Monday, January 24, 2022

Christianity Stabbed in the Back By Evangelicals


    I am a Christian and I know my head is spinning around just like Linda Blair's head did in the movie the Exorcism as she spewed out green pea soup vomit. My head isn't the only head spinning, other heads are and spinning, spitting, and spewing out the pea soup of TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT. Let me make it perfectly clear why my head is spinning. My head is spinning at the flip flop of the Church in its attempt to shape the outcome of the 2024 election. Evangelicals are going against their own teachings and beliefs.The are losing their integrity and bringing suspicions on Christianity as a whole. My heart bleeds for the Christians who are in a stupor of confusion.

"Therefore, let us stop passing judgement on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way." Romans 14:13

"Be careful, however, that the exercise of your freedom does not become a stumbling block to the weak." 1 Corinthians 8:9

    Why have I pulled these two passages from the Bible, and not go into the context of which they were spoken, to make a foundation for my post? Because these words speak so well to what is causing my head to spin and my concern for other Christians, those who are babes in Christ, and for the secular world who are watching Christians and their actions in the public political arena.

    For years, rightly or wrongly, Christianity has taught congregations or warned them in depth about other religions in which they consider to be cults.

    The Four Major Cults Evangelicals point to are: Christian Science, Jehovah's Witnesses, and Mormonism. Wait! One denomination labeled as a cult by Evangelicals is missing. You're right. I wanted to draw your attention to a qoute from an article I found before naming the last cult.
    "For decades evangelicals have diligently and faithfully attempted to identify, analyze and warn the church against cults. Included in the standard list are Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Science, Unity School of Christianity, Sun Myung Moon's Unification Church, etc. Yet the most seductive, dangerous and largest cult (many times larger than all of the rest combined) is not included in the list! Most cult experts refuse to identify this horrendous cult as such! Instead, they accept it as "Christian."… facts of which I myself was ignorant years ago when I, too, failed to identify the Roman Catholic Church as the cult it is… Were Luther, Calvin and the other Reformers alive today, they would denounce Roman Catholicism as the largest and most dangerous cult on earth!... Mormons must blindly obey Joseph Smith and his successors;"  A Cult is a Cult, Dave Hunt.
Did you catch the 4th denomination many Christians believe is a cult? Yep. Catholicism.
    In the pews of many Sunday Schools or in the early evening of Bible Studies, and yes, in Seminaries across the United States, it has been drummed into the Christian mind that there are cults, and you should do everything to evangelize lost people and bring them to Christ.
    But the political arena of 2012 changed this teaching/preaching. For the first time in history, there was a Republican who was a Mormon who at one point looked like he could be the Republican presidential candidate to go up against the Democratic nominee. His name was Mitt Romney. What was a Christian to do? There must have been some kind of conflict occurring in their spirit? They must have had to decide: "Do we continue to refer to Mormons as a cult as we have been doing for years, or do we become silent and back a Mormon Republican?" Heads everywhere must have been spinning or even exploding in churches across America at the thought of backing a Mormon.
    What WERE the views of Evangelicals regarding Mormonism? The Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant branches of Christianity reject Mormon claims of additional scriptures, and of the prophetic office of Joseph Smith and other Mormon leaders. They disagree with Mormon charges that they have committed apostasy. They believe Mormonism can be seen to diverge from traditional Christianity in four areas: its views on scripture, the nature of God and the deification of believers; the deity of Christ and the trinity, and finally, salvationMormons believe in the general accuracy of the modern day text of the Bible, they also believe that it is incomplete and that errors have been introduced. In Mormon theology, many lost truths are restored in the Book of Mormon, which Mormons hold to be divine scripture and equal in authority to the Bible. What was an Evangelical to do?
My point is, the Christian community has been notorious in flip flopping to fit voting REPUBLICAN.
Now at the forefront of the Evangelical's latest political flip flop is former president Donald Trump who they are putting in the same vein as historical biblical figures who were pivotal in the continuation of the religion. They are lifting their presidential candidate so highly until they are being accused of making Donald Trump into a Christian god. Make no mistake. This is a BLACK EYE on Christianity.
But, as I stated earlier, Evangelicals have been flip floppers in the political arena for centuries. At present, we are allies with Israel as they fight their war against Hamaas. Evangelicals have been in the corner of Israelies no questions asked. But now there are rumblings of not wanting their American money continually used to support foreign wars. How have Christianity viewed the Jews in the first place?
    Evangelists have always believed Jews needed to accept Jesus as the Messiah, but only said it behind closed doors. Evangelism of Jews has always been hampered by the fact Jews believe Christians seem not to be able to decide if they worship 3 Gods - God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, and the vast number of denominations they have. The large number of denominations within the Christian religion, according to one account, are more than 38,000 different denominations, with each saying the other is apostate, out of the will of God. This division damaged the integrity of those claiming the religion in the eyes of the Jewish people. INTEGRITY, or the loss of integrity has been a part of Christianity.
    Integrety was lost by the Evangelicals in the 2012 election and is taking a really big hit in this 2024 presidential election.
    What do Evangelicals believe? They believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His virgin birth, in His sinless life, in His miracles, in His vicarious and atoning death through His shed blood, in His bodily resurrection, in His ascension to the right hand of the Father, and in His personal return in power and glory. 
    Love has always been considered central in Christian faith. It refers both to the nature of God and to the orientation and quality of Christian discipleship. The Bible confronts Jews and Christians with the divine command to love God, other humans, and their own selves. Thus, in both traditions love has always been more than feeling, emotion, and passing sensation. It involves acts of accepting God’s gift of loving relationship and covenant; of willing to develop faithful relations with God, other people, God’s creation and one’s own emerging self; and of desiring transcendence and transformation of both self and other.
    Most Christians believe that the greatest commandment is "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment"; in addition to the second, "thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself", these are what Jesus Christ called the two greatest commandments (see Mark 12:28–34, Luke 10:25–28, Matthew 22:37–39, Matthew 7:12; cf. Deuteronomy 6:5, Deuteronomy 11:13, Deuteronomy 11:22, Leviticus 19:18, Leviticus 19:34).
    This is what the 'faithful' have been told for years. But no more, it appears. All of these beliefs are being turned on their head while the pea soup spewers are calling Democrats, people who hate God, evil, lost, and sinful, bound for hell. And if 'we', the right people, must vote for a president who does not display or champion any of our beliefs, we will say and do anything to that end, even label him as our hero or savior. We will use witty banter, jokes, or claims of your freedoms are in jeopardy to ensure the Republican vote. We will look over crime, greed, and corruption to have what WE want to have. We will tarnish GOD, JESUS, AND THE HOLY SPIRIT IF NECESSARY. Case in point. Here is a joke during the presidential campaign of 2012.

