Wednesday, March 16, 2022

INTERVIEW: Nicky Shearsby, author



Choosing a genre that is a fit for a writer is important. Many writers are creatively gifted and can go seamlessly from one genre to the next before deciding which they enjoy the most. Author, Nicky Shearsby, is such a writer able to go from non-fiction to fiction without missing a beat. Her secret to being a happy fulfilled writer, AUTHENTICITY.


What is the name of your book/genre?

My debut novel is Psychological Thriller, called To The Bitter End. It tests true friendship, asking a fundamental question. How far would you go for the one you love? It contains dark material, suffering and aggression.

When did you start your writing career?  

I started writing when I was a child and have been writing most of my life. I wrote non-fiction for a few years for different businesses before taking early retirement to write novels full time in 2020.

Did you have support from family/friends/community?

I have a wonderful loving husband who is my rock. The Twitter community has also been an invaluable support.

What is most difficult about an author’s life? 

I don't find the life of an author difficult. I am doing the one thing I always dreamed of doing. I love the peace and solace writing provides. For most, the isolation may be an issue, but not for me.

As a woman do you feel an obligation to write on women’s issues (in some form)?

I touch on the dark subject of humanity. My writing shows the workings of the human mind, be it male or female. I don't stereotype. It is why I love what I do. Humanity experiences many issues. I would like readers to see things from a different perspective.

Do you create stereotypical female characters i.e., weak, need to be saved?

I do not create stereotypical females. Every one of us are different, with differing needs and emotions. I write REAL people, from the mindsets of each character.

Do you try to be politically correct or stay away from politics/controversial current event as plots?

I tend not to write about current affairs. It has the downside of dating a book. I do not wish to offend, only to showcase how humanity functions. 

What makes a woman a success?

As a woman, success comes when you are free to be yourself, do what makes you happy and not answer to others. I set my own rules, my own goals, challenging the norm. Success for women means always being your true authentic self.

My work can be found on my website - including links to books and retailers -

My debut novel was launched - 22nd February 2022. 

Visit, follow, and support Nicky Shearsby who graced us with an inside look into the life of a writer and author.


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