Monday, January 17, 2022

Sex as a weapon


    It is no secret men have a high sex drive. It seems they spend the majority of their time thinking about sex, trying to have sex, or having sex. So, it is not strange to hear them complain that women use sex as a weapon or as a bargaining tool and to some degree they are correct.

    There are many legitimate reasons women decline to have sex such as they may be menstruating, have a yeast infection, tired from a long day at work, or worn out by the children. Men can deal with these reasons if they don't happen on a consistent basis. But men are quite aware when sex is being used by women to get him to do or buy thing for them or to punish them.

    Research has shown 80% of relationships start with the woman choosing the man. He may do the approaching, but it is the woman who does the choosing. As soon as a man shows sexual interest in a woman the power balance tips, he is now working to gain her approval. This is the reason why Red Pill men are encouraging men to be aloof and act uninterested in the woman he actually wants. Women control how long a man has to wait before having sex and how often he will have sex 98% of the time. 

    Men want sex, as we know, but women do not realize rejecting men when they want sex makes the man feel rejected within his ideal of his masculinity. It makes him doubt himself as a man. When a man rejects a woman sexually, her self-esteem takes a major hit, and she begins to doubt her attractiveness. It is the same for men. If a woman does not feel like engaging in intercourse, another means of intimacy should come into play that each partner has discussed prior. But this discussion works in established relationships not the still getting to know you relationships. 

    Reasons women delay sex is because it preserves their ability to choose high-quality men. By high-quality men I mean men willing to commit emotionally and invest materially. It takes a beat for a woman to size up a man's potential so she will get to know him a little better before sex is on the table if she is really interested in him.

    Withholding sex enables women to increase the value of their sexuality. When he does get to have sex with her, he will feel it is a special occurrence. Delaying sex helps a woman to manipulate men's perception of her mate value. Highly desirable women are more sexually inaccessible to the average man by definition. Less attractive women can give the impression she's attractive via sexual withholding. If she gives the man, she is attracted to the impression she is too pretty to be just giving herself to any and every man, that man will also start to believe she is prettier than he may have initially thought. 

    Finally, a woman delaying sex lets the woman encourage a man to evaluate her as a long-term partner. Granting sexual access early and often causes men to see a woman as a casual or short-term mate. The man may perceive her as promiscuous and too sexually available for other men, a characteristic that men avoid in committed mates. Many women desperate for relationships will have sex quickly with men. Men do attach sexual hesitation with quality in a woman. Ugly girls give it up quicker.

    Men, nothing happens in a vacuum. Men's attitudes towards women have shaped the sexual behavior of women. If you believe women use sex for power, then you have to ask yourself why does her words not have POWER effects with you? 

    If you say women manipulate men through withholding sex, then you should ask yourself was it her last tool to use to get you to respond to her concerns or needs? Tools women use for manipulation: reason, charm, sulking and crying, begging, silent treatment, and then insults in that exact order. 80% of women will use sex to gain an advantage but I can bet she used several other tool before she decided to withhold sex.  


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