the children to sow seeds. Of course this day had duel meaning. It was a day set aside to encourage children to enjoy gardening and nature and to also be mindful of the seeds they sow in their lives and to be a seed planter for the kingdom of God. I guess that was three purposes lol.
    The message I wanted to impart to them and to you the reader is (If you are of the biblical Creation story persausion) is: life BEGAN in a beautiful garden. It was intended for us to be surrounded by beauty and that defined beauty was PLANTS. To some, this may be an arbitrary coincidence that life began in a garden. But is it really?
    There are many benefits plants and gardening affords the human body and mind. Author Gretchen Rubin, penned a book, Life in Five Senses, where she said to have a happy life, live it through the five senses of sight, smell, taste, touch, and hearing. She said we should use our five senses, tuning into the physical world and living in the present. A garden allows you to do just that on top of releiving stress and elevating mood. 
HEARING: Listening to music during exercise boosts performance and makes exertion seem less strenuous. Music improves our health, and it also makes us feel good. There’s a reason why we talk about “sex, drugs, and rock & roll.” Hearing a favorite song stimulates the same brain chemicals as drugs, sex, and good food. That’s why it’s one of the quickest ways to get a mood boost and relief from stress. Nature has its own UNIQUE MUSIC. The birds, crickets, frogs, bees, wind, and rain, SING a song waiting for your ears to hear. Water features in a garden mimics the soothing bubbling sound of a brook and relaxes the quiet listener. Studies show people who listened to nature sounds like crickets chirping and waves crashing performed better on demanding cognitive tests than those who listened to urban sounds like traffic and the clatter of a busy café.  
SMELL: By taking a quick sniff of fresh grapefruit or vanilla, your mood can be drastically changed. The smell of flowers or even herbs can be an uplifting experience. Certain floral scents are pretty famous for relieving headaches and insomnia. Jasmine, similar to lavender, is used to calm the nerves of those that are stressed out or overwhelmed. Not only does it reduce those feelings of stress, but it actually is able to stimulate feelings of positivity and energy. Peppermint is a great tool to be used during brainstorming, as it has been shown to invigorate the mind, while creating a feeling of clarity. Lavender is quite known for boosting energy and increasing mental activities. The aroma of rosemary is highly stimulating and can boost your levels of acetylcholine (a chemical that regulates your muscles and memory) and dopamine. Magnolia is especially popular in Chinese medicine as an effective treatment for tensions and stress. Roses are a famous symbol of love but also because they can lower your stress hormone, adrenaline. 
TOUCH: If we want to combat stress and distraction, we can turn to our sense of touch. Little kids, for example, hang on to stuffed animals for comfort and reassurance. It is a pure joy for me to walk on the cool grass barefoot. It just feels luxurious, sensuous, and calming. I also enjoy feeling the velvety smoothness of rose petals. Picking a firm ripened piece or fruit or vegatble I've grown myself fills me with pride and a sense of accomplishment. Just slowing down, reaching out, and touching nature yeilds surprising feelings. Even the simple act of holding a flower makes you feel better.
TASTE: When it comes to taste, many people love taste-related activities such as cooking, exploring farmers’ markets, trying new restaurants, or even watching TV shows about cooking and eating. What better way to explore food than to plant and grow your own? Plant and grow something you may have written off as NASTY. Maybe if you plant and nurture it to maturity, find a new way to cook it, invite friends or family over for a tasting party, you may find you now love it. Either way, let your tastebuds roam free and enjoy socializing and stregnthing relationships bonds at the same time. A plus plus endeavour. Taste also hold memories of  food favorites from childhood, a celebratory meal from a major event in your life, romantic meals once shared, or meals cooked and eaten at grandma's house. 

SIGHT: Have you ever heard the saying, "The eyes are the window to the soul?" This saying means you can see a person's soul by looking into their eyes. I say, "What you look at with your eyes affect your soul." Matthew 6:22, " The light of the body is the eye;" This Bible verse says what you focus your eye on affects you. It encourages you to focus on things that are right to avoid darkness within. What we focus our EYE ON IS IMPORTANT. How wonderful to give the eye a break from the ugliness of life and to look upon the beauty of a flower or plant.

    From a stroll through a city park to a day spent hiking in the wilderness, exposure to nature has been linked to a host of benefits, including improved attention, lower stress, better mood, reduced risk of psychiatric disorders and even upticks in empathy and cooperation. University of Chicago psychologist Marc Berman, PhD, and his student Kathryn Schertz explored in a 2019 review and reported, for instance, that green spaces near schools promote cognitive development in children and green views near children’s homes promote self-control behaviors. Experiments have found that being exposed to natural environments improves working memory, cognitive flexibility and attentional control. No wonder man was created and placed in a garden. Just a few moments of green can perk up a tired brain.
     Contact with nature is associated with increases in happiness, subjective well-being, positive affect, positive social interactions and a sense of meaning and purpose in life, as well as decreases in mental distress. Gardens and gardening impacts children. Children who lived in neighborhoods with more green space had a reduced risk of many psychiatric disorders later in life, including depression, mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders and substance use disorder. For those with the lowest levels of green space exposure during childhood, the risk of developing mental illness was 55% higher than for those who grew up with abundant green space. 
    As I stated in the beginning of this writing, this writing is not about religious beliefs but about my belief that GARDENING matters to LIFE. Hopefully I have convinced you that you were meant to be surrounded by the beauty of nature; planted and enjoyed by you everyday. The benefits are limitless and sharable. Getting this generation connected again with the understanding "Life BEGINS in a garden," is a mission I fully embrace. Thanks to the little gardeners of New Jerusalem church for being a participant in my blog sharing their images.

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