Monday, January 24, 2022

Is Planned Parenthood the Enemy?


    In the "Alan Guttmacher Institute" it was reported in 2001-July, 37% of all abortions are performed on Protestant women: 18% of all abortions are done on born again Protestants which constitute 30% of the American adult population. The abortion index by religion during 1994-1995 was found to be: Protestants 0.69%, non-Judeo-Christian religion 0.78%, Catholics 1.01%, Jews 1.08% and persons who do not follow an organized religion 4.02%. this information was prepared by "Roper Center for Public Opinion Research, Storrs, CT, in 1995 from five Gallop polls. 2010 Census Statistics on increase or decrease of birthrates by races have not been released, but there has been a reported increase in the Hispanic population.

The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform has statistics on abortion from information obtained in the late 90's (


Number of abortions per year: 1.37 Million (1996)

Number of abortions per day: Approximately 3,700

Who's having abortions (age)?

52% of women obtaining abortions in the U.S. are younger than 25: Women aged 20-24 obtain 32% of all abortions; Teenagers obtain 20% and girls under 15 account for 1.2%.

Who's having abortions (race)?

    While white women obtain 60% of all abortions, their abortion rate is well below that of minority women. Black women are more than 3 times as likely as white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are roughly 2 times as likely. ***note from me: if having 60% of abortions that only leaves 40% to be split by other ethnicities and it will not be more in total number only rate appears higher***** The word likely to have an abortion is not the same as 'does' have an abortion.

Who's having abortions (marital status)?

64.4% of all abortions are performed on never-married women; Married women account for 18.4% of all abortions and divorced women obtain 9.4%.

Who's having abortions (religion)?

    Women identifying themselves as Protestants obtain 37.4% of all abortions in the U.S.; Catholic women account for 31.3%, Jewish women account for 1.3%, and women with no religious affiliation obtain 23.7% of all abortions. 18% of all abortions are performed on women who identify themselves as "Born-again/Evangelical".

Who's having abortions (income)?

    Women with family incomes less than $15,000 obtain 28.7% of all abortions; Women with family incomes between $15,000 and $29,999 obtain 19.5%; Women with family incomes between $30,000 and $59,999 obtain 38.0%; Women with family incomes over $60,000 obtain 13.8%.

Another breakdown of statistics on abortions show which groups are having abortions

Age Group & Race

                     '72       '76        '80       '85        '90       '91       '92        '93         '94

<=19            32.6     32.1     29.2    26.3      22.4     21.0      20.1     20.0       20.2

20-24           32.5     33.3    35.5     34.7      33.2     34.4      34.5     34.4       33.5

>=25            34.9     34.6    35.3     39.0      44.4     44.6      45.4     45.6       46.3


White           77.0      66.6    69.9     66.6      64.8     63.8      61.5     60.9       60.5

Black           23.0      33.4    30.1     29.8      31.8     32.5      33.9     34.9        34.7

Other                                                 3.5        3.4       3.7        4.6        4.2         4.8

Source: Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, January 3, 1997, Vol. 45 / Nos. 51 & 52. Published by Centers for Disease Control, Atlanta.

    I put all of these statistics on my blog not to defend having abortions. The biblical stance on abortion would be not to have one, sorry there is no way around this fact of Christianity. I did put this information here to dispel the belief that if you get rid of Planned Parenthood you would do away with people getting rid of unwanted unplanned pregnancies. I have heard people blame Obama for abortion and I think how ridiculous to blame the president. Women choose to have abortions and women are the only one, if finger pointing is to be done, who should be pointed at.

    In our democratic society people choose what they want through the process of voting. At one time in our medical history, it was considered a moral sin to use corpses for medical students to study the systems of the human body, this criminal activity, so dubbed by the religious institutions went on to save countless lives. Of course, abortion does just the opposite, it destroys lives. To decide to institute obstacles in the everyday citizen's life to keep them from sinning against God would take more government intrusion than anyone is willing to submit too.

    The argument is "what about the babies?" and I can understand the heart felt concern about the unborn, but the parent still has this right by law to do what they want to with their unborn child. We sit by daily and know children are being abused sexually and emotionally and say we cannot intrude in on the horrible parenting skills we may be witnessing. We choose not to teach parenting skills as part of school curriculum because we may not agree with the parenting skills being taught, but we will step in on a parent's decision when it comes to abortion because that is murder and no longer a private matter.

    In life we try to have things both ways and every way. I believe once you have told a person what God condones and does not condone you have done your part. We all make choices that are bad (not on such a level as aborting a fetus) and deal with the consequences and sometimes we must let others have their consequences of their actions.

    Would I be alright if abortion was outlawed? YES. Will that stop abortions? NO. Who will follow women whose desire is not to have an unwanted child? Who will continue to police them? Who polices you to ensure you are making moral decisions in your life?

    Continue to speak up for what you believe and what God wants, but remember you are not God. God does not force anyone to choose not to sin.

    My greatest surprise, as always, was that there were statistics on religious women having abortions. At one time in American history a family consisted of several children often hitting double digits. Now the average is 2.1 children per household. What happened to the birthrate in the Christian household? While we continue to try and force the non-Christian to adhere to Biblical teachings, the church body needs to work on its own abortion statistics. Living by example- actions instead of just words has always worked. Jesus' earthly ministry proves this everlasting fact

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