    Channeling Mike Huckabee, Vic Eliason of Voice of Christian Youth America said that “Mormons do believe that Jesus and Beelzebub, or the devil, are kid brothers.” He went on to say that Mormons “believe that someday God is going to put you on your own planet and you will be a God in charge of your own planet,” warning that “if those things happen, who knows, we might have a president who would suddenly evacuate the White House and go to another planet and become a God!”

******* insert here: HEAD SPINS      HEAD SPINS      HEAD SPINS!   ***********

    The most damning thing about the power and influence of Evangelicals to be a king maker is today, 176 million Americans claim to be Christians—69% of the population. Yet, only 6% of U.S. adults—which is 9% of those identifying as Christians—possess a biblical worldview, believing the Bible to be accurate and reliable, among other convictions. According to Pew Research, 31% percent of Americans never attend church or synagogue, compared to 20% of Americans who attend every week. Fifty-seven percent of people who identify as Christians do not attend church according to a gallop poll. The statistics show Christians are not PRACTICING their faith. Backing a Republican of Donald Trump's character, show they are not LIVING their faith. 

The Christian Right is seizing the day to take their country back and it does not matter what is sacrificed in this effort: INTEGRITY.

    Many men have attempted to gain sole power in their country before. Donald Trump elevates himself to a status of the only one being able to save a country. Who else in history can we draw a parallel to this self-crowning (which the founding fathers actually established the way every citizen of the United States could demonstrate their wishes as to who would have these powers by voting rights)? The Great Caesar, once loved and admired by many. Julius Caesar did not hold the title of emperor, as that title was not used in Rome during his lifetime. However, he did aspire to consolidate power and be recognized as the sole ruler of Rome. In 44 BC, he was appointed dictator perpetuo, meaning dictator in perpetuity, which effectively gave him supreme authority. Is this in the future for Trump if he wins the 2024 election?

    Napoleon would go on to crown himself an emporer and we have no idea the title Hitler would have chosen if his plan for world control and power would have been successful.

    People are calling for smaller government, but it actually seems like they want to kill government. It is the rich 1% of aristocrats stiring up the poorer 99% to fits of rage and sadly, there are many Evangelical leaders trying to rise to be1%ers if they are not already. Mega churches mean mega money. Will this attitude have some unforeseen consequences?

    Christianity is stabbing itself in the back and have been doing so for years. It has culminated and shown it's true self, which is the lust for POWER and GREED. The flip flopping of Evangelicals on their teachings of sin, love, cults, and which denomination is the only TRUE Christian religion and who belongs in it, has been heading to this outcome. Will our ability to be taken seriously as a voice for Jesus, those living Holy lives, and an example for others who would want to follow Jesus continue to remain intact after the 2024 presidential election?? Or will our venom and loss of integrity turn off the world to Christianity?

    All I know is - my head is spinning from listening to the Christians as they engage in politics. I look for the love, grace, and mercy of Jesus as he changed history through his ministry, and I can't see it.

I'll leave you with my main point from my book The Politics of Prayer: "Judas demanded revolt; Jesus commanded love."

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