Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Feminization of America


    If you are a viewer of Fox News then you may be familiar with the term "feminization of America." Fox News warns men are being overrun by women even the military is becoming feminine. Women are making America "girly" and making all the rules. Manliness is under attack.

     Many men have expressed a concern regarding the “feminization” of the America. This idea America is becoming feminized is due to the fact women entered the work force in jobs once only occupied by men. Women have entered the political arena as well as the military. As women entered society in all the facets it offered, they brought along with them values like nurturing and caring, emotion and sentimentality, connection and community, passivity and submission, vanity and appearance, cooperation and equality, openness and access, and manipulation and influence all traits considered feminine. These feminine traits began to shape how jobs were performed and competency viewed. Aggressive heavy-handed forms of supervision were no longer seen as necessary for productive job performance or promotion. Emotional intelligence became as highly regarded as academic or technical intelligence.

     Another point should be made from birth men are influenced by a female. His first influencer and educator is his mother. Once he becomes school age his teacher who tends to be female is another influencer and instructor. In the workplace there is now a greater possibility he may have a female boss or at least interact with a woman in a supervisory position and receive medical care from a female dominated medical field. It seems the influence of women can not be escaped on any level, and it was just a matter of time before the characteristics which defines womanhood would rub off on the men the women interacted with daily on many levels in society. It is clear, for men to reclaim their role in society education will be an avenue to obtain or retain their feeling of living into their role of protector, provider, and procreator. If we acknowledge the increasing influence of feminine traits on society, we must acknowledge the decline of the masculine influence on society. 

    The response of men to the increasing influence of women on society is to become antagonistic or take a stance of opposition towards women. This may make the man feel better but, it does nothing to change the dynamic. Polarization is destructive. Working towards a common good should be the focal point. Women have had to assume the role of protector, provider, protector in single parent households which have increased in the 21st Century so their influence in society will continue to increase out of necessity. To balance the feminine influence of America men will have to work in partnership with women on all fronts of life but most importantly returning to the foundation of the nuclear family. Once healthy marrying practices returnm men and women will work together to forge an America that supports partnership of man and woman.

Don't forget to purchase my book When Will Eve Be Forgiven? available on and my book Manhood Interrupted an Answer For The Red Pill Man release date February 2022. 


  1. Excellent post. Apparently the blood of Jesus does not wash women "white as snow" as we are still held to the so-called sin of Eve.

    1. Thanks for the comment and yes we are still held accountable for sin more than other biblical figures


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