Monday, September 8, 2014

White People Aren't Racist For Wanting Dreads OMFG

I ran across this article and I wanted to share it because I want all points of view about dreadlocks and people who wear them. Makala Beker is the author of the article and has given me permission to use it in my dreadlock project. A big thanks to her and thank you for expressing your point of view. As you read the article please understand the importance of people freely expressing themselves which is at the core of this dreadlock project. The hairstyle as we say, is more than just a hairstyle. It carries an historical significance that can not be erased with time. In this twenty first century of awareness, the debate has hit the table over a hairstyle to some and a spiritual way of life for others.

I applaud the author's willingness to just put it out there on the table. I appreciate her freedom of expression and how it will contribute to the dialogue on why people love dreadlocks and the view on who can and cannot wear dreadlocks. Once again, a big thank you to the author.

Did u know. that human beings. are entitled to have whatever goddamn hairstyle they fucking please? Because they are!!

In no fucking way is a white person wanting dreads racist. It is a form of self expression. When people see clothes they like, they buy them. When people want a tattoo, they pay someone to have a needle with ink on it stabbed into them. When people want a hairstyle, by golly, they go and get it.

Yes, dreads have African roots historically. Fucking duh. It is also how a black person’s hair naturally ends up. Wow. I'm aware, in no way am I saying that this in unimportant. I'm saying it's stupid to say a white person cannot have a hairstyle because it has African roots. That’s like saying black people can't use a fucking light bulb because a white guy invented it. More relatively, thats like saying black people can't get weave to make their hair look naturally curly or straight or whatever the fuck because white people’s hair is naturally like that.

All u bitches tryin to say “Oh do whatever makes you happy it's your body don't let what others say.” Then a white person who has been wanting this hairstyle for a hot minute now finally gets the courage to go out and do it and you hypocritical cunts turn around like “NO! BAD! U CANT HAVE DREADS, THEY BELONG TO BLACK PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!”

WELL BOY DO I HAVE NEWS FOR YOU. Not only is it not your fucking business what kind of hair a person has, it - is- hair. I'ts a fucking fad. Get over it. In no way is it affecting you.

ALSO DID U KNOW not everything is some fucking stupid social justice issue. I know that may come as a shock. Some of you are probably staring at your computer screen, jaw dropped and eyes bulging out of your sockets, but its true. Not everything a social justice issue. Repeat after me: NOT. EVERYTHING IS -A - SOCIAL - JUSTICE. ISSUE. A white person wanting dreads does not make them racist nor is it fucking close to a racial issue. Stop sucking the fun out of every fucking thing because you gotta nit pick to find something offensive.

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