Monday, January 24, 2022

An Apple a Day Divided by a Thousand Years

    Even when you are having a conversation with a male chauvinist you still can learn a thing or two if you can use filters with your listening skills.

    I was talking to a handsome 6ft tall man, and he was explaining to me how the young generation of men needed to be programmed to take back their rightful place and be over (in charge) of women. Women should learn to be submissive as instructed by the Bible.

    After hearing how men carry babies their entire lives (in their testes) while women are only used as the earth to nourish the seed of life until it is ready to be given life that was initially given to the newly formed human by the man-the baby carrier. For one moment I wanted to launch into a basic genetics conversation and then I thought better of the idea.

    As he continued to ramble on about the war between the sexes and my temples throbbed with each example of how women were a deadly enemy of man, he suddenly took a breath and made an admission I found profound.

    He said men do not seem to have a self-regulating stopping point for doing stupid things. A woman will do stupid things, get to a certain point, and decide she doesn't want to continue with the same course of action. But ask a man 'Why did you do that stupid thing?" and he will answer like Scooby Doo- UHDONKNOW.

    If you ask a woman the same question, she will tell you what led her to the action and the point she realized it was wrong, not working for her, not good for her children, career, or future goals. She would have a list of why she did and stopped doing stupid stuff.

    He then went on to ask me about a Bible quote 2 Peter 3:8 "But do not forget this one thing dear friends, with the Lord a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like a day." I knew the passage. Then he said, you know when Eve ate from the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:15-17), I said yes. He went on to say she ate of it first and then Adam second (Genesis 3:6-7). He then said the shocking thing.

    If a day is like a thousand years with God, then I wonder what those first few seconds or minutes Eve was exposed to knowledge benefited her intelligence over the man?


    We have always said baby girls learn to talk, walk, and toilet train faster than baby boys. We have pretty much accepted that teenage girls mature faster than teenage boys. And when it comes to multi-tasking women can get things done. But could it be due to her (woman) being exposed first and supposedly the longest to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge? I really think this is food for thought.

No need for a revolution or any 'I told you so's' it is just food for thought.

    What about that mother's intuition people speak of so much? The Tree of Knowledge gave access to good and evil. Are those gut feelings part of that first eye opening experience for women? I don't know.

    But the biggest lesson I learned through all of this is that it takes two people to argue, but it takes a wise person to take something good from even the most offensive, ideological conversations and opinions.  

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