Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Men Must Dance for Love (women)


For the Red Pill Man attracting a woman is everything. I've noticed the hashtag #datingadviceformen where the strategy is to be cool and aloof and some other alpha male practices. Many men are indignant that they get turned down by women PERIOD. Like "who do she think she is?" So, strategies have been developed and advised on how to get a woman or rather how to have sex with women. One such pearl of advice is below

Part 1: The attraction process

    I have noticed in the animal kingdom there are rules for getting a mate. In the courtship display, which is a set of behaviors in which an animal, usually male, attempts to attract a female. The bowerbird's nest is an extravagant nest built by the male decorated with shiny object usually blue along with flower petals, bones and twigs to attract the female. If it is pretty enough, he wins her and then gets to mate with her. The pufferfish spends days creating symmetrical patterns in the sand reaching up to 2 m in diameter. If the female likes his design, she will lay her eggs in the middle. The greater sage grouse gathers in a group of at least 70 other male birds and fans its tail feathers and inflates an air sac in his chest. The sacs produce pops and whistles to impress the female and then she chooses the most impressive to mate with. The male peacock displays his brightly colored feathers. The one with the most impressive display gets to mate. The Adelie penguin gathers smooth pebbles to present to the female, if she likes the pebbles, they build a nest together. The nursery web spider brings gifts of carcasses wrapped in silk to give to the female.


    By nature's design it is the male who must impress the female before mating is to take place. He is displaying superior genes, ability to provide, and strength to protect. Women want these same attributes in a man.

    But somewhere the formular went wrong and women are spending millions of dollars on perfume, makeup, hair extensions, high heels, and sexy clothes to attract men, which goes against nature. Once a woman puts in all that effort to attract a man, she is looking for a prime return on her investment. I have a theory as to why this flip in the courtship display changed in humans and I speak about it in my book When Will Eve Be Forgiven?

    Regardless which way the process of courtship occurs, whether the male battles it out between another man to prove his worthiness or women have plastic surgery to look more attractive, the woman will always get to select who she prefers to mate with. There are always some hacks to make things easier or quicker in life. But mating has always been done with the knowledge if not intention, to produce offspring. True manhood, as I write about in Manhood Interrupted An Answer For The Red Pill Man, is for him to guard his sexuality. Select women to engage with who you could see having and nurturing your children. Traditional manhood is protector, provider, procreator. Men abdicated procreator by not caring who has their children. When men left dignity in procreation, they lost dignity in protector and provider.  

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