Monday, January 24, 2022

Republican Red Red Whine


It's everywhere and it seems to be a very good year. The best grapes selected, every drop of juice squeezed, bottled, and aged to perfection. And it is a red, red, elephant whine.
Gone are the days when the GOP let fly fiery darts of racist dog whistles, sling shots filled with slurs, machine guns spewing accusations, and torpedoes laced with conspiracy theories; or so the whiners would have us believe.

Offended by Joe Biden's use of the word 'chains' while addressing an audience with what is called 'having a number of blacks in it' is considered by the Right as the most low ball thing a singular person could do. The news is filled with the Right saying SHAME ON YOU and HOW UNACCEPTABLE.  Where have they been living the past three years? 

But, American ears and even the ears of the world do not have short term memory. It will take a lot to top the years of incivility the people have been exposed to by the mouths of the Republican Cult; no I'm not going to become one of those people. I apologize - Republican Party is what I meant.

I know I heard what I have heard: "Communist, Czar, Chicago gangster, food stamp president, not a  true/real 'black' man, leader of DEATH PANELS, Socialist, not American, anointed one, baby killer, warrior against Christianity, destroyer of the family, a liar, and the list goes on and on."  Romney said vote for Obama if you want more free stuff. The Birther lie has been going on for over three years. Alan West, Herman Cain, and Michelle Bachman reminded us of enslavement and plantations, but not in the way history has recorded it. 

Kansas House Speaker Mike O’Neal publicly cited a Bible verse calling for President Obama to be killed, his wife to be widowed, and his children to be orphaned. He’s the very same guy who forwarded an email to state house Republicans referring to the First Lady as “Mrs. YoMamma.”

And Marilyn Davenport, an elected member of the Orange County (California) Republican Central Committee, forwarded her own email in April of last year that included a doctored photo of the President and his parents as monkeys.

Four months later, Colorado Congressman Doug Lamborn candidly said during a radio interview that he didn’t “even want to have to be associated with … (President Obama). It’s like touching a tar baby …”
Speaker John Boehner on August 31, 2011 became the first speaker in history to tell a sitting president that he would not be permitted to deliver an address to a joint session of Congress on the date specifically requested by the White House.
We have come to the REAL time when the GOP has come 'uncorked' and the whine is flowing. Now it is President Obama and Joe Biden who are the grapes of wrath - saying things that degrade both of their offices. Now is the time the GOP has decided to chastise ugly language and behavior. REALLY?
Mitt Romney has asked the president for an apology while he continues to attack. We remember how ruthless his attacks were on Newt; so, we know he will unleash an arsenal of ugliness on the president the closer November 2012 gets.

There has to be a special place in Dante's Inferno reserved for this switcheroo group who denies racism exists and they actually fuel it with every word they utter.
 When does what the eyes see and the ears hear become truth? When will the perpetrators of hate say enough is enough? I know I have had enough. How about you?

Prayer heals
Those who want to be healed

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