Saturday, February 5, 2022

The Heart Of Man

     My book is ready for purchase just in time for those going to the polls to cast their vote for president in fear in 2024. It is all but a sure bet, President Biden will be facing off against former president Donald Trump. This will be an IMPORTANT election with major SIGNIFICANCE. No matter who wins, our heart condition is going to matter.

    For both candidates, age is a factor. People are voicing their dissatifaction having to choose between elderly White man number one and elderly White man number two. The mental capacity of both candidates is in question. Each have rambled on camera, desparately trying to recapture their train of thought. 

    The daily news no longer reports on what is being done for our country. Each day, news reporters announce what kind of investigation is being filed against which elected official, spending countless hours providing evidence of the accused guilt or innocence. Our govenment is no longer a ruling body, but a soap opera with America tuning in to root for a villan or hero.

    As I stated earlier, there is an element of FEAR surrounding THIS election cycle. Fear - the man elected as president will die in office. Fear - the man elected will abuse his power. Fear - the man elected won't listen to the voter's needs. Fear - the office will be used to take vengence on the opposing party. Fear - no one will ever trust our free election process again. Fear - America will lose its standing as a super power. Fear - the cycle of self first over country will never end. 

    No one stops to evaluate what toll anxiety/fear plays on our bodies. The constant drumbeat of our way of life can be lost if we vote for the wrong presidential candidate. Studies have shown ndividuals with high levels of anxiety are at increased risk of coronary heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke, fatal ventricular arrhythmias, and sudden cardiac death. Politicians want you to be fearful.

  Anxiety/fear can cause the hippocampus to shrink. The hippocampus is an area of the brain that plays a major role in learning and memory. It’s one of the most affected areas of the brain in individuals experiencing anxiety. The hippocampus connects to the amygdala, and together they control emotional memory recalling and regulation. Damage to the hippocampus can make it difficult for a person to remember things and form new memories. Politicians want you fearful.

Just as stress affects our ability to make new decisions, stress also affects brain chemistry, making it difficult to assess benefits and costs. This can lead to poor decision making where the risks are as great as the rewards. Politicians want you anxious, fearful, and stressed.

  What are the fearful masses of onlookers, potential voters, supposed to think? Well, that is just it. They are supposed to THINK in general. The cherry on top of fear, is RELIGION.  In a major election, there always seem to be a tug of war over God. Each side believes God belongs to them alone and the other should be rejected as evil. Social media has an uptick of "the end of the world" posts and to get right with Jesus. Evangelicals are calling Trump a savior and an equal amount of Christians are declaring him the antichrist. Who do we trust and where do we go for comfort and sanity?

    Our trust and faith should not be tied up in those calling themselves our leaders. They will always fail. Our trust and faith belong to God/Creator and rational thinking. In His word, the Bible, God has told us no one is in a position of power or leadership unless He ordains it. We may ask ourselves - surely when Hitler was in power, God did not ordain that? Well, when Moses went up against the Pharoah of Egypt God said that Pharaoh was put in that particular place of power for God's own particular reason, and He knew that Pharoah would harden his heart against the people he enslaved. 

    The one thing Trump's first presidency showed the world was the heart of man. As the leader, hatred, racism, prejudice, corruption, and bullying ran rampent during his administration. We are still feeling the reprecussions. Even though Donald Trump has been proven for years to be a criminal in several arenas, the people still hold him in high esteem, or up high on their own debased hearts and minds.
    Why would God have such a man, as Pharoah, over His choosen people? Without that particular Pharoah we would not have had a chance to read about God's miracle after miracle after miracle of saving the Israelites from bondage. Even though it may not seem like it, God is in control at all times over all nations. It is the behavior of his followers that is more important than the corrupt leaders. God has always been concerned with the HEART condition of man. The 21st century has dealt us some serious blows. The people are enraged at the government and the Christian leaders are concerned with their own political agendas. What are the Christians and masses to do? 

     Also in the Bible there is a man named Judas, who in his attemt to ensure right was done, did the unthinkable. Judas wanted to revolt against corrupt government rulers, to fight them with the same measure. Even if he was on the right side, his behavior was the same as those he viewed as evil; violent and divisive. Judas lost sight of his heart condition.

     My book, "The Politics of Prayer" examines the importance of prayer and wisdom when turmoil abounds. There is nothing new under the sun and history is filled with corrupt leaders and revolutions by the oppressed. My book has qoutes by presidents and influential leaders during times when chaos reigned in government. Examples such as during the Cival War each side, North and South, prayed diligently for victory. Each claimed God was on their side. My book reminds the reader to make sure to take care of their heart condition no matter who is in political power. I have collected Bible verses which instruct the reader how true change is accomplished when it comes to politics and how they are supposed to carry themselves when corruption runs rampant. 

    Many people, including Christians are wondering, "How can I survive this harsh economic time and leadership I do not agree with?" The answer for all of our troubles has been to rest and trust in God. All things fade away, but God and His word are everlasting.  Blind loyalty does not belong to a Republican or Democrat, in the end they are all flawed humans. There has to be a higher standard worthy of your trust.     For a perspective on how to live today as an example of Christianity when all others are trying to solve problems through their own devices, read my book. It will renew your mind and spirit as you walk daily with the Lord. At the end of each chapter is a prayer for you to pray as we deal with the circus of our political leaders. And, after reading the book, don't forget to vote.

DON'T FORGET: purchase my book "The Politics of Prayer" available on and 
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