Friday, January 7, 2022

Monogamy overated outdated?


    I have always believed monogamy was an unnatural state for humans. If we were to look at the animal kingdom, few species are monogamous. Why are humans an exception to nature's rule?

    When I was doing some research, I decided to try to trace the origins of monogamy. Guess what I found? Researchers have no concrete answer as to how monogamy began.

     In the caveman day there wasn't any marriage. Men and women lived in a communal style interchanging sex partners as they wanted. The Alpha male freely swapped sex partners. There was not a nuclear family.

    In the earliest writings of the Christian Bible, men had multiple wives. Great heroes and well-known figures of the Bible such as Esau, King Solomon, King David, Gideon, and Jacob had more than one wife. Of course, this was in the Old Testament which we no longer live by. The New Testament in the book of I Timothy instructs overseers and deacons to only have one wife because they hold a position in church, but for the everyday man there was no instruction to have one wife.

    Scientists theorize that as technology for hunting, survival, and housing advanced, the Alpha male importance and skills declined. Men who had less skill in hunting, providing, and protecting had to use a different strategy to be able to attract the female. They started 'wooing' or 'courting' the females. Being attentive and offering niceties made the Beta man desirable while the Alpha man had no need to display these traits. The female now had a choice between males and this Beta male could also provide with the advanced tools. Communal living was also no longer needed as any man could hunt at least small game because of advancements in weapons. Certainty of paternity eventually became a concern due to more mating opportunities for more males and the male became territorial of the female trying to ensure he was taking care of his own offspring and pair bonding developed.

    In my book Manhood Interrupted An Answer To The Red Pill Man I explain it is advancements in technology which makes manhood seem no longer needed. 

    Infidelity, adultery, and divorce rates/statistics are indicators pointing to the difficulty of monogamy. The alternative, polygamy has a high rate of domestic violence, psychological distress, and co-wife conflict. So, what is a person to do? Any relationship will only be as healthy as the individuals in it. Working on self before entering any relationship gives the best chance of a good outcome.

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