Thursday, January 20, 2022

Is Jada Pinkett Smith okay?


     Women love styling their hair. The addition of weaves and extensions have made creating unique hairstyles limitless. Adding color to the hair is also a favorite way to make the chosen hairstyle stand out. Men may wonder why women spend so much money and time on their hair? As with many questions, the Christian Bible may add some insight and why I am concerned about Jada Pinkett Smith.

    In 1 Corinthians 11:13-15 it says, "Judge for yourselves: is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? Does not even nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a dishonor to him, but if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her, for her hair is given her for a covering." The apostle Paul was speaking to the people of the church of Corinth. He was making an argument that a woman's long hair could not be seen as a covering while attending worship service when praying and prophesying but that the long hair demonstrates and supports a covering of the head is needed. So, during New Testament times, women were supposed to cover their head when attending worship services and men heads were supposed to be uncovered. The men of that time wore short hair as not to be viewed as feminine with long hair.

     Of course, Samson had long hair many insist were dreadlocks because the book of Judges 16:13-19 from the Bible says he had 7 locks on his head twice. Samson's mother offered him as a Nazarite vow before his birth meaning he could not shave his head until the vow ended. Any man could take a Nazarite vow, but Samson was the only man recorded to have superhuman strength from his long hair. Jesus is depicted in pictures/art as having long hair confusing him being born in Nazarene, which has nothing to do with a Nazarite vow and not cutting hair. 

    In Africa hair styles distinguished people as to which tribe they belonged, positions held within a tribe, and also if they were royalty. Braiding of hair and other haircare practices were done as a social activity. When slaves were captured and transported to America, the slave's heads were shaved to erase those who may have been warriors, leaders, royalty, or from being recognized for their language so the slaves could not form bonds, continue to revere royals/leaders, or plan escapes.

     In superstition the hair is important also and was to be treated with respect. Hair is considered to hold memories. If your hair is cut, it must be burned so a bird won't make a nest with it which will lead to headaches, and so no person can get it and take your thoughts from you. Hair can be used to gather DNA identity/information and whether you have consumed poisons or taken drugs.

    If you have ever noticed when a woman has a breakup from a man or any sort of life altering negative event, she will cut her hair. She will get a whole new look sometimes, cutting her hair, when she is stressed or embarking on a renewed life. Superstition says memories are kept in your hair and if you want to forget the past, leave memories behind, cut your hair. When Tamar Braxton shaved her head, I said uh oh. And not long after she had a suicide attempt. When Brittany Spears shaved her head, I was like, she is in need of some help. she was struggling publicly with mental illness. And now Jada Pickett Smith has shaved her head due to the hair loss condition alopecia. I say, STAY TUNED.

     Hair is still a definer of women. Long hair to the waist is a tribe, crazy dyed hair is a tribe, close cut hair is a tribe, dreadlocked hair is a tribe, permed hair is a tribe, baby hair swoopers are a tribe, If you don't believe me, look for similarities in how they present themselves in life. We all have our tribes, cliques, social groups, and most times our hair is a connecting feature.

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