Monday, January 24, 2022

What about the man juice part of RAPE? Todd Akin


RAPE is considered to be such an ugly subject until we allow it to live and thrive because we don't want to be exposed to ugly? RAPE is now part of the 2012 political race.

    I wrote a poem that placed in a national poetry contest: "Every Three Minutes" which dealt with the subject of rape. Now, it seems we must be informed as women what the word RAPE means. Todd Akin has brought to our vocabulary the words 'Legitimate Rape' and 'False Rape' and a little-known fact that a woman can 'shut down a pregnancy' resulting from rape. Even the rapist is laughing. But the Christians are standing with Akins. I say, "Someone needs to walk a mile in someone else's shoes." Evangelism is DEAD and was murdered by the GOP in 2012.

    Will women be silent and stand by for the sake of Party loyalty and let a man tell her WHEN she is raped. I'm sorry to say this and I know it may be offensive; but a woman's vote for this man is an assault on women by women. SHAME!!

    This is a subject women should take the lid off of and empower themselves and their daughters to guard against as they live and grow. Understanding the beast is the first step and that those targeted are not to blame. Know the truth, know the myth. Teach the truth and teach the myth.

Myths: Rape is sex, Women incite men to rape, there is a "right way" to respond to a rape situation, etc. Here is a site where you can separate fact from myth:

I encourage every woman, every friend of a woman, and mothers to download this page to keep and refer to at least once a year to remind yourself that rape is real and still happens. To be informed is just another part of loving yourself.

    To hear someone, say that a woman's body makes some kind of JUICES to prevent pregnancy during a rape is the height of ignorance and a sick depraved mind. What JUICE power does a woman have and can activate while someone is entering her private parts against her will. If any juice can be activated, it should be LYE to burn the hell out of the man's penis.

    MUSCULAR CHRISTIANITY I hate this phrase every time I hear it on the intro to a Christian broadcast. Why are all of these muscular men blaming women for everything. Don't the rapist have JUICES!!! Oh, this is one case where men will say women are stronger than them. Women JUICES can trump men Juices. How sickening!!!!

    Has Obama made the men on the Right feel so impotent until they have to beat up on women to feel like men again? There is a WAR ON WOMEN. The emasculated man is kicking the dog when he gets home and yes, it is women. This would be domestic violence since definitions are so important.

As with all of the evils in the world, be wary of how this subject is approached so you will not instill anxiety and paranoia in our young girls. Awareness is a key weapon in the battle against rape.

Womens_eNews posted 25 Facts about Rape in America and I wanted to share them with you.

1.The FBI’s definition of “forcible rape” in their Uniform Crime Report (UCR): “The carnal knowledge of a female forcibly and against her will.”

2.What that definition leaves out: anal, oral and statutory rape; incest; rape with an object, finger or fist; rape of men

3.Number of men raped in any year, according to the UCR: 0

4.Estimated number of men actually raped each year, according to the Dept. of Justice: 93,000

5.Number of women raped in 2007 under the UCR definition: 91,874

6.Number of sexual assaults in 2007–which includes rapes the FBI leaves out–according to the National Crime Victimization Survey: 248,300

7.Dept. of Justice estimate of how many women are actually raped each year: 300,000

8.Number of arrests for rape in 2007 (UCR): 23,307

9.Percentage of rapes that result in incarceration: 0.35 percent

10.Number of murders/manslaughters in 2007 (UCR): 17,157

11.Number of arrests for murder/manslaughter in 2007 (UCR): 13,480

12.Percentage of murders that result in incarceration: 20 percent or more

13.Average number of rapes to every murder committed annually: 5 to 1

14.Two of the top five cities in the U.S. with the most “unfounded” (i.e., false or baseless reports, according to police) rapes: New Orleans and Baltimore

15.Percentage of rape reports deemed “unfounded” by New Orleans police in 2008: 60 percent

16.Percentage of rape reports deemed “unfounded” by Baltimore police in 2009: 32 percent

17.Percentage of actual estimated false rape reports in any given year according to research studies: 2-8 percent

18.Percentage of rape reports deemed “unfounded” by the FBI in 2006: 5 percent

19.How Baltimore police once explained their “unfounded” rape rate: “One of the things we know is that victims do lie.”

20.Percentage of rape reports deemed “unfounded” (i.e. falsely reported) by Philadelphia police in 1983: 52 percent

21.The year Philadelphia was forced to clean up its rape reporting practices: 1999

22.Percentage of rape reports deemed unfounded in Philadelphia in 2007: 10 percent

23.What a Philadelphia police officer once called his city’s sex crimes unit: “The lying bitches unit.”

24.“Reasons” women lie about rape, according to Philadelphia’s police department in 1984: revenge; free abortion; covering up truancy, pregnancy, infidelity, lost money, sexual precocity.

25.Number of people who have signed a letter urging the FBI to change its definition of rape: 2,019 (and counting)

    Mr. Akin, you have exposed you are willing to be led by the nose into the land of untruth and lies. You apologized for your choice of words. But have you apologized to the right person? Don't lose your soul to win power.

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