Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Spring Fever and Horny


       The weather is warming up and the earth is coming alive again. Even though Mother Nature has been struggling to shake off winter, there are signs that Spring is on the way.

     Along with the change in nature, there comes a change in people. We gardeners are on the edge of our seats waiting to get into our gardens and feel our rich garden soil on our hands once again. We tour our garden dailiy looking for signs of life of plants we enjoyed the previous year. The plans for addittions we are going to add to our garden fills us with anticipation and it's hard to wait till Spring is here to stay. 

    When I was growing up I would hear my grandmother say when her grandchildren were acting impish, sassy, or a little out of control that the "Sap was rising," The elders, the old heads, grey heads, knew that along with the earth waking up during Spring, so were certain things waking up in people.

    The warm weather gives permission for legs, toes, arms, breasts, and all body parts to be released from it's constricting cover of coats, hats, boots, gloves that had been hiding and protecting them from the cold of winter. There is a shedding of our caccoon, just like the caterpillar that emerges as a butterfly. Just like that newly formed butterfly, we want to spread our wings and fly. And just like the butterfly and other newly emerged insects, our thoughts turn to mating. This energy of wanting to mate or find a mate is what my grandma refered to as the "Sap is rising." In laymen's terms, people are HORNY. That energy of rebirth is felt in nature and in us.

    Everything is emerging and has the promise of beauty. Gardeners tour their gardens daily looking for what is breaking through the dirt. The promise of the plant and visions of it in it's mature state, delights the gardener. Emotions are affected and changed by the promises of Spring. We look forward to all of the 'What can BE' in the garden.
On that same note, people look forward to 'What can BE' in their lives too. Some have been on a diet since the start of the new year and can't wait to show off their new body. Others are seeing those transformed bodies and their chances of being their new love. There is definitely a stirring of GROWTH happening in the soil and in us to produce and to reproduce. The energy is tangible.

    So what is the true definition of Spring Fever? It is a restlessness and excitement felt at the beginning of Spring. It may also be accompanied by an increase in energy, vitality, and sexual appetite. As far as the friskiness of spring fever goes, the sudden urge to cruise for potential mates may stem from a hormonal rush. In men, increased levels of circulating testosterone have been documented in summertime, a rise that may begin in spring and the stimulation of ovulation in women. This hormone is well known to increase amorous feelings in both men and women. Serotonin seems to be a key player in the spring fever phenomenon. One study explores the possibility that sun stimulates serotonin production through your skin, which explains the urge to be outside as much as possible when it’s nice out.

     Some people refer to this anticipation as "spring fever," but it turns out the phenomenon has a less-than-sexy origin story. Way back in the 18th century, people used to get sick with scurvy around springtime, because they didn't have access to fresh fruits or vegetables all winter. People would end up deficient in vitamin C, which made their gums bleed, their joints ache, and they generally just felt unambitious. This seasonal illness was dubbed "spring disease" or "spring fever," and somehow the name stuck.

    So if your 'Sap is rising,' you're not alone. The sap is rising in the trees, flowers, birds, and the bees. A rebirth is happening with great and unknown potential. Get outside, show those toes, arms and legs and get those hands dirty. it's SPRING TIME! Enjoy the sun and enjoy nature and do what comes naturally in Spring, GROW.

    As always, you can visit and follow me on my Facebook page:Black People garden Too in Mississippi (15) Black People Garden Too in Mississippi | Facebook
I give presentations locally on gardening and you can book me for your church, gardening club, or library by contacting me here or on my Facebook page.

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